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Posts posted by shirra

  1. I hung lightweight scarves from some existing cuphooks! They fluttered and flapped beautifully, but it got too hot to let Misha out onto the deck, so I don't know if they will work.

    Hopefully the temperature will drop soon and Misha will take up her post on the deck.

    The scarves should stop the swooping but probably won't stop the bird from screeching from the bottlebrush tree adjacent to the deck.

    Does anyone know where to buy large black plastic birds that hang and sway in the breeze? I know I've seen them somewhere but can't remember where.

  2. Misha is an indoor dog who likes to occasionally hang out on the deck and watch the world go by.

    For the last 2 days our peace has been shattered by a persistent Indian Myna who keeps dive bombing and screeching at Misha.

    Yesterday afternoon I 'lost it' and greatly amused my neighbours by standing guard with an upturned straw broom hoping to whack the bird to kingdom come :o Needless to say it was a waste of time and energy.

    Years ago an Indian Myna speared my cat in the eye and I would hate it if the same happened to Misha. Naturally she looks up at the bird because of the screeching as it dive bombs.

    I would get rid of the Myna's nest if I could find it, but it is too well hidden. I'm thinking it might be best to rig something to scare the bird off. The deck is partly roofed and I could hang things from the edge of the ceiling, but what to use?

    I thought of making some big blackbirds out of cardboard but they wouldn't last if/when it rains.

    Any suggestions for a quick and easy solution?

  3. Well I can't really contribute to this one! Now that I have two cochlear implants I am actually aware when the cats or dogs vocalise without watching them, but I am very slack about putting the processors on until I leave the house.

    Slightly OT, but I will say that prior to my first cochlear implant I was very proud that I had taught my foster failure pug, Cheddar, to speak on command.

    Alas, after implantation and bringing the bionics finally on line, the truth was revealed.

    Cheddar had learned to open and close his mouth like a goldfish on the command "Speak" . doh.gif

    Sigh. I have since retrained him, but his bark on command is not exactly crisp, due to my stuff-up.


    Hoping not to offend but this gave me a good giggle!

  4. Your love of Roo, and your bravery and determination has touched so many. I'm so sorry that you now have to deal with the emotional pain giving Roo her wings. Be very kind to yourself, we are all here for you.

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