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Posts posted by Roguedog

  1. it happened coz a few idiots raised their dogs wrong and the media seized it and went nuts with publicising ANY bad stories involving so-called pitties (most probably werent even purebred) and no body stood up for the breed (at least not enough people did anyway) RSPCA jumped on the bandwagon and whala! innocent pets murdered.... its been going on for quite a few years now... 1000's of dogs murdered due to politicians kneejerk reaction...

  2. Keep your chin up, we have had three cases this year that I have been involved in and we only lost one, she was a very old girl and only presented to the clinic when the symptoms started to show.... you got onto it early so keep positive, the more you stress out, the more Bonnie and Indie will too...

  3. give me a poodle and ill show you how easy it would be to turn it red zone without physically abusing it....

    What does that tell me about you?

    the fact that none of my dogs have ever been red zone cases actually says quite a lot about me (not to mention I use one of my "killing machines" to help rehabilitate aggro dogs!)...... ANY dog can be made red zone REGARDLESS of breed because of the owner, that is the point I was trying to make.... in fact ceaser has taken fluffies and chi's back to his rehab centre on plenty of episodes, like I said, if you watched it you would know...

    i have to disagree with the opinion that ANY dog can be made into an aggressive dog. There are some dogs (of any/all breeds) that no matter what you do to them will not become aggressive. Some dogs just don't have it in them, no matter what. In saying that I also think that some dogs (again of any breed, no particular one) are predisposed to acting or reacting aggressively to any number of things. It is not always because of some a*#!hole owner that did this, that or the other wrong.

    lol, well you have your opinion, and I have mine, thing is I make my living from working with dogs, I see between 10-20 dogs per day (depending on how busy the day is) and they are all different breeds... so I see it first hand on a daily basis..... do you see such a wide variety of dogs/breeds and owners on a daily basis? like I said though, you have your opinion and I have mine....

  4. give me a poodle and ill show you how easy it would be to turn it red zone without physically abusing it....

    What does that tell me about you?

    the fact that none of my dogs have ever been red zone cases actually says quite a lot about me (not to mention I use one of my "killing machines" to help rehabilitate aggro dogs!)...... ANY dog can be made red zone REGARDLESS of breed because of the owner, that is the point I was trying to make.... in fact ceaser has taken fluffies and chi's back to his rehab centre on plenty of episodes, like I said, if you watched it you would know...

  5. you guys that are ever so good at controlling your dogs in such a good manner,you all must be the Australia's answer to Caesar Milan. Can't wait to see you all on TV with your new shows. Even Caesar Milan recognizes some dogs as being RED ZONE cases that require special rehabilitation at his dog centre.

    Now do you think, the average dog owner has the ability to fix red zone cases, I really don't think so. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and I don't think I've seen a show where he's had to rehabilitate a little fluffy as a RED ZONE CASE?

    Correct me if I'm wrong

    yep, yet again you are wrong, if you actually watched his shows you would see he has worked with many red zone fluffys.... those bull breed dogs he has worked with that are red zone were made that way by their owners, if you actually watched the show he explains where they went wrong every time... no the average owner doesnt have the ability to fix a red zone case, but they sure have the ability to bring the dog up right in the first place, many choose not to, is that the dogs fault? (or the breeds fault?)

  6. if you dont give your dog a correction, how will he know you find his behaviour unacceptable? he is a GSD not a poodle (sorry! no offence to poodles!! :cry: ) and they can handle leash corrections... and yes pack structure is very important, I have 4 high energy medium sized dogs and if I didnt have my pack structure sorted id be in a world of trouble!!! remember you have a working breed and an entire male at that going through the "teenage, pushy" stage.... find a behavioural trainer experienced with GSDs to help you out.... good luck! hope you get your boy sorted!

  7. Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone knows of an actual company (or at least a person with an ABN number) who makes good quality seesaws and a-frames in australia? I need to place an order asap and have a proper invoice sent back to me for payment (hence why it needs to be a company or a sole trader with an ABN) dont care where they are in australia or how long I have to wait to have the equipment made up, just need to have the ball rolling asap.... Ive done a million internet searches but to no avail and im starting to stress out... its for a non-profit local training club....

  8. Quote me please don't you be twisting my words

    best you don't you are only making yourself look foolish

    lol, the only one who is looking foolish right now seems to be you, I dont know why you are still posting in this thread considering in your opinion you keep getting "personally attacked" its just going round and round in circles, you are only one person with this biased opinion compared to oh say the 15-20 experienced dog people who are cutting your comments to pieces and disproving them with facts (I recall you saying that poodles have never been responsible for fatal deaths? WRONG! and oh my goodness, not all of the people "against" you are bull breed owners!) even when people try to be nice about the fact that all puppies are born innocent, you seem to turn nasty, we will never change your opinion and you will never chance ours so in my opinion we might as well stop trying..... next im expecting to hear out of your mouth (or fingers :eek: ) is we should murder all bull breeds (including innocent puppies, after all according to you they will grow up to be child killers).... where is troy?? this thread needs to end NOW....

  9. you said it!! just because a dog is a bull breed doesnt make it a killing machine on a leash!! this thread has been reported to troy..... I dont come on this site to be called a dickhead because of my chosen breed, im not a fan of poodles but I sure as hell dont put them down on a public forum!!

  10. you know what, if you dont want to be "personally attacked" as you so put it, why the hell put your post up knowing there are so many bull breed fans and anti-bsl people on this site? boggles the mind!!... I feel you have personally attacked me as I have 4 bull breed dogs (you yourself said bull breed owners are dickheads, that must mean you think I am a dickhead) and my dogs have never, EVER bitten anyone, I have a 3yr old who cut the tips of one of my bull breed dogs ears off, did she bite? no, whimpered and ran away (I accept full responsibility for this occuring, my son should NOT have been allowed access to the dogs without my supervision).... I note you did not address any of my responses to your ill informed posts... figures! crawl back under your rock love, no one is interested in hearing your inexperienced opinions (again where is your proof of your vast experience with a variety of breeds?).... im not wasting any more of my time with you poodiful, ive got better things to do.....

  11. Shock horror, what a surprise. NOT!!!

    yet another bull something or rather being responsible for another attack.

    It's the deed not the breed Blah Blah Blah, so sick of hearing it.

    Sorry but the d!ckheads that own these sorts breeds have much to answer for.

    Who cares what sort of bull it was, some breeds are just dangerous, start and end of story.

    If you chose to breed a dangerous breed, you may be responsible for selling them to irresponsible d!ckheads.

    lol @ poodiful1, im guessing you are drawing your conclusion from your extensive hands on experience with a variety of breeds... being one who deals with a very wide variety of breeds on a daily basis I can vouch that I would rather handle a bull breed than a poodle any day (no offence to poodles, its not their fault but the owners - unlike poodiful1 I am happy to recognise that there are NO bad dogs/breeds, just bad owners) ive got quite a few scars from nasty little poodles...

    Some are just more dangerous than others. Do you think the press deliberately excludes attacks out of the news by what is regarded as non dangerous breed? I don't think so.

    I have yet to see in the news Toy Poodle kills young child.

    Why do suppose that is?

    I'm sick of people defending dangerous breeds.

    absolutely there is discrimination when it comes to reporting dog attacks based on breed, why dont you go and have a look at the nsw bite stats and compare it with the number of media reports on attacks and see how many of the smaller breed attacks (just as serious as the bull breed attacks) make the news, how do I know this? I asked the people involved (i.e. my local rangers, who I know well)... how about you look up how many deaths in australia have been contributed to bull breeds compared to non bull breeds? you might get a shock!

    Dangerous breeds have the ability to inflict fatal injuries.There's no denying it. Constant news reports make that apparent

    and you believe everything you read in the media???

    Look at all the bullies ganging up on me, with their rhetoric or should I say bullsh!it, I'm sick of the bullies defending the bullies, but that's what bully owners are generally like and you are all not going to convince me or the general public that certain breeds are not more dangerous than others.

    bullies? who is picking on who here? we are merely trying to explain to you that these dogs actually make wonderful family pets and were never bred for human aggression, ive been attacked by poodles but have nothing against them... like any breed, they make wonderful pets in the right hands, in the wrong ones is a different story, there is a local security company in my area who use a standard poodle for patrol work, this dog hits like a freight train and bites like an alligator, I feel sorry for any bull breed who tries to take her on! if someone came on this site and started saying that poodles are aggro horrible dogs you would be one of the first to step up and defend your breed (as anyone would defend their heart breed).... all we ask is for you to have a more open mind and perhaps try to expand your experience and maybe spend some time with a bull breed.... p.s. I am a multiple bull breed owner and have been told I am a very nice person (even been told im a softie) very far from a bully. Phew! rant over, fingers sore!!

    ETA: cant spell!!

  12. Gabba, everyone is still probably defensive due to the APBT thread that recently disappeared. To answer your question without any defensiveness, I tend to find amstaffs are more stockier and APBTs are finer boned, a proper purebred amstaff will usually weigh between 23-30kgs, a proper pure bred APBT will usually only weigh between 15-25kgs. amstaffs also dont come with the liver or red nose colouration (it does pop up occasionally but not often)

    also if you are worried about these dogs possibly jumping the fence next time to get to you, I would just avoid the area. prevention is better than a cure (i.e. better to avoid the area than to risk your dog possibly getting scared or hurt if the dogs jump the 4ft fence).

    I hope this helps!

  13. capstar and comfortis dont use the same chemicals so therefore are not the same... I thought the OP was concerned about the fact that advocate is topical, comfortis is pretty much the only long lasting one that isnt topical... I have had no ill effects from comfortis and neither have any of my clients... each to their own, thats why there are so many treatments to choose from... you cant escape chemicals when it comes to long lasting ectoparasite treatment!

    edited: spelling!

  14. why dont you try Comfortis? its a one a month chewable tablet to control fleas. it uses a chemical named Spinosad which makes it start working within 30 mins of ingestion and its completely effective within 4 hours, totally water proof and no mess. only thing is it hasnt been tested in breeding male dogs (so if you want to breed your male, dont use it).

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