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Posts posted by Leah82

  1. Ok I've been pretty slack lately. Most of my spare time has been spent on my new grooming venture.

    But I couldn't resist posting this one after Collie and Sarah got a bath and blowdry today so I'm going to jump ahead

    Week 34/52


  2. I've done it before as well before collection and I don't have a problem if someone uses ours, it all goes to the same place in the end and I can't say I spend much time inspecting the condition of my bin after collection :p

    Our council is pretty bad when it comes to council bins, there are hardly any. Our closest park has a couple of wheely bins but I suspect that's more to do with the sporting clubs that use the grounds.

    There's another off leash park not too far away that's very targeting towards dog owners but not a bin in sight, there's not even a fixed outside bin in the primary school next to the park, consequently there's always a few fresh poos lying around waiting for an unsuspecting shoe.

    I'm just thankful we do have a regular rubbish collection. My parents have to dispose of their own.

    Oh and when I do have had to carry a poo around for awhile I get the biggest evils from Sarah, she's not a fan of the plastic bag

  3. Just realised that pip put in soft drink as well so I'll throw in a green salad

    List of Dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy

    Steph M - Gus and Rosie

    pip 1981- Dakota (and human baby Elliot- maybe Daddy Ed and big brother Jeremy)

    Leah82 - Collie and Sarah

    Terri - Didi

    deadsheep - Bronson, Cassie, Kane and maybe Hannibal

    List of Food

    Snout Girl- something vego for bbq, meatballs, pasta salad

    Steph M - Potato Salad and Sausages.

    pip1981- crunchy noodle salad, soft drink (I can bring my supplies bag if that helps SG?)

    Leah - Soft Drink in the car fridge & green salad

    Terri - Bread + something of the cake/slice/sweet variety

    deadsheep - chicken skewers for bbq

  4. List of Dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy

    Steph M - Gus and Rosie

    pip 1981- Dakota (and human baby Elliot- maybe Daddy Ed and big brother Jeremy)

    Leah82 - Collie and Sarah

    List of Food

    Snout Girl- something vego for bbq, meatballs, pasta salad

    Steph M - Potato Salad and Sausages.

    pip1981- crunchy noodle salad, soft drink (I can bring my supplies bag if that helps SG?)

    Leah - Soft Drink in the car fridge

  5. he is crate trained and most of the time is happy to be in there but when there is something more exciting going on outside of the crate he's not happy being in there.

    So the question is how do I train him to behave without using customer's dogs as training aids?

    I had a friend drop their dog off this morning. There was initial excitement but a couple of minutes out the back getting to know the new dog and he's now curled up in his crate with the door wide open with the new dog wandering around

    If he was crate trained he would be relaxed in there any time, not just when there's nothing exciting going on. Are there other times he gets excited (ie dinner time, if you train your other dog etc)?

    So I play crate games with him which he loves, I reward him when he is being quiet and relaxed, what am I missing to get him to the point where he doesn't escalate?

    and yes he does get excited around meal times and especially when I'm training Sarah, although definitely not to the same point as a new person in the house, it's more pawing at the door and whining

  6. he is crate trained and most of the time is happy to be in there but when there is something more exciting going on outside of the crate he's not happy being in there.

    So the question is how do I train him to behave without using customer's dogs as training aids?

    I had a friend drop their dog off this morning. There was initial excitement but a couple of minutes out the back getting to know the new dog and he's now curled up in his crate with the door wide open with the new dog wandering around

  7. Ok, I need help with collie. I have just started a grooming business from home and Collie is not coping well with strange dogs coming and going.

    He's always been a barker when someone knocks on the front door, no blocking or telling him it's ok will get him to shut up until he is able to greet the person. There's problem number 1, I don't want him barking at every customer that arrives. I've managed this one so far by distracting him with a frozen chicken wing outside while I get the customer and dog in, do the initial consult and bundle the dog into the grooming room (laundry).

    Once I have the dog locked away collie gets to go back inside in the front room where he doesn't have direct access to the laundry, if OH is home he's ok, if not I get a lot of whining and howling interspersed with moments of peace.

    And of course the main issue is when the dog leaves, knocking on the door means more barking and at that point distracting him with food is impossible because he's already agitated. Putting him outside means barking and howling, putting him in the crate results in the same the only thing that keeps him quiet is to put him in the car outside.

    Anyway help would be appreciated, I don't want to subject my customers to helping me train my dog and I don't have anyone that can drop by with a dog on a regular basis either.

    At this point I'm thinking a dap collar or drugs for when I have customers so he stays quiet and can get lots of praise for doing the right thing

  8. The point that I would agree with most is that Rabbit sniffles are the cutest thing ever. It's not just the big sneezes coming out of their little faces but they then feel the need to rub their little faces with their little paws. I have a demonstration video somewhere, I'll see if I can find it at home later :p

    On a more serious note, when we went on our 2 week honeymoon we came back to a cocker spaniel that was 1kg heavier because the FIL likes to share his snacks :doh:

    And I'm still trying to make the OH understand that left overs shouldn't automatically go to the dogs

  9. haha yeah, the dog ones were taken by me and the fancy pants ones were taken by the OH

    Sarah's face in the snow was her way of trying to get the snow off her face :confused: I saved the day after that though and got the snow off her :p

    And Clover we were in the state forest behind Marysville up Mt Margaret rd, we only made it about half way up the mountain before the snow got a bit too deep

  10. In the evening when the puppy dog eyes go from cute to annoying :p

    No toilet issues here, they go out to toilet at 7am, 8.30am and stay out all day, about an hour after we get home from work, after their dinner and then just before bed. I'm pretty sure they save the poops for during the day as they generally only wee during the short toilet breaks.

  11. I must admit our dogs are pretty well behaved, Sarah has her digging spot under a tree but doesn't touch the garden beds, Collie can be a bit whiney and annoying especially when he's outside and your not but it's nothing major, we can even leave stuffed toys with them outside or inside and they have never been defluffed. So I thought I was pretty lucky...until last night.

    OH and I went out to the movies and left the dogs inside because it was cold and the possums can get pretty noisy which creates barking dogs. I had setup 2 baby gates (reinforcing each other in one door way) to stop them getting into the main living area/kitchen etc. When we came home from the movies we found Collie had busted his way through both baby gates and then emptied the entire full contents of the rubbish bin and spread it all over the kitchen :(

    So it seems I have a naughty dog after all.

    Poor Sarah was left to watch Collie enjoy a lovely bin dessert because she wasn't game to climb over the fallen baby gates

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