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Everything posted by Brandiandwe

  1. We've spoken about it. Apparently I'd get the girls and he'd get the boy. In reality I suspect I'd get them all because of practicality but I would hope we could retain enough civility to come to an agreement. Unless he cheated on me, in which case there would be no problem cause no one would find the body. :laugh:
  2. Vet Friends is also offering free board for pets impacted by the fires. Contact the Epping Vet Clinic on Carlingford Rd for info. They'll provide food, bedding and exercise and can do transport too. I'm hoping to donate some food for them but will hear back about that soonish.
  3. From last night: thunder is not as frightening with the right company.
  4. Just a question for the older and wiser heads on the forum: is the above the new definition of purebred? If so, I need to adjust my ideas.
  5. I like these games! Ulysses aka Odysseus of Trojan Horse fame OR playing on other meanings? James Joyce Telemachus Troy Odyssey Homer Dante Blockbuster Nora Barnacle Leopold Bloom Dublin Fairytale/ Story Molly Bloom Penelope (this one might be a bit weird) Bloomsday Tennyson (or Lord/ Alfred or Lord Alfred Tennyson. Or just Alfred?) Telegony Gerty MacDowell More male than female names here.
  6. This. They have also taught me that I don't melt in the early morning rain and that morning walks are one of my great joys, what it means to be loved unconditionally, that lizards are to be unsuccessfully chased and birds cheat by flying. Contentment is found in small and simple things, trust is earned by increments. That the difficult, quiet dog who no-one looks at is sometimes the most rewarding. And other things.
  7. I'm obviously just naive. I assume that having taken on an animal and made them family, that I am responsible for them and all of their health care from then on. Assuming that I have got an animal from an ethical and good breeder and got an animal fit for purpose (as a pet, hot water bottle and general fur distributer), then I cannot imagine asking the breeder for help unless it was something they knew about beforehand OR had found out after I had the said puppy. I think it very sad that people think in any other way.
  8. It's awful here. I can only reiterate that if any GTers need somewhere to come, somewhere for their dog, food, whatever, please let me know. Meanwhile I'm looking at the smoke haze and crying inside.
  9. Sending 'Come home Mr Huxley' vibes to you. I hate fireworks. DH has a touch of PTSD and none of the dogs like them either.
  10. I still have that dog! She's great but high prey, dominant and reactive. I felt awful nit, an instructor told me that the class was where she was supposed to be naughty! And it did get better!
  11. Even where I am (near Hornsby) the air is full of fire smell. Hayfever central. All I can think: OMG, these poor people. At Northmead it's the same. I won't be outside today because of asthma, but it really does pale into insignificance!
  12. Thankful for the cool change at least. Haven't looked at the news or gone outside yet.
  13. Edited: sorry. There are apparently other threads on this topic in Off Topic, but for those of us too new to post there yet..... Thoughts to all DOLers and their families and friends (skin and fur) who are impacted by these fires. Extra white light to the animals in shelters and pounds or who are lost in the affected areas. Thinking of you all. Mods, if this is inappropriate, please let me know.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I must admit that I avoid anything not made in Australia, but this really brings things home.
  15. Yes. As far as I know he is. As I posted above, he's being advertised through defence networks so hopefully someone will step up. The majority of the dogs do get reformed this way. If not, hubby and I can provide a temporary home but he won't be a great mix with our greys. I'm also happy to try to contact them and meet him in person to get more info. And I have contact details if anyone would like them.
  16. Shantiah, thanks for posting the full link. Lovely to catch up with you the other day at the show. Paige and Pickles looked great but little Rolf is divine. When can I come get puppy cuddles?
  17. I don't know what the answer is. I have three. I'm campaigning for a fourth dog, but it probably won't be a grey. Unless someone special comes along. We're doing our best to change perceptions. Brandi is a therapy dog and does a better job than some more traditional breeds. Hermon wins hearts everywhere. Paige ...... doesn't. Lol. I hate seeing greys in pounds. I hate seeing greys needing help. But programs like the report don't necessarily help because it puts good trainers and breeders off engaging with the public. Although awareness needs to be raised, and also about exporting the dogs to Macau.
  18. Greyhounds might be another breed to consider. Cancer is a possibility, but they are otherwise very healthy dogs. I know Hermon will have arthritis in one of his front legs due to racing, and possibly elsewhere, but my two girls never raced and I'm hopeful we might have them for another 11 years taking their age to 14.
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