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Everything posted by ness

  1. Interesting thoughts guys - hmm just to clarify this question wasn't addressed specifically at Ness but rather people's general views on what constitutes high drive/low drive about anything!!! what markers people use to suggest that a dog is one or the other or even middle of the road. The situation which was asked about in the email was specifically agility and it came out of the fact there was an advertised low drive session and alternatively a high drive session. I was just curious as to what defines the difference. I initially said low drive because she misses masters jumping times by a couple of seconds but I was reconsidering my answer after talking with a few people. Funnily enough Ness is very foody so would say she is high food drive and loves her obedience but is only a moderate speed agility dog. She has high prey drive when that prey is "trucks, boats, remote control planes, garbage trucks, the postie" or even around sheep.
  2. ROFL they must be. Hmm I know one of them is actually awake cos we already had a discussion regarding Ness's foot and the fact I am NOT to work her today no matter how much she whinges .
  3. God will you two give me a break this was a SERIOUS question and you are corrupting it with frivilty before its even started.
  4. Hey I am trying to have a serious discussion here PAX . ETA Its not dog training drive I am lacking its PhD studying drive - two completely separate drives .
  5. Somebody raised this question in an email to me the other day when I was going on about Ness being a low drive dog - quite frankly what got me thinking was they asked is she really and what makes her one? Having given this question a bit of thought I am not totally convinced that she is so was wondering what characteristics people consider a low drive dog and on the other hand what makes a dog high drive. Do you take into account the typical characteristics of any particular breed so what might be an average drive working breed might be a high drive compared to other breeds? Are dogs high drive at some things but not others - so can you have a high drive obedience dog but a low drive agility dog for example? Anybody got any thoughts?
  6. Actually that link just gave me a thought as to where I had seen it in Australia. Try vet-n-pet direct - link below http://www.vetnpetdirect.com/home.php?cat=371
  7. A few alternative sources (admittedly overseas) but never had problems with them. Try Dogwise: http://www.dogwise.com/ItemDetails.cfm?ID=DTB503 Another basic clicker book - Australian source. Clicker Basics for Dogs and Puppies http://www.agilityclick.com/prod145.htm (Australian)
  8. Just noticed your in Adelaide. I have a brilliant dvd of some of your non typical breeds doing some fantastic stuff. The women on the DVD trained whippets for competition obedience but there is the most gorgeous basset hound on there as well as some others. Are you entered next weekend at the GSD club?
  9. Open and UD or just open PAX - or has she released another and NOT told her greatest fan club. Hmm I haven't even attended a seminar and I get guru treatment . What comes of belonging to a few lists and being referred to as the list baby - they all love holding my hand and I am so appreciative of it.
  10. :rolleyes: Well we gave you one recommedation didn't we. Gurus would be the likes of Gina O'Keefe, Sue Hogben, Sandi Gee (just to name a select few). I swear I could just publish there emails and like I said we would have enough to call it the 101 methods of teaching whatever obedience exercise you like. ETA. If you want some fantastic training dvds the likes of Patty Ruzzo and Ted Turner are just brilliant.
  11. Hehehe she does luv me after all :rolleyes: . But I still think some of these Australian guru's should put out a book. Oh if you want an Open level one Gina O'Keefe's one is fantastic but I think she said she sold out. .
  12. Hmm I could answer this but since PAX is habitating this thread I can't cos she doesn't speak to me anymore :rolleyes: , but for what its worth I love Morgan Spector to. :rolleyes: ETA. Although I find guru emails much more useful now then any text book. I keep telling them I should just collate them all and we could have a 101 ways to teach Open and UD - especially gloves and scent .
  13. Oh yes she understands that all right but how the hell do you transfer the fixation on me back onto the object - whether that be food bowl/toy/glove whatever.
  14. Nope never do that but I do place food behind her when I do a change of positions and expect her to drop or sit or whenever I feel like rewarding her before I release her to the food. We do the same with heeling. Food containers on the ground will heel with me and then I'll release her to them.
  15. Like I said as far as the DB retrieve for obedience its not been of a particular concern. She is straight out and straight back with the article. But when you add extra possibilities into the retrieve equation that you have when you have the 3 gloves out its easy for them to forget.
  16. Yes I realized you were thinking for agility Vickie but still its a situation where you don't want the dog burning holes in your face with the power of there stare .
  17. Yes I know but after a HUGE history of being reinforced for attention its not easy .
  18. Funny you mentioned that Vickie, I was thinking specifically in the context of my latest battle which is teaching a UD directed retrieve. I taught Ness to watch me when her food was placed down and this inadvertently carried over to her DB retrieves where she looks up at me before I send her. Now we battle to get lock in and focus on the gloves because she thinks she needs to look at me before I send her. This is one situation where I want her looking at the glove and not at my face.
  19. Yep she is certainly a top trainer. Guys take copious notes for me please. I was doing the sums and I not sure I would gain much at this stage in time so won't be making the trip over. Mostly cos I already have all Gina's "top secret" information and anything I don't have she is only an email away. Enjoy it you'll certainly have a great time and no I haven't been paid to say how wonderful she is.
  20. Oh Gina is good at fixing that - she helped me out with Ness and now she is semi back in the picture in a trial but don't give up as I am sure you will get there.
  21. You'll certainly be in for a brilliant weekend - Gina is just fantastic and a very genuinely lovely person.
  22. Anybody have any ideas on doggy friendly accomodation around Geelong.
  23. Pity your not closer else I'd chuck 3kg of puppy food your way. I just noticed on your website that you had 11. WOW that must be a pretty impressive sized BC litter. Hope mum and bubs are well.
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