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Loving my Oldies

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  1. I nearly didn't look because of the way GS are being bred today. How can anyone say that is a good look? It is heartbreaking.
  2. What lovely girls you have unstuffed toys notwithstanding
  3. You are such a sweetheart, Albert and very handsome in your camouflage gear
  4. 100% right, @Deeds. But sadly, you could apply that over much of how society operates today. Call someone out on poor behaviour and you are told YOU are the problem. And you’ll be lucky not to get some physical reaction. It is horrible.
  5. I agree with everything you have mentioned, @coneye. I remember so well at some of the seminars/training sessions I went to in the early days of my dog ownership. Anyone who knew their business stressed the importance of training the owner more than the dog. I live on a street which many walkers (solo and with dogs) frequent. It is both interesting and sad to witness the differences in people’s interactions with their dogs. The worst are those who use retractable leads. I know it could be seen as an extreme reaction, but I believe they are the worst thing ever for dogs and should be banned. Then there are those with their new puppies, don’t have a clue and carry the dog everywhere reacting inappropriately if another dog is a hundred metres away You don’t need me to tell you how those poor dogs turn out. Some of the saddest (for me) are those who see a dog simply as an addition to their fitness regime and take no notice of the dog struggling to keep up whether on a lead or not. Yes, it amazes me the number of people who think they and their dogs are above the law. Of course there are those who have been walking their dogs for years confidently and happily and the dogs just plod contentedly around the streets, totally conditioned to their circumstances. Sadly, people are heavily influenced by what they see in movies and online and have little or no conception of the amount of consistent training that goes into whatever it is the dog is doing. They don’t understand that dogs aren’t born knowing how to walk on a lead or knowing what sit, drop, stay mean (in whatever the language of the person). One of the things I used to stress to new owners is that being on a lead is not a natural thing for a dog and that is was up to us to condition the dog appropriately. Not quite on topic, but I am looking after a dog while her parents are on holiday and I have never known a dog love her lead and harness so much. She goes looking for them and takes them back to bed with her.
  6. Nope. Don’t know this organisation, so I am only assuming that this pricing is aimed at ensuring this dog is adopted by someone committed to his wellbeing, not to mention the costs incurred by all ethical rescue groups.
  7. Oh he is such a character. Good luck with finding the perfect home.
  8. Agree 100% - arrogance and deliberate flouting of the laws. Makes me really angry when people think they are above the laws of the land. I don't care how well trained a dog is: a dog is not supposed to be off leash in a public place.
  9. He looks a real character, LG. I’m so glad the dreaded SP fever was over and done with quickly.
  10. Mini Bull Terrier LOL. Just a dream, I could no more give a decent life to one than fly.
  11. Oh LG, he is looking very happy and at home.
  12. Any sort of training would be a completely foreign concept to Albert. Under your and sister’s aegis, I am sure that will quickly change. Lovely to see him coneless
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