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Posts posted by Cosmolo

  1. I would definitely not recommend the husher to be left on any dog unattended.

    Given the issue occurs when you are not there, you may need to block/ restrict/ change access. Desensitisation to recorded similar noises can also be helpful- although it may seem useless because he only does the behaviour when you're not there, changing the way he feels about hearing noises, seeing people etc when you are there is likely to have SOME carry over to when you're not. Unfortunately it's impossible to know whether the carry over will be enough to curb the problem hence why you may need to consider changing access.

    If aversives are to be used it's very important that the aversive is only applied when the dog barks- the husher still has an element of restriction for the dog even when they are quiet which can be confusing. Citronella collars can have the same issue with a lingering smell when the dog is quiet.

    Hang on- i just read your post again. There have been 3 barking incidents only when someone has been on the roof, the robbery was occurring and someone was running cabling along the house? If the barking is this isolated and specific is it really a problem?

  2. HW- when the front attaching harness is fitten properly it absolutely should not impede front leg movement?

    A training tools purpose is to aid you in managing the dog/ pup WHILE you teach it the concepts of loose lead walking through whichever training techniques you choose to use. I very much like the technique tassie suggested in conjunction with other bits and pieces.

  3. I think other things are more important than over night checking. Making sure you see all areas where dogs can be kennelled for instance and discuss exercise requirements etc.

    Have you seen Cottage Kennels? I was very impressed with their set up and have had clients use them with some very difficult dogs who have been really happy.

  4. The advantage of the e collar as opposed to noise or other aversion is its potential for precision so no it can't be replicated easily by another aversive that the intensity of which is more difficult to hone.

    In addition an e collar with limited levels would not really resolve the issue of stress with misuse as much of the issue lies with the timing of the application and removal of the stimulation rather than just the level of aversive itself.

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