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Everything posted by Carita

  1. @Bingalooreef , I just found the same one you are looking for. Again on ebay iitem # 222498776190 $23.95 PetSport Canvas Crawler Rhino Beetle Dog Puppy Fetch Floating Dog Toy Pet
  2. On ebay a Melbourne seller has listed.. PetSport Canvas Crawler Lady Bug Dog Puppy Fetch Floating Dog Toy Pet item number 322504361112 It looks similar .
  3. My boy likes to bury his face into the fur while sucking & priming his feet... as if nursing. Thats how he goes to sleep each night & has done for 7 years. The cows eventually look as if they have a mohawk . He's quite possessive over the herd yet allows a tug o war. The worst experience Ive had over this is being woken up at 2am with a cow jammed into my mouth dripping salty dog saliva. I'm not sure if he wanted to share a cow or was I making " little feminine sounds" ( aka snoring ) in my sleep with my mouth open & he needed to shut me up. He was sitting beside me looking very pleased with himself while I gagged.
  4. Yay.. Woolies it seems have goats in stock once again. I might soon be able to reduce the size of his dairy herd now that he prefers goats. This is our Winter bed.. Can you guess which is his side of the bed? Theres a lot of cows in the paddock next to the bed.
  5. More things to be aware of.. dogs can get dementia https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-09-08/dog-dementia-more-common-as-pets-live-longer/11481852?section=science
  6. I cant help you Bingalooreef but I'd love to buyPurina farmyard friends ( goat ). Woolies are out of stock . Bob the farmer used to love his dairy herd but since adopting 5 goats I cant find anymore. The most recent farmyard friend has always been his favourite. I even suspect theyve been treated with something that smells good. This is just a few of his dairy herd.
  7. Its still there today, most of the fecal matter has weathered away exposing old woolen carpet. Damn that mustve hurt.
  8. Seeing a dog poo in the park yesterday that contained red fabric which took me down memory lane. Many years ago my son had a bull terrier that had a strange fetish for eating crutches & armpits out of clothing. I had to keep the laundry door closed as he'd raid the soil linen basket. I was sure we were the only family that had crutch less knickers & t-shirts without arm pits, but the tradition continues within another family. It cant cause them too much pain in passing it because they continue eating it.
  9. I've found a wonderful leash free park even though I drive past a designer label park with all the bells & whistles yet frequently has dogs fighting & the sign on the gate warns of parvo & kennel cough. Some days there can be 20 dogs there or my boy is the only dog on other days. Its wonderful to see them socialise & a great mix of breeds. Picking up some strangers dogs poo doesnt even register on the yuk scale but I often balk at the things I pick up in the adjacent carpark. Emptied ashtrays disgusts me, as does used condoms, tiny plastic clip lock bags one even had white powder in it. Last week I picked up a bong, pink ecstasy tablet , 75 steel whipping cream gas cylinders & numerous balloons. wiki explained the balloons/cylinders use, but I realise I left the cracker top behind not realising it was part of the activity. I dont want any dog to pick up these things & am thankful they only occur at night. I could ask a ranger to patrol the area but with my luck he'll pick up a dog running from the carpark to the dog park.
  10. No worrries @Snook. I have no issues with euthanasia .. I belong to parties hoping to get it legalised for humans throughout Australia. Optional not compulsory Back to topic... I picked up a bag of poo in the park this morning & put it in the bin on my way out. There could be someone still there searching for that bag they intended to collect on their way out.
  11. I abhor cruelty to any animal and as a vegetarian I respect every animals life, but that also includes our native animals. I live near a forest and a protected wetland & without qualm I believe I am doing the right thing by protecting native animals from feral cats. These cats that most likely will be euthanised are not your cuddly moggy. They are huge & nasty as the hiss,spit & swipe when I try to feed them until they are collected. The Ranger has the ability to scan them for a chip & if found they re returned to their owner. If not scanned they have an ability to be adopted out if not wildly feral. I stand by my statement in that its a great system.
  12. Cat poo often holds the parasite toxoplasmosis which can live in the soil & transmitted to humans. I found setting a cat trap keeps cat poo from my garden. When caught, I just have to ring the council & the Ranger collects trap & cat returning the empty trap next day. They determine if the cat is microchipped or likely to be adopted . If it doesnt pass the test it gets euthanised. it's a great system.
  13. He's 7 years old but we've only had a car this year. Theres no actual throwing up but running to find a patch of grass suggests he's not feeling too good. Hmmm perhaps I should grow a pot of grass to travel with us. When he's on the back seat he lays flat across it with his eyes shut tight.
  14. This happens daily when we go to the park so meds arn't the answer for short trips.
  15. My Cav doesnt travel well in the car. He's better secured in the front seat then he was in the back , but as soon as I start the car he shuts his eyes & leans hard into the back of the seat. He's my only passenger thats done that so it's not my driving . After a 30min journey he jumps out & looks for grass to eat. Theres no chucking but I doubt he's feeling great. I hope to take longer trips but I'd feel better if my old mate was better at it. He loves the car or perhaps its the destinations he enjoys. As soon as he hears the car keys, he's out the door & waits for me to lift him in it. Ive tried distracting him by talking etc but thats going to wear thin on a long trip. Any suggestions?
  16. Lake Macquarie Council provides bags for dog & food waste & both are put in the green bin with garden waste for weekly collection. Cat poo is not suitable
  17. Carita


    Much love and empathy to you Teebs. My friend left us 12 weeks ago and it's like the sparkle in my life has dimmed.
  18. I kept looking across the road to see what Evie was looking at. I thought she was looking to the left of my hand of treats but my close up vision isnt good enough to be certain. It's one for her mum to discuss with the vet.
  19. I'm sitting on the fence as I dont know what I'd do. I dont know how my rescue dog came to be parted from her human ...maybe he died or maybe she ran off to say hello to someone & became lost, but I am sure she looked for him for 2 years. When walking she'd get incredibly excited when she saw an old man with a beard... then seemed sad for the following 2 days. Hugs to you Adrian for being a sensitive step-carer.
  20. This is a physical thing , not behavioral. A lovely Golden Retriever often walks past my house & if I see her in time, I'll take a treat out for her. She doesnt look directly at the treat nor me but her eyes are directed to the left. Eventually I mentioned this to her mum & she said she thought she was cross eyed but thats not so as both eyes look to the left. One day she was walking towards me but her eyes seem to be looking across the road I couldnt miss her yesterday as she was sitting pretty at my front gate, refusing to budge until her treat appeared. Her mum eventually pulled her away only to have her slip her collar & return to my gate.
  21. CavsRcute, your kindness overwhelms me. Tissues are without blood stains when they soak up her urine so I mightve caught it early. She is such a loving cav & has had a sad history, which has me hoping for a wonderful future for her. I adopted her from the pound 6 years ago weighing just 6kg. She was emaciated. There was dried food in her enclosure but she had been trained not to eat without a certain word. That word didnt come with her. Friends donated Nutrigel & she lived on that for a week apart from what I gave her from my plate. I used to fill my plate so there was enough for 2 & hand fed her. Then one day I was slicing frozen chicken thigh & dropped a piece . Oh happy days it was when she ate that & has been eating it for the past 6 years. She was 2yrs old according to her microchip but the phone number had been disconnected. The address given was rural nsw about 7 hours away from where the ranger had picked her up from a main suburban road. I believe she lived with an old man & she loved him. At first she would get very excited when she saw an old bloke with a white beard, but would appear sad for 2 or 3 days afterwards. I have no idea how long she had been without a carer to have become so thin & at first , to be scared of the dark. She deserves a nice future.
  22. CavsRcute, your words are encouraging. She has more antibiotics & is now on cranberry caps & my fingers crossed this will see her into good health. Not having a car makes these issues a real challenge. A friend that was going to take her to a new vet had her own issues & had to back out. It wasnt until today that I realised I couldve hired a car so I couldve taken her to a vet myself. If the problem continues then I'll do just that. I really appreciate all replies .
  23. Thanks Powerlegs. I really appreciate all who have replied.
  24. Thank you Rappie, I think the scan was just kidneys & bladder. They collected a urine sample. Pcv 41 Sp g? 1.045 Ph 7 Prot Blood trace I noticed the blood trace this time after seeing the urine puddle on the road, I put a tissue over it & it went a light shade of pink.
  25. Thanks *kirty* it would appear that a full panel was not done then.
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