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Non-stop Vet Visits

Blues and Boots

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Hi - just wanted a whinge.

I've had my puppy 6 weeks and he's had to go to the vets 5 times! Everytime I give him the once over I'm constantly finding things wrong it's very frustrating and costing a bit too. he's still very healthy and getting top quality food but seems to find trouble for himself. First a yeast infection in both ears that needed two vet visits. Then he had a reaction to a needle and a bee sting that didn't require vet visits. Then he had a huge reaction on his face to an insect sting where his face puffed up into a football and now he's got some kind of eye infection which needs a check up vet visit. He's on 2 kinds of eye drops and antibiotics. He's a little 15wk Weimaraner who I love to bits but jeese he's been a little drama puppy lately - especially this week. Anyone else finding their puppy needing a few extra vet visits then they might like?

Also is there anyone in WA who can recommend a good obedience school near Kwinana or South of perth somewhere?

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What a run of bad luck. Hopefully once you get through this patch, you'll have years of never visiting the vet except for annual shots!

My Wei tended to investigate every interesting smell nose-first with a one-track mind and I was forever worrying he'd jab his eye on a sharp branch or get bitten by a spider in all the bushes he barged through. I lost track of how many times he'd pop his head up smiling happily with his face covered in spider webs.

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I think it is the fact he is a wei. They are very determined hunters. I had one who was forever digging snakes out of my rock wall. He would stay there all day if necessary waiting for his chance. Was always getting bitten. Luckily not the deadly kind, but did swell up a bit in the chest area.

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My first dog many moons ago was a Wei and she was always into trouble! Bee stings, swallowed a golf ball and other odd things. Then I had a GSP pup who managed to get a cup hook through her tongue... aaaah!! Some definitely get up to more mischief than others.

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Thanks for your replies it was fun reading them. It's funny what these puppies like to eat - mine loves sand and rocks at the moment. You can tell where he has been by the colour of his sand poos. There's blue metal ones and river sand ones and garden soil ones, it's pretty funny. He also has the odd stick and gumnut poo too. I'm just glad nothing's getting stuck with his luck i'm crossing my fingers. I've read a few pages on this forum and looked at the photos and haven't noticed many wei owners or photos but I'm guessing a few people have had them by the look of the replies.

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Mine passed away two months ago at age 14 and a half. He was my best friend and constant companion for all those years so he was pretty special to me, so I just couldn't bring myself to just replace him with another dog similar to him. I finally ended up choosing a different type of gundog, a Cocker Spaniel pup who'll be arriving this week. Much smaller, which I'll have to get used to!

PS. It's not just a puppy problem! Two specific things to watch out for from my own personal experience - mine apparently ate some cat poo in our backyard (from some unknown irresponsible neighbour's feral cat) at around age 7 and he got toxoplasmosis, which was a nightmare as both the vet and a neuro-specialist misdiagnosed it at first. Then when he was 9 he ate a rotten potato from the compost (he knew never to touch the compost, but a family member left the kitchen scraps in a bucket next to the compost the day before - so the rules didn't apply!) and I had to have his stomach pumped at the emergency hospital at 3am. I thought I was going to lose him both times, but he came through them okay to live to a ripe old age (102 in human years).

Edited by anthony mazzeri
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Hi! Please post puppy pics in the weim thread!! Love the puppy pics :thumbsup:

With the reaction to a needle - was it a vaccination? If so, you will need to be careful, as weims are particularly susceptible to vaccinosis. I have one at the moment who had it. The needle and ears sound vaccine related. PM me if you want more info.

Also, with the rock eating, you should try to stop him - a lot of weims do it recreationally, and have to have surgery. It's very dangerous. None of mine have done it, but I know several people whose weims have had surgery. Don't know why they do it, silly buggers :thumbsup:

I have to agree with everyone else - they are bundles of trouble - but you have to love them. :mad

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I'll try and put a photo on the wei thread but I couldn't get them to upload before. Yeah he had a reaction to a vaccination but only a small one - he got a large marble where the needle was. I'm a bit worried about the cat poo he eats. I try to get it out of his mouth but he goes in search of it when I'm not home. It's so disgusting. I hope he doesn't get sick from it.

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