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Posts posted by shirra

  1. 8 hours ago, tdierikx said:

    Having difficulty seeing how a dog can contract coccidia in a vet clinic... hygiene standards would have to be VERY low for that to occur!


    Yes, it seems odd. The vet does leave a water bowl in the carpark but I don't know if he drank from it. They told my daughter they had another case come in at the same time.


    Are they 100% certain that the dog had coccidia only, and not any other issues? Never heard of coccidia affecting the brain or nervous system like that in an adult dog...


    I'm also wondering if the diagnosis was correct as I've heard that coccidia can be found in the faeces of most dogs. Can't help wondering if his symptoms were due to a different issue and the coccidia was incidental.


    I'd be taking the dog to a vet immediately... not waiting to see if things get better on their own. A full checkup including bloods and another faecal float to make sure the coccidia has been effectively treated.


    He has had faecal tests since discharge and no coccidia detected.





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  2. My daughter's 4 year old small dog was infected with coccidia when having his teeth cleaned under anaesthetic. 

    He was hospitalised for 5  days and allowed home once his faeces firmed to the consistency of toothpaste.

    While under vet care he received medication to halt the vomiting, antibiotic to treat the parasitic infection, and ointment for his red raw anus. He was drinking normally and did not require IV fluids.


    He was discharged one week ago and since being home he isn't correctly judging the distance when trying to jump onto the bed, or from floor to arm of lounge. Both of these activities were easy prior to his illness. He has also been observed walking into furniture.

    Is it possible that his brain has been affected? Or his eyesight?


    He will be taken for veterinary assessment if this continues. Meanwhile we would appreciate any helpful comments or information.



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