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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. Malts aren't the only breed in decline. You only have to look at the numbers at a country show, overall the numbers are declining and some breeds are missing all together at Country shows. All these new rules, Councils, media hype,DD's etc. have turned so many away and there's no help from the ANKC or State Bodies.

  2. See your point Steve re inspections. Guess I'm living in the past before all these new rules and regs came in (kennels, lounge rooms etc) where common sense ruled. I know of a couple of cases which were reported to the KCC/VCA

    re dreadful conditions and breeding unsound stock which were never followed up on. There's always been those few baddies, as in any organisation, but peer pressure came to bear and they either sorted themselves out or got out. There wasn't the personal bitchiness just concern about the welfare of the animals. How the world has changed!

  3. Showing the Min Pins was the opposite, they loved the heat (I didn't) and showed beautifully. Cold, wind and/or rain, poor things huddled in their crates and weren't impressed going in the ring, moved all tucked up and toplines would do a Borzoi proud on the stack lol. Didn't go to many shows during winter.

  4. I've lived in the damp Gippsland and now the dry dusty Mallee and haven't used regular flea treatments for many. many years. About 6 years ago after showing in another area, my dogs came home with a few fleas, quickly got rid of and never another problem. Worming, I ceased regular worming a long time ago, get the dogs tested about every 6 months and never had to use any treatment, this includes heart worm. Drove to Darwin a few years ago with 3 dogs, used tick collars and checking them over every day, no ticks. Over at least 35 years none of my dogs have had any poisons in their bodies :thumbsup:

  5. Sorry Mantis, but I saw things differently. Family dogs weren't disposable items then either, they were loved pets and if one went missing then the search was on. Maybe because they were generally with the kids playing loose they didn't seem to wander. I spent my younger years in the Melb suburbs with kids and dogs around, yes there was the occassional car mishap but those dogs all had great road sense.

    We then moved to the country and going to friends farms it was interesting to watch pups learning that stock was a no-no. Most dogs were chained/confined at night with no opportunity to go chasing stock. Yes, there were pups and kittens drowned at birth, not ideal but querying a person who had done this I was told it wasn't a planned mating (working dogs) and the pups wouldn't have the required temperament for the job. Who was I to judge someone who bred marvellous workers?

  6. All the talk about big dogs, small dogs, socialisation, obedience etc. reminds me of the time I was growing up and dogs were around loose with their owners and there weren't these terrible attacks. Any dog, big or small, young or old, which looked sideways at another got a swift kick in the backside. Never saw any cowered dogs with this treatment just a heap of friendly guys who knew their place. Ok now I'll duck for cover lol. (Sometimes the old methods were best.)

  7. I think the best way is to know your dog. There are the obvious visual problems, lameness, injuries, vomitting, diahoria, cherry eye, swellings, etc which are pretty hard to miss and can be checked by your Vet. The subtle changes in behaviour are the ones to watch for, grumpiness, not eating as well, sleeping more, not as energetic, that sort of thing. Sometimes these mean nothing as we can all have an off day but any prolonged episodes may need further investigation. Not sure about a monthly check as something could arise the day after. There probably are lists on the web but this can be like reading a Doctor's manual, scare the heck out of you lol. Just knowing your dog is the best way IMO.

  8. If you aren't happy with the arthritis diagnosis then get a second opinion. I took a sick dog to a Vet practice, was told it was arthritis on 2 separate trips. I told them it wasn't, so after 2 seizures and $700 later, ended up taking my dog over 400ks to find out it was a spinal virus and he was improving in a week.

  9. I had a young Affie like that, stood well but the move was terible. I took him to comps and Open Shows and when it was time for the move, I'd play with him while running, food, squeaky or ball in hand and while the Judges thought I was nuts, the pup did come good after a while.

  10. Maybe a try with Erny's treatment wouldn't hurt? I used it on my girl, just itchy, no skin broken and it seemed to soothe the skin and easy the itches. The tea can be bought at a Health Food place. Calendula Tea .... brew it, let it cool and then wet up the skin with it and let it dry on. That will help the skin clear.

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