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Posts posted by Clyde

  1. The dogs involved in this attack were not Amstaffs but SBTs and they looked purebred, not the typical mongrel pound Staffie.

    Errr no, they were sterling examples of typical mongrel type "Staffies".

  2. 1370682768[/url]' post='6222143']
    1370681538[/url]' post='6222129']

    Pictured are my dear friends Poodles Leo and Gianni, littermates aged 14 bless them...BUT 20 seconds out of this shot it was on :( they hate each other with a passion and pretty much always have. My friend has always managed the problem but as much as she adores them, it's been a long haul.

    Its probably redirected aggression because of the ribbons in their hair. Oh the shame :)


  3. 1370683738[/url]' post='6222159']

    I'm glad they're not here. There's already too many idiots here with powerful dogs they cannot or will not train and care for properly.

    I agree. While I can admire any powerful animal, we have enough breeds here already for people to choose from. No need to bring in another breed who would be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands.

  4. I'm in ringwood, called a few places today but everyone seems booked out for tomorrow. I would have thought given the long weekend that someone would have a free appointment slot. Gonna call one place in mitcham again tomorrow morning as they apparently get the odd cancellation

    If they're an established business they'll be booked out weeks in advance. Most groomers have people on a permanent cycle booked in, just so that the client can be guaranteed an appointment.

  5. There are a lot of people who will swear their pug is perfectly content being alone for 8 or more hours a day most days. They are entitled to their opinion, and if that is all the pug has known since a tiny baby puppy, then maybe he/she has never had the chance to know there is a better way of life. But I, and most other pugaholics can tell you that although they may sleep all day, they do NOT choose to sleep apart from each other or far away from people if they have thee chance. Pugs crave companionship and on the one occasion in my life when I had only one dog, I delivered her to a pet-sitter where she could romp with other small dogs every workday on my way to work. Some may consider that overly fanatic, but I was concerned that she had NEVER been alone - always had had other pugs or other dogs within snuggling distance.

    Rehoming an older pug (especially one that may have had abuse or neglect) I consider it my responsibility to find the IDEAL home, where that pug WILL have companionship, animal and/or human for most of the daylight hours as well as at night and on weekends.This can be a luxury when rehoming mixed breeds, sometimes I am grateful to find homes where they will be loved and well-cared for. Fortunately for rescue Pugs though, that is an affordable luxury as the demand is high. So, I, for one, support the PUG breed rescues in putting prospective adopters through the wringer - when there are a heap of applications it would be a dereliction of duty to NOT approve the best possible match. Just trying to explain a point of view..

    whilst I do agree with you that as a general rule pugs should not be without other canine company during the day if its humans are at work, I find this notion that an application that has a retired couple or stay at home parent (for example) is somehow superior to someone who works a little misguided. Who's to say that the 'ideal' stay at home mum with older kids isnt going to stick the dog in the backyard all day because it sheds and they are house proud? Or be off all day socialising, shopping etc? There are no certainties, so each application should be looked at for its merit not dismissed because someone is an 'evil full time worker' or immediately put to the top of the pile just because someone is a stay at home mum or retired couple(for example).

    Nobody is saying full time workers don't offer good homes. It's more that they've decided on the ideal home for their breed, and then withing these ideals, they choose the right home. I'm sure they get applicants who don't work who aren't ideal candidates.

  6. That why the blanket "no pugs to homes that work" rules are just eye rollingly stupid. It's saying that a better home is one that doesn't have the income to provide for the dog, especially in the event it needed emergency medical care etc

    It's a massive generalization to assume that people who don't work, don't have an income or can't afford medical care over people who are employed.

    I think any rescuer would be mad not to choose someone who is home a lot over someone who works full time, provided all other boxes are ticked (with any breed).

    That being said, I agree that each individual case is worth being looked at. I work from home and am home most of the time, but if the weather is nice the Pug gets booted outside during the day. He has other dogs to hang out with but he loves tooling around on his own and certainly doesn't snooze the day away!

    I guess if people don't like the way a rescue runs then they should do it themselves. There is nothing unethical about their decision, plenty of other rescues needing homes! Like RuralPug said, she can afford to be extra choosy as the breed is still in high demand - so if they can find these awesome homes then why not!

  7. Hi,

    Do you think a Maremma would be suitable for these people, or do you thing too big? One of my workmates contacted me today about one of his friends who "inherited" a Maremma and they now want to find him a new home. All I know at this stage is that the dog is a Maremma and is male. I have asked for more information. I am in Canberra, so am assuming the dog is too.



    Maremmas are big barkers and there is no way they'd chase a ball. I second the suggestion that they contact Andrea - they really need a specific type of home! Is there anyway you could really get across how important it is that this dog not be passed on to just anyone?

  8. Not sure if its been mentioned but my dogs always drop weight on the BARF patties. They're sold through Pet Barn. To mess or fuss, the dogs love them. They have roo ones or combo packs. Everything he needs is in there but keep up with the bones (chook necks etc).

  9. Found this great article about choosing the right breed of dog called 'Mismatches'. I haven't copied and pasted because it's quite long. Couldn't help but laugh at this comment:

    "And then there is the jogger I know who got a greyhound and was saddened by his dog's lack of interest in jogging, especially if it was raining or wet or cold or snowing or too hot or windy or at night or in the daytime."


    Why does that make me think of Stan? :laugh:

  10. Chaining 24/7 is no life :( I chain dogs when necessary but only short term or longer periods with an end goal in mind - ie training Maremma etc. The property down the road has a dear little dog (JRT) in a tiny run 24/7. She never, ever, ever gets out. I see the kids playing ball right in front of her run, inside a fenced off garden - yet the dog remains in her run. :cry: They've been reported by other neighbours and visited by the RSPCA but they aren't breaking any laws. Apparently their last dog was chained 24/7 so they decided a run would be less offensive for the locals with this dog *roll eyes*

  11. What about trying the Coles grain free - applaws? A bit pricier than vip at $30 for 5.5kg

    I might give it a go - I don't mind about the price. I was just trying to use an Australian made product :) The Applaws dry is made in Australia though the cans are imported.

    It doesn't matter where it is made as long as it suits your dog.

    The dog is the priority. :)

    What a sad attitude :(

    Im pretty sure Rosetta is aware that her dog is her priority, but kudos to her for trying to find a food which supports our country and suits her dog.

  12. Is the houstraining likely to get any better? Am I just being impatient? I don't want my house to smell like dog urine permanently!

    Pugs are notorious for weeing inside!

    I have a 2yr old who marks inside.

    I have friends with Pugs who mark inside too.

    I've taken mine back to basics so many times and now just juggle a belly band, a crate and a watchful eye!

    I'm ecstatic if we get through one week without a sneaky pee inside somewhere. He is a master of sleuth pees and has completely trained me to throw him on the couch each evening as at least I know where he is then and he doesn't pee on the couch!

  13. I had a busy/stressful day at work last week, went in early, came home late, it was dark and pouring with rain, husband is home with the animals until 3:30pm when he goes to work but they hadn't been out for a walk due to the rain. 4 dogs and the cat all over me demanding food and attention and traipsing in mud and leaves from being let out to toilet. I texted husband: "Arrrh. Tired of all these animals, running away from home and leaving all of you!!",. He texted back: "You are taking Gael with you, aren't you". Yep. Love them all, not equally!


  14. The antibiotics themselves wont make the sin worse, but you certainly can get a flare up in the few weeks after starting treatment for the mites. Dead and dying mites cause irritation to the hair follicles and it is not uncommon for skin to look worse before it looks better.

    Thanks Rappie, that makes sense. I also wondered if the antibiotics could suppress the immune system a bit and allow the mites to increase.

    I'm no vet, but I would say that you are correct. Not necessarily allowing the mites to spread but definitely muck her system up enough for the a/b's not to have a positive effect.

    Gladesville Vet is an extremely good clinic, not sure if that area suits you.

    Alvin had to have oral ivermec and then follow up treatment with Advocate. He had to be slowly weaned on to the ivermec to make sure there was no reaction as he was on Comfortis at the same time.

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