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Posts posted by Jemmy

  1. Luna is fast approaching the age where it's recommended to move her from the Junior variety to the Adult. She's done really well on the Junior and I'm quite happy with her condition, coat etc so am happy to stay with the same brand. She does also get some raw food each day as part of her allowance, along with some other extra's rotated in her kongs (Nature's gift tinned food, raw veggies, sardines, greek yoghurt etc).

    If anyone else has made the switch - was there a size difference in the kibble? I know they're the same shape, but don't know about size. I ask this because we use treat dispensing toys for a lot of her kibble intake and I'll be really disappointed if it doesn't fit! Does there seem to be much difference in the taste, or have your dogs liked the Junior and not eaten the Adult? They're only available in the big bags locally, there is part of me that is hesitant to drop the $100 on a bag and have her turn her nose up...

    Any experience would be a great help, thanks!

  2. Yes random people took others pets but they were out and that's all that mattered at the time. I for one would rather be looking for whoever had my greyhounds than knowing they had died in that horrific way.

    I've been thinking about this and while it would be such a peace of mind if the fire came through (as it did in this case), I've been thinking about how I would feel if it was a false alarm evacuation, and someone had my dog. What if they didn't secure her properly and she got hit by a car. Or someone just decided to keep her. Or was attacked by another dog. I know these are all what if's, but so was the fire. I'm not saying which I prefer, because in all cases I prefer the outcome where my pet is alive. But none of us can see the future, and I can imagine the kennel owners concern with just sending pets off with people.

    Sorry this is a bit of a ramble, it's something I've been pondering for the last 24 hours.

  3. I know nothing about the issue mentioned but tassie gets pretty hot sometimes. It's not all snow and mountains.

    Over 31 today! Doesn't sound too bad if you're used to it, but we've been sitting in the low 20's for all of summer. #melting

    I'd never heard of this with border collies before this thread - it must be so stressful!

  4. I remember reading up on it when a news story piqued my interest. I think we've probably all had a moment when we've gone on autopilot, I've ended up at my work car parking spot countless times when I was supposed to be going somewhere near there.

    I remember reading a suggestion that you put your handbag/purse/phone in the backseat as well, so that you have to look in the back before leaving the car.

    My heart goes out to you *kirty*, thank you for sharing your story.

  5. My girl is only young, so too early to comment long term for her. There's no health issues in her lines though, and I know a lot of GSD's in my area and only know of 2 with issues. One was hips from a BYB, and the other is back, but that could be age related.

    This is in Tassie though, and the (good) breeders seem pretty tight knit.

    Edit: remember that the internet is also where people come to find solutions to problems, so you'll see more people looking to fix something than the people who never had an issue and had their dog live to old age.

  6. I think you made reasonable steps to 'rectify' the situation... Not the best word because Ernie didn't do anything to warrant you guys going through that. You leashed him, explained why he was off lead, and tried to move on. They tried to kick your dog, blocked you, got in your face and used obscene language... I would have seen red too.

    Don't let it stop you from taking him to the beach!

  7. Let's see if this works. This is Luna with the medium orange, side on, so you can see how much adjustment we had left. I think I've since loosened the front and tightened the sides a little more. This was the second day we had it so we were still fiddling.


  8. First question: at what age do you switch from calling your dog a puppy, to calling them a dog?

    Second: when are puppy behaviours expected to phase out? Madam was sitting and offering a shake for a treat this morning, and I was asked how old she is (10mths) and got the comment "she's still very puppy like isn't she?"

    Just wondering if she's supposed to be more grown up by now or if a playful "here's my paw, can I have a treat" is perfectly OK.

  9. He will however bark during training or games. Our other neighbours have a young under preschool aged child so I make sure I get training in, in times that aren't around nap time, unfortunately for summer it means no training in the back yard when it's nice and cool after 7pm.

    I realise this should be the standard, but still it's very thoughtful of you.

    I think (hope) any polite person would do the same, especially if they've had shit neighbours in the past.

    I don't have any friends with children, and our neighbours don't have kids either, so I'm not really up to date on appropriate times... So while I hope I'd be considerate, it's not something I could 100% say I would have succeeded at.

    I always make sure any squeaky toys are removed from the yard before 8pm so that when we go out for the last wee of the night we don't get a squeaky Symphony. If we get any neighbours with young children though I'll be mindful of naps and earlier bed times!

  10. He will however bark during training or games. Our other neighbours have a young under preschool aged child so I make sure I get training in, in times that aren't around nap time, unfortunately for summer it means no training in the back yard when it's nice and cool after 7pm.

    I realise this should be the standard, but still it's very thoughtful of you.

  11. I get quite stressed. Not just about preventing barking, but I'm that person that double checks the oven is off, the doors are locked. Check the dog has her breakfast, water, gate is shut properly, side gates still have their locks.

    I don't enjoy myself if OH and I are both out past about 9pm, I end up coming home, giving the dog something to chew on inside, and then returning to whatever event we were at.

    My stress was definitely increased by a council complaint when she was 4 months old. Karma came around though, as a couple of weeks later a yapper moved in up the road...at least our dog gives about 3 barks at something, then goes back to chilling out.

  12. I rarely visit Facebook and do prefer the forum. I just wish there was more dog discussion than off topic discussion.

    Where do the newbies with dogs who want info go these days. They're not coming here.

    I know I was a bit hesitant to post some things or offer my opinion on others as there are some very strong well established opinions here and it can feel a little overwhelming. Also the search function is fantastic so I read through a lot of old topics :)

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