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Posts posted by Roguedog

  1. sorry but that is not an american bulldog... 99.9% of them regardless of bloodlines (scott or johnson) are white with brindle or black patches, occasionally you will get a black one but they are usually culled and do not look anything like yours in structure or head shape... you look like you may have an american staffy? can you PM me your breeders "prefix" or name and I can let you know if they are an ambulldog breeder or not, I know most of the reputable ambulldog breeders around... also did you get pedigree papers with him? if so which registry?

    regardless of breeding, yours is a lovely looking dog and will probably make a great friend and family member! :thumbsup:

  2. interesting! I dont know about pugs as they are not my breed but ive bred two tan dogs together and got 50% brindle pups, and I can guarantee there was no other sire involved, genetics are such an interesting subject!! personally I love a black pug, the silver and the brindle pugs just dont look right to me!

  3. A dog is a dog to some people, but to me a dog is wheaten or a kerry blue. Or a glen or an irish or a westie or a scottie or pedigree variation. A terrier, certainly. At a pinch a dog is a sussex or a field or a clumber spaniel.

    fair enough, these days there is such a huge difference in breed temps, shapes, sizes...

    No, they most certainly did not. Most dog breeds started out as a "type" or what is also referred to as a "landrace" and through selective breeding of certain traits for the jobs the original breeders wanted them to perform, the breeds we have today were created. Some breeds were created by introducing other breeds, but not many.

    most of those types (not all mind you) were infact of mixed orgin... then they started breeding for a specific purpose, once the breedings produced animals of the same abilities and preferred colour/size for several generations (5 to get registration these days), wha-la! a breed is created... hence why so called "breeds" such as the "bull arab" will never get recognition, cannot produce the required 5 gens that conform to a "standard", too all over the place and bred for ability not looks... I get what you mean though, this doesnt apply to all breeds..

    Just like you were once an ape that lived in a tree, but how much does that have to do with your current ancestory?

    lmao!!! :rofl: there are some humans out there that are still ape types that arnt far off from the living in trees part! doing rescue and welfare work sure showed me that! some humans dont deserve the the title "human"... I absolutely get what you mean by the comment though Anne :)

    I only own purebred pedigree dogs myself here! I do love mutts but my choice is purebreds, that way I know exactly what my dog will look like as an adult and all the health testing is done.. I guess it all comes down to personal choice..

    ETA: spelling!

  4. this thread seems to have turned into a purebred vs cross bred debate... I think the comment "Cross breed dogs will never be better than pet quality" is one that is in the eye of the beholder, depends on what the dog is being bred for, many hunting dogs that are crossbred dogs excel at their job much better than a purebred dog of any breed ever would... all depends on the purpose... I think we all need to remember that even purebred dogs started as cross bred mutts ;) I love all dogs, mutts or purebreds... a dog is a dog is a dog to me...

  5. I run a rescue organisation yet I choose to own purebred dogs, that is my choice, I buy from ethical breeders and pay a fortune for dogs that have had health testing... Im very glad that some people choose to purchase rescue dogs but would NEVER insult or abuse anyone for choosing to purchase a purebred from a registered breeder, what I have issue with is byb and petstore puppies... please dont tar all rescue people with the same brush! :)

  6. im with you, im sick of it too!!! I take a big stick with me and if any dog even tries to get near mine I give it all ive got with the stick... one of my dogs has scars all over her face from attacks from loose dogs on the street :mad I dont give a shit anymore, if your dog comes near mine in an aggressive manner, its going to cop it!!!!!

  7. im completely with Nehkbet here, I have a 100% neutral dog (to both humans and other dogs) even under high stress/distraction situations... I didnt stop people meeting and patting my dog as a pup, in fact I encouraged it, I just ensured I was more interesting than they were :D she is completely bomb proof even when nutty people run straight over and give her a hug, coz she knows nothing bad will happen, I exposed her to it from a young age!!!!!

    In saying that its LMSW's dog and she can do what she pleases with him, just be aware if he has never had someone run over and give him a hig (you cant control every situation) and its never happened to him before, you could end up with a problem... hope all goes well with his training and you end up with the dog you want!! :thumbsup:

  8. American Staffordshire Terriers are NOT pitbulls, they were derived from pitbull stock and look somewhat similar but generally more heavier then a pitbull... Amstaffs and Staffordshire Bull Terriers were developed in different countries and from different stock, hence why they look so different, not actually related at all, its confusing I know!... also im not picking, just genuinly curious, how can you have a pedigree dog that has no papers? she is just stunning by the way! good on you for taking her on! nothing better than a loving SBT in the family, I wish you many years of fun and love with her!! :thumbsup:

  9. I rescued a dog about 8 years ago (turned out to be a foster failure!) we wormed and vaccinated him and the next day took him to a man made lake in the NT, he was having a great time swimming around with the other dogs and people, then got out, shook off and guess what was hanging out of his back end? a huge metre long worm!!!!!!!! I had to get out of the water and use a leaf folded over to gently pull the rest of it out, by the time I had finished I had an audience of at least 20 people pissing themselves laughing! needless to say the dog became my partners dog after that!!

  10. i would've said to her, "how about i breed you with a f*****g elephant and let me know how you go popping those out!"

    :rofl: wish id thought of that at the time!!!! what a great call!!!!

    Though the OP shocks me, I wonder what they turned out like ..?

    I would like to know too, will probably never know now, I made it clear she isnt welcome back!!! I also rang around today and asked 5 random vets if they would condone that breeding, they all laughed in my face and said the lady is off her rocker and no vet worth his/her salt would say that its ok!!!

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