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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. It's an hours drive to the beach, so that makes it a long trip on a hot day just to have a swim. Haven't found any local creeks that are running enough/big enough for the dog to swim in, and there's always the snake risk if you have to walk through long grass to get to anything that might have enough water. I'll check out Farmstay places Powerlegs, and try to find local Greyhound group to see if they have anything. I've asked our local dog park group for any advice, and they just say the beach, so not much help there.
  2. As the title says, looking for a place to take the dog swimming besides the beach and rivers etc. Even a dam where it is safe for dogs to swim? Tried to contact the one at Edinburgh, couldn't get through via text or phone, so drove down there today, it was locked up and looked so dilapidated. Eventually an old man came to the fence and I asked him about the pool, he said it was not working and they needed to get the pump fixed, but hoped to have it done in time for summer. I won't be going back, the place looks like a dump. Would prefer the suburbs out towards Elizabeth, Gawler etc, but will travel for the right one. Even tried to book a swim at the hydrotherapy pool, but they need your dogs medical records from your vet, then their vet needs to check the dog out, then you get to pay $45 for them to swim your dog.
  3. I'm so sorry you lost your little man, he went with lots of love, safe in your arms, like going to sleep. I'm tearing up writing this as I had to do this for my girl just over 3 years ago, and being my heart dog, it was so hard. But I'm so lucky to have had her in my life, as I know you were with Rascal. Big hugs for you and the family.
  4. I will update once we've had a bit of training with them, expecting them Aug 12th, so not too bad considering coming from the US.
  5. Thanks LG, I had seen that brand before advertised on Ebay, but thought it was a bit expensive....so last night after reading up on some reviews of different ones (on Amazon) I settled on 'Hunger for Words Talking Pet Starter Kit' - has 4 recordable buttons. With postage around $60 from Usa, but had better reviews than the more expensive ones. I think I'll make up a mat myself, I'll get some thick kids type foam mat, and double sided tape etc.
  6. Ive watched quite a few different dogs on Youtube as well as Bunny. I think it definitely benefits dogs (whether you believe in their communication powers or not) because it's giving their brain a workout. Can anyone recommend what brand/where to buy those buttons? I don't want to buy junk, but definitely ones I can record my own voice onto. Keen to give it a go for my rescue girl (well, I've had her for almost 3 years now) and she still has a few leftover fears from her abuse before we got her at 10 months old. (physical and mental abuse unfortunately) but she absolutely loves everyone, she seeks out human attention at our dog park, she is ecstatic when the door bell rings because she thinks every one who comes to the door has specifically come to see and pet her. She's done so well as we've built on her confidence to overcome her many fears, but she is very intelligent and loves brain games.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and it's doubly hard when you have already lost one not long ago. Run free now Lacey
  8. Congrats on the new addition! He's a handsome little guy, and I love the name. Soda. Screaming Soda, So did You do that? Ah, endless possibilities.
  9. What a great reunion, I wonder why the Humane Society adopted him out to someone else so quickly though? I would have thought lost pets got seven days or something? Poor woman must have been devastated know her dog was adopted to another family. (maybe not microchipped and couldn't prove ownership or something?) Either way, I think the adopters should have given him back knowing it was her dog, they'd only had him a few days. But boy, he knew who his mumma was. Such excitement, it was lovely to watch them re-unite
  10. Absolutely Horrific. LINK I had read in an earlier abc report that a woman died after being attacked by 3 dogs she was looking after in an enclosed yard. Now the latest update is mentioning Pit Bulls, which is likely to stir up BSL, so we'll have to wait and see more updates as to the breed of dogs. Either way, a horrible tragedy. RIP to the poor lady.
  11. Yes, set kitty boundaries, unwanted behaviors must be discouraged, cats can be so stubborn and think they have us wrapped around their little finger (paw ) Some bossy cats will turn into terrorists if they aren't reigned in somewhat, she seems to have no fear (or a real hatred) for dogs. I'd definitely restrict her freedom and let her know that Clive is to be respected, she can't behave like that and get away with it. Little minx. Maybe keeping her in a small (soft) crate in the same room (but far enough apart so she doesn't get worked up) each time Clive comes in... with some lovely treats/food that only come out when Clive is there, so that she associates him with something good.
  12. Aww, Strudel and her new family, how lovely.
  13. Oh geez, and here I was thinking male because of the name. Just tell her I think she looks very pretty, pink collar & maybe name her Bolt Sparkles?
  14. Don't know how I missed this. Welcome to Jinx Sparkles And Bolt is all growed up How will the 2 boys go once they mature? (bull terriers are known to be a bit picky when it comes to dog friends) I know they say 2 bitches can be bad. I've only ever had male/female for a long time, but many years ago had 2 bitches, one was a Rottie and the other Kelpie x. They never had a problem as they were both soft dogs, real snuggle bugs. Edited to make sense
  15. What a handsome young fella he is, even if he does trip you up now and again.
  16. Healthy dogs, happy owner, have fun on Monday, look how much he has grown too!
  17. Well that's good, I like user friendly when it comes to technology
  18. Thanks Snook, that sounds like a good one. I like that is had audio, though like you I wouldn't talk into it as it would only make them confused and run around looking for me. Was the app easy to use? I've read a few reviews of other cameras that used apps, and a couple of them weren't that great for remote viewing. Though I can just watch it back later. Thanks PK, I wish I had a spare device, that would be a great idea as well. Much appreciated advice, thanks ladies.
  19. Hi, Just wondering what other people use, if you have a security cam, baby monitor, CCTV or similar to check up on your doggo while you aren't home? I'd like one where I can see it via my mobile phone and check up on the dog in real time, with audio (I won't be talking, just listening)...as well as a recording option so I can watch the playback. Also needs to be portable, as unable to fix it to anything as we are renting. I did check out a few security cameras, and specifically pet ones, but those were $300 . Plus I'm a bit technically challenged with these things. It'd need it to be wireless, with audio and a recording feature, as I'll use it in the back hall where the doggo stays when I go out....which is a few times a week & no more than 2 hours, usually way less. Just want to check on what behaviour is going on (slight separation anxiety when I leave, and yes we have been working on that before you ask ) and if there is any barking/whining. Also needs to be portable, as unable to fix it to anything as we are renting. ETA: I don't have a laptop or tablet, so a webcam setup isn't an option.
  20. Such a happy little guy, did he like the water, or just the rolling in sand part (which put a big smile on my face)
  21. What beautiful items, your Aunt is so talented! I'm about to grab a few tickets.
  22. Ooh, she is just beautiful, those puppy dog eyes
  23. Beautiful Bella She always looks so majestic. Exciting news about a new addition too! How have you been Griz?
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