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Animal House

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Posts posted by Animal House

  1. I'd probably give her back if I thought the previous owner was 100% genuine and was really going to be looking after her, I'd probably question him about what he will do with the dog (because he's moving to a smaller place and also won't have time to take the dog for walks) in regards to her exercise, if he can't manage to walk and look after the dog, then I'd be keeping her.

  2. Good on you Darby for sticking to what you believe in, and hopefully by reporting it, the breeder won't breed/sell any other poorly pups.

    And isn't Ronan just gorgeous! What a handsome lad, I'm sure he's going to a wonderful home, don't forget to stick around on Dol and make a happier thread when he arrives, it's a great forum. :D

  3. Please don't use netting or wire designed to trap a snake in it. It's not only incredibly cruel and painful way to die, a venemous snake caught up in that will be one angry snake and those same dogs that got bitten (by cornering or even trying to get at the snake) will now have free access to a pissed off trapped snake.

    A dog run (snake proof) would be easier than trying to snake proof an entire yard. ( Ososwift had a good post on how they do their dog runs against snakes.)

    Snakes can climb, my Python can go vertically 5 foot (he's 6 ft long) and they can squeeze through the smallest places.

    They also climb trees, any non slippery surface can be climbed.

    Also trying to snake fence your entire yard has the problem that there could already be a snake in the yard somewhere and then you've fenced it in.

  4. And surprise, surprise, they can't get the dogs now, they are "eluding snipers" in helicopters.

    Two dogs are still on the loose, we can all guess their fate (if they manage to last the 2 years, in the meantime killing off those birds as well as the goats) They have gps collars, looks like it's going to be a costly exercise sending in a bunch of hunters to track and kill the dogs now.

    What a royal f***up by all involved, morons.


  5. Ok, thanks for the replies. First off my cats are not in danger! They come first, and I've adjusted my behaviour so she doesn't get stimulated.

    Second of all, this dog is "not a poor thing", she is exercised everyday and not in a stimulated state all the time.

    Every time you walk her she is in a stimulated state.

    Can you do mental exercises/training with her instead?

    It can be more tiring (and beneficial) than huge daily walks, where she will get physically stronger and only result in a wing physically tired out after, but it's doing nothing for her behaviour except reinforcing the bad stuff.

    Brain games might be more helpful at this stage until the vet behaviorist has seen her, and you've tried the right medication (if it does help at all, no guarantees obviously)

  6. Just wanted to add that you shouldn't be able to "get away with her behaviour" because you live in a bad area.

    The air snapping and salivating with your cats is not good, please keep them separated for their (and your own) safety.

    If it were my dog, it would have been pts already.

  7. From reading your previous posts, this dog should have seen a veterinary behaviorist back when all this aggression started.

    She's bitten the mower man, tries to bite the postie, lunges/growls at people on walks, and has now nipped you.

    Her behaviour is escalating, that's a huge red flag to me.

    I'd not be walking her without a good muzzle and keep her away from people on your walks, cross the road if you have to.

    If the vet behaviorist recommends euthanasia, then that's what you need to do. If they recommend medication and a behaviour consult, then give it your best shot, but some dogs can't be fixed. You'd want to give yourself a time limit on how long you try with her with meds too.

    If you are worried about living in a bad area, maybe get some home security (cameras and an alarm system) as well.

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