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Everything posted by Dog_Horse_Girl

  1. I always put council rego tags on a split ring so that they can be moved from collar to collar. Our dogs have house collars, going out collars and safety collars so switching tags is a necessary evil. BUT I only leave the greyhound with a house collar on - the other two go bare-necked as I'm too scared to leave collars on when we aren't home to supervise. ETA - you can of course just slip the tag OVER the collar from one end...so that it goes around the whole strap of the collar if you follow. Just have to be careful of it falling off when you remove the collar.
  2. I don't really see the relevance of this statement of yours here? This forum's primary function is to promote PUREBRED dogs. While many of us have crossbreds and/or purebreds, the purpose here is to educate members and guests about purebred dogs. A crossbred which is deliberately bred by someone solely to make money is NOT ethical. Think about the parent animals who are locked in tiny cages in puppy mills just so they can be bred dry then discarded like rubbish once their breeding days are over. Now contrast this with the vast majority of registered, ethical breeders whose purpose in breeding is to firstly improve their chosen breed and secondly to excel in the show-ring or other dog exhibiting and dog sport fields. Next time you see that cute ball of fluff in the pet shop window, ask yourself what kind of life the parent animals should be experiencing and then think about them being confined to cages their entire lives. Pretty horrific, isn't it? Go ahead and buy such a pup and support that filthy puppy mill. Just don't expect anyone here to be happy that you've done so. BTW - I have a pedigree greyhound (rescue), a MUTT (rescue) and a Mini Foxy x (rescue). I would never for a moment consider purchasing any of the poodle crosses which have been deliberately bred by someone solely to make money BUT if one came up in rescue and I wanted such a dog then I would consider giving her a home. Why don't you call it what it is: a poodle cross. Then educate yourself as to where these pups really come from, and begin to understand why making such a choice is cruel and irresponsible. If you have any doubts whatsoever about puppy mills, I'd suggest you look at Cesar Millan's special episode or check out the RSPCA's campaign pics (not that I really support the RSPCA but those pics were all taken in Australia from places which "specialise" in over-breeding poodles with a thousand different breeds in order to make huge profits). Then once you've done all of that, look up "Leo's Story" about a former puppy mill dog which was rescued by a DOLer a few years ago. Dogs are not merchandise and they're not farm animals...yet puppy mills treat them as both.
  3. You have my sympathies...dementia is a terrible affliction of aged dogs and people. It's awful to watch the decline as the disease progresses. I understand medications do improve the symptoms considerably which has to be a good thing. Sending you and your old girl hugs.
  4. So Lilly is home and the cost was very reasonable. IV $61.60 Dental (large dog) $279.40 - this includes the GA etc Extraction (one tooth) $22.00 Antibiotics to bring home $27.39 Total of $390.40. Lilly is a bit tired but otherwise well. The cost was a bit more than I anticipated but still under some of the quoted figures in this thread.
  5. I'll be able to update the thread this evening with the cost. Lilly is at the vet ATM...she's getting the IV fluids on board while under GA (the $60 extra cost is worth it for us), I think the vet nurse was a little surprised I said yes to that but Lilly (being a greyhound) will need the additional support and the IV access line if anything were to go wrong. Fingers crossed she comes out of it all right...I do worry about her under GA, esp now she's a senior (10 yrs +). Mind you, nobody's told her that yet!
  6. I'm saddened that the forum admin thinks our voices are to be censored by locking such a worthwhile, informative and educative topic. Goes to show that the media really does control us.
  7. Congrats Di...hopefully we'll find a place soon too. I'd be lighting a fire under the PM's butt - lease breaks are very much a case of "time is of the essence" so remind them of that obligation. :p
  8. In this one stupid stunt, any "respect" I had for this man has disappeared completely. What an idiotic thing to do. And now the very people who shouldn't be buying from a pet shop will think it's a perfectly valid choice all over again.
  9. Ruby had a dental while under for her cruciate surgery in March. Regardless, the cost was $77... Lilly is going in for a dental and some extractions next week. No idea how much but we trust our vet and she doesn't overcharge. Molly probably needs a dental as well. Being so tiny, it's impossible to get suitable bones for her to chew as they're always too big or too soft. May I just say that sometimes feeding raw bones doesn't result in clean teeth. While it can (and clearly does) help some dogs, it isn't the panacea that applies to all dogs. Lilly, being a greyhound, has had awful teeth her entire life and we feel lucky that at 10.5 yrs, she needs her first (and probably only) dental. Shop around for prices...vets are like every other service provider and no two will charge the same for any procedure.
  10. We also use Susan and wouldn't dream of going elsewhere...when we were looking at houses in Bracken Ridge, we still said we'd see Susan excepting dire emergencies...but then again, would probably race to her anyway. Dogs are boarding there while we move. Lilly is having a few minor procedures done while on-site (dental clean plus some teeth removal, and some bloods). We like her because she's no nonsense, loves dogs, enjoys her job, understands where we're coming from, loves dogs...and treats everyone really well. Oh, she's not too expensive either. She did Ruby's cruciate repair...very happy with the outcome as Ruby has re-gained nearly full use of leg now.
  11. We're not able to move with the dogs being present - firstly for the safety of the dogs, and secondly for the safety of the movers. We've got them into our vet - it's only for two days/one night. Lilly is also having some minor surgery while she's staying...nothing serious. Oh, and some blood tests to check liver/kidney function...she's got a UTI at the moment, poor thing. But our vet thinks she is in very good shape for her age, so that's reassuring. Thankfully the boarding kennels have changed the information on its website - clearly that wasn't too big a task after all. Based on my experience, I wouldn't trust this business with the care of my dogs. Perhaps they were indeed having a bad day but that's no reason to treat a potential customer the way I was treated on the day I wished to inspect. Given that we do travel interstate and overseas, we will be looking for a more suitable kennel option in future. The best we've found so far is in the GC hinterland region, which would be worth the drive for a longer stay but clearly not worth it for a short stay. :rolleyes:
  12. It says on the website - Pretty easy to check when school holidays are. You might call it 'bad service', but I think you are being unfair expecting them to show you around the kennels on the first day of school holidays. And when was the first day of school holidays as it relates to when I visited?
  13. Yep, northside. We've got the girls into our vet for boarding. It's only two days, one night. We were looking for a kennel for when we travel. So far we have ruled this one out based on the way I was treated. GM - if they were closed to inspections, as I was advised when I visited, then it should be on the website. They are "fully booked" because they have some law enforcement dogs staying, not general bookings. This is for 6 mths so I can't understand why the website hasn't been updated to reflect that, except that they "don't have time" to update it. Anyone reading the website would assume (as I did) that the opening hours stated are still in effect, when clearly they are not. I have no idea when school holidays are as we don't have kids and don't know anyone with kids. And it should hardly matter as the bloke didn't even ask when the booking was for, or the duration of the stay.
  14. There are a number of QLD Saluki breeders listed... I know of a couple of kennels in Bracken Ridge, one of which breeds Afghans and IGs but not sure of Salukis. OH is contacting our vet this morning...Lilly also needs a check for a suspected UTI.
  15. I would opt for a decent off-roader (4WD) if you plan to go anywhere off the bitumen. And tow a camper trailer. Caravans are a bitch to tow in some places, particularly anywhere with mountains. They increase fuel consumption dramatically. They can make driving anything but a pleasure. And they're not that much bigger than a good sized camper trailer. About 1/3 of the weight and the camper trailer folds down into a small enough trailer for towing with ease. As others have said, you can always spend a night here and there in a motel for a bit of "luxury". Camper trailers are pretty easy to set up and take down. By adding an annexe you effectively double the useable space they provide. Camper vans are a waste of money - the living space is limited and inflexible IMO.
  16. Unless there have been some rules made this is rubbish. Until facilities where set up here we use to board the beagle brigade,police dogs,prison dogs,bomb dog & we never had issues. For starters no one would now what dogs they where unless told ,they where treated like everyone else with the same privacy . Each to there own i guess The whole thing felt dodgy to me. For starters, the person I spoke to had zero ability to communicate effectively and got me off-side from the moment he spoke. I can (to a degree) understand a situation where a kennel is fully booked, but I wasn't asked for the timing or duration of the booking I wanted to make. I was just told that they were fully booked and that I should have called them instead of visiting during their advertised opening hours. There is NO way I would book at a kennel that did not allow me to inspect it beforehand. :D I suppose their business is doing so well that they can afford to piss people off! The position is also a bit off to me. Boarding kennels aren't usually located bang on a major through-road within a few metres of four lanes of traffic. I expected the kennels to be well off the main road, but they seem to be in what I would call an extension of the house yard. We will contact our vet tomorrow as they also do short-term boarding. I have little doubt that we can get the girls in there, but if not, we can take them to the new house for the day the movers pack our old place up, then put them safely in the garage of the new place on moving-in day. At least we can rule this particular kennel out for whenever we travel overseas.
  17. Thanks for the replies. I visited the kennel during its advertised opening hours to inspect the place before making my booking. I was unprepared for what happened though. I was told when I arrived that the kennels were not open because they had some law enforcement dogs there and therefore nobody was allowed to inspect the kennels. I was also told that they were fully booked. When I explained that I was going by the information on their website, that they welcomed inspections between certain hours, I was told that I should have rung and they would have told me they were unable to allow inspections and that they were fully booked. Poor customer service. I was treated like an idiot for following the information THEY have on THEIR website. :D So, I will never board my dogs at this place. They told me that they "didn't have time" to update their website. I wonder what else they don't have time for at this kennel?
  18. An airline crate is fine for car travel. But it must be an airline approved crate rather than just any plastic crate. Why don't you give him a bit of valium before a longer trip? He'll sleep the whole way or be dopey enough that he won't want to get off the back seat. I use a harness with a back seat buddy...and Molly goes in her airline crate on longer trips.
  19. Yep, she's definitely a collector. Hard to stay mad at them, isn't it?
  20. I'm going to have a visit and see what we think, it's only a night or two this time but we may need boarding in future for longer stays.
  21. We are planning to move (again) and need boarding for the dogs for a few days/nights for when we do move. Haven't used a kennel here yet so are looking for ALL feeback about this one. Link to the website: Brisbane Pet Motel All replies gratefully received. TIA.
  22. Oh, she's beautiful.... She loves water (so do lots of GHs), she's affectionate, and she seems to be a collector! Common GH trait there. I'd love to have her...but can't have any more dogs right now. No fair!
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