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Jak Gets Desexed Tomorrow :-(


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Well yes my little munchkin is at home and recovering very well! I have had to crate her though to try and keep her "quiet", which isn't always easy when you have an energiser bunny like mine, but so far so good with the crate. I let her out every hour if she's awake for some water and to toilet, stretch her legs etc and then am putting her back into the crate. I could be reading more into it, but she seems to know that she's not up for much and so far, is obliging with the forced rest.

The vet had a good look at her leg and there does not appear to be any broken bone/s, torn muscles or anything so it's more than likely just a strain, which again requires rest. She is receiving painkillers for both her leg and the after op, and when I let her out she appears to be walking almost normally on her leg now...

She only had a small meal for dinner last night and a normal sized meal for breakfast this morning, but she only ate about 3/4 of it. I'm about to feed her her dinner so will see how she goes with that.

I'd be happy to talk to you further pinnacle about Jak and her daily life if you want to pm me with more specifics :-)

Cheers guys

Rhi and Recovering Jak

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OMG - what a night. After a fairly uneventful day, at about 11 pm last night Jak started vomiting and couldn't seem to stop. So at midnight I raced her to the emergency vet (not a handy place and a half hour drive at that hour). She's been there all night, they took blood and have had her on a drip overnight. Apparently she was doing really well until 6am this morning when she threw up again.

So I am about to go and get her and transport her back to her regular vet. They don't know what's wrong but seem confident that it's not surgery related and that there are many causes for vomiting in dogs. I was beside myself last night and nearly passed out at the vet when she was feeling her stomach (I'm not good with pain) and I ended up having to lay down on the floor - some mum I am! haha.

Anyway, about to have a shower and battle the peak hour traffic to get to her. I don't know what's wrong with my baby girl :-(

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OMG - what a night. After a fairly uneventful day, at about 11 pm last night Jak started vomiting and couldn't seem to stop. So at midnight I raced her to the emergency vet (not a handy place and a half hour drive at that hour). She's been there all night, they took blood and have had her on a drip overnight. Apparently she was doing really well until 6am this morning when she threw up again.

So I am about to go and get her and transport her back to her regular vet. They don't know what's wrong but seem confident that it's not surgery related and that there are many causes for vomiting in dogs. I was beside myself last night and nearly passed out at the vet when she was feeling her stomach (I'm not good with pain) and I ended up having to lay down on the floor - some mum I am! haha.

Anyway, about to have a shower and battle the peak hour traffic to get to her. I don't know what's wrong with my baby girl :-(

Oh gosh, you poor thing. I hope it's nothing serious :D

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I feel for you and her so much, I hope she is ok.

It may be a delayed reaction to the anesthetic and her tummy may not have been able to cope with the food. This does sometimes happen.

What did you feed her since getting home?

Sending you and her a big :D

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I feel for you and her so much, I hope she is ok.

It may be a delayed reaction to the anesthetic and her tummy may not have been able to cope with the food. This does sometimes happen.

What did you feed her since getting home?

Sending you and her a big :D

Thanks :-)

She had a bone on Saturday and only a very small meal on Saturday night, and then the same sized portion yesterday morning and then again last night at about 6.

I've just gotten home from taking her to our regular vet and he seems stumped. She now seems to be trying to vomit but nothing's coming up. I feel so helpless and I can't stop crying.

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Fingers crossed it's nothing to worry about :D .

What a fright she mush have given you, poor little Jak & you of course.

Thanks weisnjac - fright indeed!

She's at our vet today and I can ring around 4pm to check up on her. I didn't cope well with seeing the drip in her arm. I'm so soft! I remember when I had to take my dad to the doctor when he broke his hand, I nearly passed out just watching the doctor prod at it. That's what I was like when the vet was checking Jak over... Not nice haha.

I stopped at the servo on the way home and the guy there (always very friendly) asked me how my day was going. I said not good, been at the emergency vet overnight, pup couldn't stop vomiting etc. He said "Was she recently desexed?" and I said she was. He said his girl started vomiting after the surgery and didn't make it... Not a nice thought to take home with me.

Oh dear. Might make myself another coffee.

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She had a bone on Saturday and only a very small meal on Saturday night, and then the same sized portion yesterday morning and then again last night at about 6.

Did you tell your vet she had a bone on Saturday. If you didn't please phone your vet and tell him straight away they will xray her tummy to see if some bone may be stuck in the intestine. While I was righting my first post I thought I hope she did not give any bones to Jak. Do you know if she swallowed any of the bone on Saturday. I am not trying to worry you but just trying to figure out what might be the problem.

Hope you are holding up ok. Drink some tea with lemon in it it will help settle you.

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Yeah I told the vet/s that she'd had a bone on Saturday - she did swallow some of it as she usually does. I was wondering if that might be a factor myself and have been wondering why an x-ray hasn't been done. I hope her vet does one during the day today, at least just to rule that out.

It's ok pinnacle, you can't worry me any more than I already am :D

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Hi Rhi, You can call the vet and ask for one to be done, or maybe that's what there going to do during the day.

In the health/nutrition and grooming forum I posted a what bones to feed your dog guide for someone who asked. Have a look. If you have any questions let me know.

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Hi Rhi, You can call the vet and ask for one to be done, or maybe that's what there going to do during the day.

In the health/nutrition and grooming forum I posted a what bones to feed your dog guide for someone who asked. Have a look. If you have any questions let me know.

Done :-)

I give her either beef soup or briskit bones, straight out of the freezer...

I'll have a look for your post now.


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Thanks amypie - I've calmed ALOT haha.

I've been working on some photos, so I think that's helped. I might grab a magazine now and just lay down on the floor and chill.

I can call the vet around 4 to see how she's doing :-)

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Hi laffi,

Yes not long off the phone (the vet was with someone so I spoke with the vet nurse instead). Apparently he wants to keep Jak in overnight for further monitoring :-( So two sleepovers in a row for her the poor thing.

They've x-rayed her and there are no obstructions, which is a big :thumbsup: . She is still retching, just not bringing anything up and that's why he wants to keep her there. She hasn't had anything to eat or drink and is still on the drip.

So another night by myself and I can check in on her again around 9.30 tomorrow morning. It's not the same without my little furry mate by my side :-(

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Hi laffi,

Yes not long off the phone (the vet was with someone so I spoke with the vet nurse instead). Apparently he wants to keep Jak in overnight for further monitoring :-( So two sleepovers in a row for her the poor thing.

They've x-rayed her and there are no obstructions, which is a big :thumbsup: . She is still retching, just not bringing anything up and that's why he wants to keep her there. She hasn't had anything to eat or drink and is still on the drip.

So another night by myself and I can check in on her again around 9.30 tomorrow morning. It's not the same without my little furry mate by my side :-(

Hi Rhi, glad to hear she does not have an obstruction, maybe it is just a delayed reaction to the anesthetic, my friend has just arrived who is a vet nurse and I showed her the post it could just be the bone working through or delayed reaction or a gastro bug it is very hard to tell. Good that she stays another night although I know you will miss her so much, but we are all thinking of you both. :laugh:

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Thanks pinnacle dts :-)

Yeah she is better off where she is and I actually feel more comfortable that she's at her own vet where she knows everyone so it shouldn't be too traumatic for her.

I've been doing some research on the net and the delayed reaction is certainly a possibility - she could just be very sensitive to the anesthetic. The vet nurse mentioned something about trying her on a intestinal diet (bland chicken and rice) to see how she goes with that, but that could be tomorrow rather than today.

Oh well, more lounging around on the floor watching movies for me without two paws standing on my neck! haha. I say that lightly but I do miss her terribly. Fingers crossed for a good nights sleep tonight.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes and concern, it means alot :-)

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