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Posts posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. I guess it's hard to judge without having actually seen the incident. I can't help but wonder whether the dog may have had it's head down and been very focused and the stranger has given him a rub on the shoulder blades or something and the dog got a fright and snapped. Who knows really, sometimes it would be so much easier if they could talk!!

  2. I don't think anyone has said that it's fine and dandy that the bloke got bitten but I sure as hell wouldn't be sticking my hand out to pat a german shepherd(or any other dog) that popped around a corner attached to a long lead, especially one that would have had it's head down and been on a mission.

  3. Do you walk on the footpath or on the road? Over summer i just walk near the edge of the nature strip so that the dog can walk mostly on the grass and on the grey concrete which is cooler than the bitumen

  4. MonElite I don't think the OP was saying they wanted more than one puppy, just that they were considering all those breeds and looking for breeders whom they could contact for more info/potential future puppy source.

  5. I don't know where you stand with religion but we aren't particularly religious so our take on death is that when we are old we have to go to sleep forever and that we go in to the ground and our body and love feeds the plants and flowers to make the world a more beautiful place so that everyone can remember us. This comfort has helped ease the loss of many animals at our house. We always go to the nursery and choose a little plant which the kids put in the garden for the animal to help grow.

  6. Well excited is an understatement! I was beginning to think I would never get started in tracking having no club and no one here to learn from and feeling pretty lost. Turns out I opened my mouth in front of the right person the other day by sheer dumb luck and now I have a wonderful lady with heaps of experience who's gearing up to train me!! She's given me a list of things to start getting and prepping and set me on a mission to find a good patch of land for us to work on so it's all feeling like it's falling in to place. She's going to work with me and guide me in getting started and showing m the ropes and also mentioned she knows a few others who might be keep to start a club down the track. (pun intended :p )

  7. Thanks for confirming valbitz. I had thought there were more and then the reports all seemed to say 5. I was momentarily pleased to hear there weren't as many on the transport as originally thought, I hope they find the rest safe and sound

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