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Wazzat Xolo

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Posts posted by Wazzat Xolo

  1. Hi, my whippet had a litter of 7 yesterday, 4 days early. She is a maiden. All except one pup are nursing well and going strong. The last born, a boy, was quite tired when he finally arrived and since then has been unable/doesn't know how to suckle. He is smaller than the others but appears to be well developed, doesn't have a cleft palate and he is a fighter. He is feeding well on Wombaroo every two hours. I am using a sponge. Naturally, I'd love him to nurse on his mum. He tries and tries but to no avail. It's heartbreaking.

    Does anyone have any techniques to suggest? Has anyone experienced this and had any success getting their pup to nurse? We will hand feed him til he can be weaned but naturally, if we can get him to nurse, he would be better off.

    Thanks in advance.


    I am on a great FB group


    very good advice and ideas

  2. Thanks so much everyone, I have decided on a list of questions to incorporate into my conversation with them. I would feel a lot better if I talk to them on the phone anyway I think, so I will insist that anyone who emails me calls me if they are interested. I don't think that's too much to ask of someone!

    That's great news, as with everything you are guided and do your own research the q and A is just the basics, if that comes out as you like, one goes from there, I have many steps as I am a known Fuss pot ( and make no apologies for it!) but I find if people cant be bothered filling them in, that's enough to say they cant be bothered with the work I expect to be put into dogs I place. Good Luck with your venture.

  3. I just received a great email this am, with house photos and a great filled in questionnaire, if you love a breed and want to promote the good aspects I don't think you can ever waste time, a bit will sink in .

    Great food for thought! Thanks :)

    I think I just invest too much time into each email maybe? Anyway, I am just going to send a standard one now copy n pasted, but with lots of information :)


  4. I direct people to my web page for info ask them to research the breed and if interested fill in a Puppy Questionaire, if people cant be bothered doing these basics, then they sure as hell are not having one of my dogs! It sifts the wheat from the chaff I have found .

    Does anyone else get really sick of replying with lots of information and never hearing back at all...

    One of my pet peeve..a simple, thank you for your time would be lovely... :o

  5. I use Debbie at Scandi Pets, I am sure she would answer any questions for you.

    Bringing your dog to Norway from a non-EU country: Requirements for pet travel are slightly stricter. Like travelers from the EU, you should also get your dog a pet passport if at all possible or have your vet complete the Veterinary Certificate (.doc).

    In addition, you will also need a Third Country Certificate available from the EU Food Safety Department or the Norwegian Department of Agriculture.

    Taking your dog to Norway from a non-EU country requires the dog (or cat) to be vaccinated for rabies, antibody-tested by an EU-approved lab, and be treated for tapeworm before traveling to Norway.

    You must notify the Norwegian District Office about the time and place of arrival at least 48 hours prior

    Yes they can come straight off the other end in some countries. But as far as I know they have to be a minimum of 12 weeks old to leave Australia.


  6. An RSPCA officer came knocking at my door yesterday after having been given a complaint about me. It involved a photo posted on Facebook of a dog bred whilst living in Canada, with cropped ears, and wearing tapes, sitting on my back deck. The information attached to the photo said who the dog was (litter brother to another very well known dog in my breed). This pup was born in 2006.

    Through a series of events, this photo was taken to a vet (clearly one working with the RSPCA) who said that the dogs ears had not been cropped, and that the 'popsicle' sticks in the ears were to make the ears stand up. The story also was that the dog came from Texas to Australia and in the mind of the person that submitted the complaint, I had illegally cropped this dogs ears.

    Now this whole thing was in fact quite funny and I'm not bagging the RSPCA officer as he's just doing his job.

    First off....the dogs ears WERE in fact cropped. Not sure how ANY vet could miss that....The sticks were actually boning used in the making of corsets..a popular material those of us that cropped, used to train the ears to stand, as it was light weight and flexible. The dog was born at my home in Canada (litter brother to the famous one) and was in fact sold to a lovely man in Texas who was starting Uni. His parents ended up looking after the dog and falling in love and when 'son' graduated and had to move, they kept the dog. When the father's work presented a move to Australia, I was contacted to ask if I thought the dog would handle the flight and quarantine. To my knowledge, two years or so ago, this dog lives now north of Sydney.

    When the officer was invited around to inspect, we showed him our four large dog yards. (about 30meters square) and the large shelters in each one. Two of my dogs are in yard four, because they are in season and need to be separated to avoid any accidental matings. Both are docked as both are imports. We gave him copies of the import pedigrees and vet records showing the tail procedure. We invited him into the house, which he first decline but we insisted...as he warmed by our wood heater, he commented on my series of double decker crates for sleeping, and when he was told that 7 dogs slept inside (five at the moment as the two in heat had to stay in the yard with their kennel enclosure, multiple blankets, raised beds and a heat lamp on 24/7) he commented that the house didn't have any smell of dog.

    Upon leaving, he stated twice, and most strongly that should there be another complaint, he will not return to our home....clearly he assumed there would be as many that issue idle complaints, if they don't get the answers they want, will try again.

    The man was polite and commented that we had shown him and given him far more access than most would. He's just doing his job, and I had nothing to hide.

    There was no cropped ear dog on the premises, nor where there any docked dogs without the appropriate paperwork. What a shame that the person that complained ends up with no satisfaction....

    For the person that submitted the complaint, and although I don't have 100% proof of your identity, I'm well on the way to getting it.....sorry to spoil your 'trashing' party....you, like anyone else is more than welcome to come and visit my dogs, see how they are homed and cared for.

    I was advised to remove the photo in question from my FB kennel page..I declined. In fact, I"ve since posted more photos of dogs I"ve bred with *gasp* cropped ears and/or ear tapes showing. I have never hidden the fact that I like a cropped ear and docked tail. Many wrinkle their nose with disgust, but for generations of never either living with a dog like this, nor even in most cases seeing one in the flesh, these people truly have no right to chastise me for my choice in look. I believe in the historical look of my breed. It's animal right fanatics that have taken MY breed and changed it's look which has been so for hundreds of years because THEY feel they have the right to tell me that I am cruel and uncaring.

    Never once, in the time I cropped (and remember, this was ALWAYS done with a vet in sterile conditions and with the best of equipment available) unlike some currently still doing it in the states with outdated meds and on the kitchen table, did I have any ear infections, and wound infections or subsequent ear issues at any point in the dogs life....the same can not be said for others that negate the procedure and are running to the vets for drops and ear canal surgeries.....

    Anyway, at the end of the day, I had to giggle about the visit and the purpose why.....once again, a person with both too much time on their hands, and too much vindictiveness in their heart. I am slightly concerned however that a vet working with the RSPCA did not recognise a cropped ear as such....if something so simple as this was missed with this photo (shown below) what else would this vet misdiagnose when involved in a rescue or abuse case?

    aint that the truth! Thanks for sharing!! Vindictive people are everywhere, really they should volunteer for charity with all that time they have!

  7. I found out recently from my neurologist why i am allergic to dogs when i wasn't before.I have become sensitive to smells that can trigger a migraine.

    Many everyday odors can give me an instant headache and nausea .Strong doggy odor will trigger a headache almost instantly or can take a few hours of exposure before i get a reaction.So i guess i will have to find a breed with low / little odor;that would be more important to me than shedding;however i would prefer less shedding but would manage some moderate shedding for a suitable dog that i could live with without a reaction.

    My last dog shed but the hair stayed mostly in her coat and i could brush it out and would only find a few hairs in the house if at all.

    I read the other day that the Smooth Collie does not have a strong doggy odor !... Is this so ?? ..If it is then i will put Collies on my to look at breeds list..

    Purdie when you find a breed you like, ask the breeder if you can send a t Shirt to them to be with the dog you are considering, then when you get it back wear it and see if you react, I have found this to work very well with anyone wanting to test.

  8. From the Mayo Clinic: Interesting they say allergens can be on the fur.

    Seems all fur can pick up allergens like pollens, smoke etc from outside.

    Cats and dogs

    Allergens from cats and dogs are found in skin cells the animals shed (dander), as well as in their saliva, urine and sweat and on their fur. Dander is a particular problem because it is very small and can remain airborne for long periods of time with the slightest bit of air circulation. It also collects easily in upholstered furniture and sticks to your clothes.

    Pet saliva can stick to carpets, bedding, furniture and clothing. Dried saliva can become airborne.

    So-called hypoallergenic cats and dogs may shed less fur than shedding types, but no breed is truly hypoallergenic.

    I agree many pets owners mean they don't want a messy house when they ask for 'non-shedding'. But I've found both long & short hair bring their own problems. There's drifts of fur from the shelties & tibs. But there's little sharp spikes of hair from the short-haired dogs. I get our pet tibbies clipped...in our Qld weather they're more comfy.

    that's exactly right and most people fail to see NO non shedding dogs!

    People need to test what they are allergic to before accusing a breed or even a dog, one dog is not the same as the next even if the same breed.

  9. all dogs shed, even my hairless, they shed dander, it would depend on what each and EVERY individual is allergic to in each and every case with each and every dog! I have had many people test my dogs and they are still allegic reactions that happen.

    Also hairless dogs are very dirty and need grooming/scrubbing every second day and a lot of skin maintenance, of course you don't have to, but mine are and kept in good condition like our own skin. Also due to the care of the skin the olis carry sand and dirt into the house, so maybe no hair, ut plenty of dirt!

    Just had to add as most people assume differently.

    No such thing as a totally non shedding dog! Everything living sheds!

  10. Very well done :) You must be so proud of them both :)

    I am very PROUD, Mak is a fantastic person, all the Juniors that handle the dogs are just lovely. I am grateful to them all for putting the breed on the map. I was very happy last night, if we never win again, thats fine, I have experienced the thrill of knowing we did our very best and i know they looked great!

  11. Makaela the Junior handler representing Australia at CRUFTS won RU BIS with the XOLOITZCUINTLE, Ch Besitos Naca (Hoover) IMP USA, I have a little clip, because its not often we win, and I have to keep checking that its real!

  12. I am looking forward to the replies, I am interested to learn more from this. I can only speak from discharge at day 39 and we lost everything, good luck, for the next few days and may you have a healthy litter .

  13. anyone had any experience with getting a dog declared dangerous in WA. Not that i want to do this, i was just wondering how it works? Does the ACO have to witness the behaviour?

    Nick email me I can explain it to you, its under the Dog Act 1976 and its the Local Council that declares it under the legislation, its not easy either.

  14. Alpine - Siberian Husky - FOUND and returned to ecstatic owners six long days later :thumbsup:

    Wow that is amazing in these temperatures - lucky dog and lucky owner :-)

    Returned in dubious circumstances with change of collar and not hungry but hey!! - awesome outcome.

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes, the plot thickens! lol

  15. Ok I don't want to play this game any more - I hate hot weather, the air conditioning is making no difference whatsoever.

    So can somebody please turn the temp dial down icon_smile_mad.gif This is no fun at all!

    I just bought a water fan for the dogs, works great a light spray of water or none, whatever you prefer, keeps the whole area cool.

  16. Anyone who is showing this weekend please share the info


    1. Due to the extreme weather conditions judging at all 3 shows will now be commencing at 7:30 PM. This is after sunset. Please pass this information on to anyone you know who may not be on FB

    2. The Canine Association is CLOSED and WILL NOT BE OPEN TOMORROW! Please also pass this information on to others not on FB so that they do not call me to ask as I have had several calls already!

    3. The grounds DO NOT OPEN on Saturday until 5 PM. Please remember that there is plenty of room on our grounds and you do not have to be at the front, particularly as we have delayed the start of the show there will be plenty of time to set up when it is slightly cooler. We do not need to cause a traffic hazard by having cars lined up and down Ranford and Warton roads before 5 PM. Think of your dogs (and yourself) and come down a little later when it is cooler if you have later breeds.

    Thanks Showdog, the joys of having an X breed we dont have to get there till 9.30 ish lol, the not so joys of having the only ones, having to wait for group!

  17. Ahhh the Dog World, the only place where everyone knows everyone elses business and WHAT everyone else should do!!

    Just love it!!

    Its a shame as there was some very good information in the thread, before it got all bent out of shape and nasty, what one has come to expect in the Dog World, sadly.

  18. If it were me I would be contacting the Qld KC and explaining what had happened, afterall she may not be in pup. Even if I had to pet out every pup if it was born, I would not be using the abort injection, I have heard some horror stories of bitches who could not get back in pup. good luck, but I say be upfront and seek the KC advice.


    OP, be very wary of veterinary 'minimal risk' quiffs.

    It's all stats and figures until its your dog and your dilemma ...

    and by then veterinary repro theory has moved on, and your dilemma is a shrug shoulders "oh we have advanced a lot since then ... we now recommend ..."


    they dont even take responsibility when a vaccination batch is faulty, not that they are at fault, but I know from devestating experience when 7 out of nine died overnight, 8th died that afternoon, the bills for saving the 9th he asked could he keep her as he had become so attached during the weeks she (literally) lived in his pocket on a drip. No doubting his dedication to saving her.

    Not a word was said about compensation let alone return of the vaccination fee I paid to keep them safe. not kill them outright. only learned months later that batch killed 600 before manufacturer recalled that batch. my friend worked there and spotted the recall, gave me the batch mumber and it tallied with the stickers on my cards. I have since learnt the vaccination companies rarely tell the vets why theres a recall so they dont have to compensate the owners..nice eh?

    as for the vets who will do every test and check knowing the patient has less than 10percent chance of recovery , yet only tells the owner,we will do our best to save him/her, not a hint there is 90 percent that death is going to happen.

    then pat the mug shelling out thousands for the great efforts made to 'save' their pet. So sorry, we did our best, some times these things happen. Nice fat invoice though and the owner never knew the real odds.

    only recently were quoted "$3,000 for the necessary needed intensive care, or wont survive",thats not counting all the scans and examination costs alrready done, a family friend with medical experience looked at the scans and asked, whats the odds of recovery, after a bit of thought the reply? Ten percent.

    The pet already had lived 1/3 longer than the breed average.

    vets these days are not trained to tell you the practical.

    They are trained to do all they can regardless of the cost or the low possibility of a successful outcome. Some only prolong life for another few weeks.

    As one more honest vet said to me, over my unconsious cat with impacted bowel. "I can ream her out for you for $700 but that isnt removing whater is the root cause. Chances are you will be back in two weeks for the same op.

    Her body is shutting down and I feel her day has arrived." She was 18. She had arrived as an adult all those years ago. We later learnt her real age was 20. so the old girl had a good innings.

    I was so grateful to that vet for telling me the truth. Most today do not, they are taught to prolong whatever the costs. Pet owners hearts rule their head, but they should still be given ALL the facts before making the decision

    THANK YOU ASAL i thought it was just me that saw the ongoing ridiculous costs some people are charged, its very sad as you said hearts rule heads, just recently here in WA a dog owner paid $37.000 to fix their dog up, it was a youndg couple and all their house savings, their sisters house savings and maxed out credit cards. I know they love the pooch, but I must admit I really felt for them.

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