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Posts posted by Jemmy

  1. Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!! I'm pleased to hear that this thread has mostly had positive experiences this week...I don't know what those ladies were thinking with Raineth & Del though...That's so rude!

    We've had 2 positive encounters in the last week as well - last weekend we walked past another dog without a single noise from the Woofasaurus, and she stayed alert but not alarmed while we were in that range (opposite sides of the road). This morning we were planning on hitting a nature trail, but it goes past an offleash area...there were 2 dogs in there that we had a lovely greeting with through the fence (one woof, but it seemed to be an invitation to play woof, as it was accompanied by a play bow and no signs of anxiety from her). They left the park after they'd said their hellos, so we decided to change our plan and had an offlead play, some dogs hit the nature trail while we were in there and she noticed them, but didn't run to the fence or bark, just kept zooming around with us. I was very proud of her :)

    Another thing big dogs seem to attract is a weird form of catcalling (dogcalling???) Where I live is really busy with tradies at the moment as half of it is being redeveloped and the Showgrounds are setting up for the Melbourne Show and so many just honk and shout things like NICE DOG, or NOW THAT'S A DOG!!! (well I hope they're referring to Didi and not me....)

    I know it must be so awkward to have this happen, but it sounds hilarious. I wonder if they stop and think what they sound like? :rofl:

  2. Glad to hear an update and that help is on its way! If the aggressive behaviour only happens in the morning and evening and is fine in between, is it possible your pup is taking things too far during 'crazy time'? There's an hour window every day with my pup, where she goes bonkers. I've learned to head it off with her we do some trick training with her favourite tug toy as a reward, helps her get out some of her craziness (because crazy hour for us is always after dark, otherwise I'd just take her outside for a play). I found that crazy hour didn't bother my OH, as he wasn't in the path that she would take, whereas I was.

    Good luck, continue to keep us posted, I hope the trainer is very helpful to you!

  3. I've been lurking this thread for a long time!! My pup is inappropriately woofy at other dogs when she first catches sight of them... She's great at puppy school, and with a couple of dog friends that we walk with on weekends, but she'll even bark at them when we're on the approach, until she realises who it is and then she either play bows or lays down in front of them. I'm not sure if she's afraid and putting on a show until she realises the other dog is safe, but we've become very good at turning in the opposite direction if we see strange dogs, before she hits her threshold. This thread has made me a better dog lover too, I feel like I'm more mindful of other people's situations when they're out walking, whether I've got my woofer or not.

  4. Our current dog is named after my favourite Harry Potter character, and our breeder was lovely enough to let us tie her registered name in (her registered name has nothing to do with Harry Potter, but it all fits together). I'd love Prim from Hunger Games as my next one, but I have a feeling we'll probably end up getting a boy as our second dog, just due to how troublesome it can be to have 2 girls together! For a boy I wouldn't mind Wheatley, after the companion in Portal 2.

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