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  1. Hi Westiemum I feel for you and your little man. Quite drastic measures in removing ear drum. Get your Vet to prescribe these oral medications. Laboratory Culture and Sensitivity : Pseudomonus. Treatment - Topigen Ear Drops 20ml (2-5 drops 3 times daily for 7 days) and 45 mins later apply Chloromycetin Ear Drops .5% 5ml (4 drops 3 times for 7 days) Betadine liquid clears up Pseudomonus, but I wouldn't advise pouring into the ear. Do any of your dogs lick inside the other dogs ears, causing moisture to build in the canal. This is a favourite past time of many Westies. I have served my apprenticeship with Westies since 1971 in all disciplines. Best wishes Cityslicker www.talkingwesties.com
  2. NOOOOOOOO!!!! Could you use something like Alpha Keri Oil on the CC? My scaley [human] friends swear by it. I will have a look at the Alpha Keri oil, I have some as I use that for the Pulik Perhaps dilute it in water to avoid the oily residue. I know the Plush Puppy Seabreeze oil is nice too. How does the CC do on Sorbelene/Glycerin cream? I have a World I recipe for making moisturizing cream, with just 3 ingredients. You can email me privately if you want the recipe.
  3. Sorry I'm a bit late with my reply Aziah. I have small terriers double coated and have been feeding EP - Kennel Maintenance to my show dogs since it was introduced into Australia and was first being used by the Customs Dogs. I used Kennel Maintenance as it contained Advocado Oil (a natural flea repellant). I raised 5 litters on the EP Puppy and the condition and coat was the best I had seen in years. My vet remarked on their condition too. Cityslicker
  4. I can recommend Dr Ann Nevill - South Road Animal Health Ph 9555 1899 - Natural Therapies and Conventional Vet. Medicine.
  5. Sorry to hear about Gordies problems. If you are looking for a good Vet, try Dr Ann Nevill - South Road Animal Health - Natural Therapies and Conventional Vet Medicine, Ph 9555 1899 at East Bentleigh (formerly called Moorabbin). Her healing hands helped a Dobermann with Wobblers and got him moving again.
  6. Arolf - For my old dog I use a loaf, Matilda - all chicken with vegetables. It was originally made in NSW and then the guy moved to Queensland. It is sold at the Woollies supermarket, good value for money. I personally don't like rawhide chews, as one got stuck in the gullet and had to be surgically removed - natural bones are better. I feed chicken wings, great exercises for the jaw/teeth, I suppose feeding 6 dogs becomes quite expensive. When I had a number of dogs I used to cook up a big pot of vegies, some diced lamb, rice and water and freeze it in containers. At meal time I used a good quality brand of dryfood and about 3 heap tablespoons of the stew, the dogs loved it, licked the plates clean. Cheese can give the dogs the vomits and/or diarrhoea and dogs like people can have an off day. If I buy doggie biscuits at the supermarket, only buy the plain brand, with no food colourings. If the dog is throwing up and drinking excessive amounts of water, sitting by the water bowl, then I would consider Pancreatis, then I would be off to the vet. Elderly dogs tummies get upset quite easily, if still not well, I would be off to the vet. My elderly gentleman was drinking excessive water and couldn't hold his pee, took him off to the vet as I thought it could be diabetes, instead it was a bladder infection. Now on medication and he is much better. Cityslicker
  7. Hi Axelotti How disapointing for you, the wandering jew is certainly the bane of all dog lovers. Cortizone will give relief, but won't cure. The product is Hexal Konazol 2% - Medicated Anti-dandruff - anti-fungal shampoo for human use. You could try the Daktarin, it is available in 3 types - tincture, spray and cream (human use). I have used the cream quite successfully. Personally I wouldn't use Epi-soothe, because it contains Oatmeal. Any dog that suffers from itchy skin should not be eating any dog biscuits, for wheat and food colouring causes all sorts of problems. Is the anti-flammatory cream you are using, Illium cream, that's cortisone based and I would avoid this. Try adding to the water, a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar, it has healing powers, also add Flaxseed Oil, it also contains Vit. E, I was told by a naturopath that Flaxseed is the main ingredient of Missing Link, ML - animal version has been banned from importation into Australia. I've used Cold-pressed Neem Oil, available from Health Food Shop, costs about $5.00. Dab it onto the affected spots with a cotton bud, it too is healing. Cityslicker
  8. Great to hear Calliech that that type of treatment worked for Lucy, Malaseb is very harsh on dogs with sensitive skins and can cause more harm using it over longer periods. Hexal wash (from pharmacy) - do you have a "name", as Hexal is company name. Loved the wedding family photo. Cityslicker
  9. Hi Jennyr First of all you must get rid of the fleas, try Frontline an application on the back of the neck. You must also treat the soil/grass around where the dogs lay, sprinkle Lime, be careful it doesn't get on the dog. If the dog is laying around on concrete, then wash the concrete down with Phenyl mixed in water, I prefer the White Phenyl and you can also wash the bedding in it. If you have a hession hammock bed, get rid of it, they harbour fleas. An old fashion flea repellant - drop of Penny Royal (health foodshop) at the base of tail and back of neck. Now for the feeding - stop using Tin Food and Dry Food, avoid food colourings. Never feed Beef, a skye breeder told me that it heats the blood. I recommend using Eagle Pack Holistic Food. Another product is an all natural meat loaf actured by Ecopet, distributed by Complete Pet & Vet at Yatala, Qld. BARF - you can do this yourself, any veggies you have pulped and combine the juice and feed raw, Chicken Necks and Wings. Get onto the BARF website, and Feeding Book costs $16.00 plus postage. As for the Fish Oil and Vitamin E, just one capsule per day. Cold-pressed Neem Oil, available at Healthfood Shop. Use a small amount over the itch, great for the tropics. Aloe Vera gel is good also, if you have the plant, just cut and squeeze and rub onto spots. Washes you can try : Malaseb, Epi-Soothe etc. etc. and follow the directions, see The Vet Shed - they advertise on DOL. Yes West Highland White Terriers do suffer from skin complaints, but so do : Golden Retrievers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers, Dalmatians and many other breeds to numerous to mention here. Cityslicker - living/breathing Westies
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