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Posts posted by Ci

  1. Is soy bean good or bad for dogs or it doesn't really matter (Unless they are getting it all the time)?

    I ask because when I get Japanese they have this dish called Eda Mame which is hot soy beans in the pod and my dogs go crazy from them. Tex even pops the beans out of the pods.

    They don't eat them that often at all so I can't imagine it would do any harm as a treat here and there but just wanted to check.

  2. Thanks everyone! This week is better though he is still terribly missed. Abraxas has been looking for him the last few nights.

    I miss his cuddles the most - he would give you the most loving looks and just smooch you.

    We got two new additions who are just adorble and definitely something that Zeke arranged. They have helped the house to feel whole again and they are just little ratbags!

    I will be putting them up in their own thread in Cat Chat soon.

  3. Thank You.

    Texas, Sammi and Braxie are finally starting to settle down. I laid him down on the floor and let them be with him for awhile this morning before we buried him so that they would know. Both dogs wouldn't leave his side. Braxie had one sniff and ran away.

    The dogs were just beautiful when we said goodbye, I said to them "One more kiss" and they both came up and gave him one last kiss and stayed the whole time.

    He was very much the baby of the family. He was just too young...Tonite is going to be hard when I don't get woken up by his purring in my face and wrapping himself around my head for cuddles.

  4. Thank you Anne.

    He is already terrible missed - it is hard to believe just a few hours ago - I was feeding him breakfast. As I said in the other thread - This one really hurt - there is big hole. I can still feel him here and he will always be young and full of live and cheekiness now.

  5. I know not everyone goes into "Cat Chat" so I have place it here as well.

    My beautiful young man has left us in a tragic accident this morning.

    He went quickly and was in my arms covered with love.

    He gave us so much love, joy, cuddles and cheekiness in his short life here with us and he will be terribly missed by everyone who was ever blessed to spend time with him.

    Please say a pray for him as he begins his new journey and wish him safe and well

    Thank you for all the love you gave to me my handsome young man and I hope we meet again soon. You were my cheeky little monkey boy and your cuddles will be missed. You are always in my heart.



  6. So sorry to hear your news Shek.

    There is not much one can say to make it any less upsetting to have to go through but you are doing the very best thing for your friend and she will be grateful for it. She will be able to run free.

  7. Dogs look for patterns and once they find them, it clues them into whats going on. They ain't dumb either - they know :thumbsup:

    Maybe every so often shower at night instead of the morning, or get up an hour earlier so that you are hanging around the house alittle longer.

    Some clues you ain't going to be able to avoid but if you mix it up til he gets more confident then he can't quite see the patterns and can't prepare himself for anything.

    Even doing things like getting dressed at night and picking up your bag and leave for 5 mins and come back helps! Sounds crazy but it does help.

  8. I think you are on to something with the different activites and getting him use to different things, playing in his run or putting him in there even if you are not going anywhere, etc etc

    The trick is to not have any solid clues that you are actually going so he doesn't know if he should work himself up into a sweat and so he is comfortable with whatever you are doing.

    Good Luck with him.

  9. doG I feel like a git now. :)
    Don't be too hard on yourself :love:


    :rofl: I know, I know! I'll try to be a little more relaxed.

    Yes!!! Relaxed owner - relaxed dog. Try not to even think stressfully about the situation - it is quite amazing what they pick up on even though they don't understand.

    Just accept that this is how it is at the moment and you know what you have to do to change it and just do it - don't over think! :p

  10. Ci, I bought some rescue remedy yesterday. I will put some in his inside water bowl tonight when I get home and see how he goes with that. He didnt make a mess last night though :rofl: And your right, he has had a pretty rough 12 months, and it has only now occured to me after you saying that, that the last time I had to go away for work, he saw Loki die, and then I go and leave him by himself. doG I feel like a git now. :p

    I will try the sugar soap too. I still have the bicarb soda on the carpet at the moment, so I will clean that up this arvo and see what difference it has made before I douse the floor with anything else :)

    Don't beat yourself up - I didn't mean for you to take it that way :love: - it is just that it must be taken into account because it would be why his behave has changed and also to allow him time to settle again.

    He has to get use to you leaving and it being OK again - it is not good for him to be in the state he is in now. Try doing things like just one night away every so often and build his confidence up slowly so that he gets to understand that it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen.

    I would keep adding the RR to his water if it works that way - or else just make sure that you give him a dose daily for alittle while. It is brillant for taking the edge off but it doesn't work on all dogs - but it sounds like it might work on him!

    Whatever you use to clean up the mess - just don't use anything anomia based on either whiz or poop because it actaully makes the area smell even more appealing to poop on! So he will keep going back.

  11. He has had a pretty full-on 12mths or so - now that things are settling - he might be reacting. What to they call it - delayed reactions?? And you going away freaked him out alittle and set him back?

    Does Rescue Remedy work on him? It might be an idea to add it to his water so he has a constant supply and help keep him calm til you get a chance to see a trainer.

    And start re-training the toilet training agin. A good one is to yell at the mess not at the dog! I was taught that one at training! It works. And use only sugar soap to clean it up so that you don't leave behind any amonia smell to make him want to go in the same spot again.

    It helps if you try not to make a big deal about the siutation too - if you are calm - he will calm down as well. If he thinks you are upset then he thinks he has a reason to be worried.

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