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Posts posted by Pjrt

  1. Scruffy Grufs wiry hair was getting a bit out of control so i decided to hand strip him. I had a couple of groomers that are interested in this technique come in to watch me do him. I am a purist and prefer to hand strip with just my fingers, no tools. The trained eye might notice a couple of 'holes' in his back. I did these deliberately as part of the lesson to demonstrate mistakes. It was wit a heavy heart that I decided to strip him out because i loved his scruffy look, but now it's done, i'm so happy I did him. It'll grow back before I know it and it'll need doing again anyway!

    Before starting

    Before starting

    Half way!

    All done

    I love hand stripping. I find it amazing grooming a dog with nothing but your fingers :)

  2. It's never going to snow here but the local 'waterfalls' are flowing and Gruf loves going for a hike out there on the weekends. The waterfalls can remain dry for years at a time, but this year has been quite wet across the Adelaide Hills, which is the catchment for this 'creek'.

  3. I was just in the kitchen and the ads came on TV that were much louder than the show I was watching. I thought to myself "gawd that's loud" and then proceeded to yell out "Maddie will you turn that down please?"

    I didn't ask Stan because he's too lazy :laugh:

    Yep I've officially lost it :o

    I asked Gruf to go in and get me more pegs this morning while we were hanging the washing out.

  4. I do blame the owner in this case, says he "tried to fence every part of the property ... but the dogs had crawled through a gap".

    "Tried to" isn't stating that secure fencing was achieved and although difficult on acreage, if you want to have dogs that can't get out, then you have to deal with every possibility - gaps, low parts and so on.

    I agree!

    They had four large dogs. "tried to" doesn't go close to good enough.I don't care if they had four chihuahua or four huge dogs.....ALL dogs deserve nothing short of completely foolproof containment, for their safety, and the safety of the community AND FOR THE SAKE OF RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERS EVERYWHERE........ Not dodgy arse "tried to" .

    I am so angry that these things keep happening due to lax standards by pet owners. That poor poor man.

  5. To get 'bones' you can feed pet made chicken mince, which is the whole carcass minced, bones and all, or chicken necks/wings which should get eaten immediately. You don't necessarily have to give hard chewing bones.

    ETA ..... I also agree nothing firms up poos like bones.

  6. What a cutie !

    They might be out of the camera shots, but where are your baby's toys! The pictures I am seeing are of a very bare boring area. If puppy has nothing to amuse itself with and things to explore, no wonder he doesn't want to stay outside. Toys of different textures, ones that make noises, and ones you can stuff with treats.

    Good luck at the vet.

    Ps.... Try turning the kennel around so that the opening faces towards the door. Puppy is more likely to use it if he can sit in it but still see through the door. Maybe bring it closer to the door too. This might look a bit funny but if it helps him use it, once he is using it, slowly move it to where you would prefer it.

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