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Posts posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. If I go out with my friendly face on walks of any kind for us take twice as long. Everyone wants to stop us so they can stroke her ears... Some days I don't mind every second person stopping me to ask me the same set of questions about her but if I'm in a hurry or want to keep to myself I find I really have to just keep my head down, not make eye contact and put on an air of being unapproachable. Sometimes it works...

  2. I'm really not in to Halloween at all BUT Josie's hospital therapy visit happens to fall on Halloween and I thought some of the patients might get a bit of a kick out of her visiting them in costume. We are out of the city and nowhere around here sells dog costumes so I need to doctor something out if whatever I can find around home. Anyone have any great, funny, simple suggestions?

  3. Just wondering if anyone can advise if there is such a thing as a cool coat that I don't have to continually rewet? Looking to do some bushwalking with my dogs but I will have to carry drinking water for us and would rather not have to carry water just for a coat too. We don't usually go out on really hot days but having a black back Josie heats up in the sun pretty quick.

  4. If you aren't sure they are worms also have a close look. My friend told me yesterday that she couldn't work out why there were still worms in her dogs poo, then she discovered he'd been chewing the tassles off her curtains. LOL

  5. Or call around real estate agents and see if they have a house available for short term rental. Even if it's unfurnished and you just camp on a blow up mattress(or buy a $50 mattress from the salvos and donate it back when you are done). They might be happy to have someone in for a short period if they have a place that's been vacant for a while

  6. Mine aren't fed raw but I notice a big difference in my Basset if I use a low quality food. Food emergency a few months back I bought a bag if super coat at the supermarket. She was only on it for about 5 days and she looked dull and greasy, lost weight and she'd a lot for the next month or so

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