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Can You Train A Dog To Use A Kitter Litter Tray


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I am buying a british bulldog pup in a few weeks and wanted to know if they can be trained to you a kitter litter tray.We are wanting to leave the dog inside when it gets hotter with the air conditioner on and will need the dog to be able to go to the toilet inside which we are hoping will be in the litter tray.

any help is appreciated.


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Male or female ? A male would need great aim to get it in the litter tray :thumbsup: but I suppose you could train a female. I've never tried it and never heard of it being done but I'm sure someone will be able to help.

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I think you'd have greater success with a female than a male unless the male squats for life rather than cocking his leg.

I know of IGs that are litter tray trained. If you can teach the pup to pee on paper or pads, then I'm sure you can teach the pup to pee in a litter tray. You might need to experiment with litter though and go for something 'earthy' rather than paper-based or beads. In fact, I would NOT use a bead-style or clumping litter for a dog or pup...too tempting for the animal to chew on it and it can be harmful if it's clumping type litter.

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You can also buy those things with fake turf - Pet Loo I think its called.

I would consider the size of the dog though with allowing toileting inside in any container - the bigger the dog, the bigger the wee :thumbsup:

I have always trained mine to go outside only, once they are a bit older they can hold on for quite a while if they have to.

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I am buying a british bulldog pup in a few weeks and wanted to know if they can be trained to you a kitter litter tray.We are wanting to leave the dog inside when it gets hotter with the air conditioner on and will need the dog to be able to go to the toilet inside which we are hoping will be in the litter tray.

any help is appreciated.


Hi dla1.,

You can train a puppy male or female to use a litter tray, you will need 2 trays. The best way to do it is look at what the dog will wee or poo on when normally in your back yard. For most people this is grass. Get the largest trays available and also one that the sides are not to high on and the pup can enter easily. Dig a 2 slabs of turf from a part of the garden that it won't be missed from or go to your garden centre and buy a 2 slabs of turf that fits the trays. Punch three or four holes in each tray before putting the turf in and put some tarpaulin down under each tray with the side and ends rolled up to prevent leakage onto the floor. When your puppy does do a wee outside dab it up with some paper towel and rub it onto the turf in one of the trays. This is the real yucky bit :D You have to rub a little bit of poo into the turf of the other tray. If you get your pup at 8 weeks then after feeding, after drinking, after playing and after sleep to can take the puppy to the trays and it will wee and poo. You will only need the wee tray when your dog is an adult. The tarpaulin will also help when if its a male dog they start to cock their leg and stop it from going on the floor. To clean the trays just run them under the hose out side and leave in the sun to dry. Once the puppy has used them a few times, even when you clean them the smell will still be there to the puppy but not to you.

I have always used this method in toilet training any pups as it provides very good association for the puppy as the puppy progress's I move the tray closer to the door and finally outside. Then there is no more need for the tray. I found this method prevented any accidents in the house because the pup had the same inside as out side and no confusion where to go. Because you will not be using the last part of the process you will periodically have to put fresh turf in the tray

I understand your need to keep a bull dog inside in summer, and if you going to be out for more than 4 hours at a time, then this is a good solution to save the dog holding on to long or having accidents. If you do not have grass in your back yard, then let me know what you do have and we can work something out. If any part of the above is not clear then also let me know.

Hope this has helped you. :thanks:

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Thanks everyone for the replie.they are very helpful.Pinnacle,great information.This sounds like soemthing I can easily do as we have grass and a big yard.As we will have a 2hr cross over somedays btween my husband finishing work and me starting I need to make sure the pup has somewhere to go.the pup will be female.Another reason I am wanting to do this is because I am realy starting to panic that someone will take my dog when she gets older.Not that anything has ever happened like this before around here,but bulldogs are not common anywhere and I dont want to save all my money buy my gorgeous pup and thenn have some idiot take her.

Anywa I will give the grass ago.

Thanks again


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Its my pleasure to help, post us some pics when you get her. I also understand what your saying about your worry of her being stolen this does happen quite alot in this breed.

Any problems with the trays let me know. :D

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Yes - I also saw some kind of dog toilet at the pet store the other day - with fake turf etc. Wouldn't have a clue if they work though - has anyone tried to use them with any success?

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Just a thought, but is it possible for you to have a dog door put in? Maybe in a screen door with marine grade steel and triple locks? The door does not have to be massive, because you would be surprised what size door grown dogs can get through, but would still have to be reasonable to suit the grown dog. I know some people believe that it can be a security risk but once your dog is grown then if an idiot thief wants to try and get in through a dog door big enough for them to fit through and meet the dog that can also get through it then good luck to them! Any how just a thought as I find that dogs/pups learn to use these doors quickly and I now have peace of mind while I am at work that my dog can come and go as he needs to. It was a fairly expensive investment because of the kind of door I had put in but well worth it, the screen door is more secure then the glass one I feel.

Alternatively, there is some very good help already given.

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thanks Yancelby

Unfortunately we have a large back verandah and then 6 steps so the dog will still get outside.We have a dog door already on the back screen door so our cocker spaniel can go in and out.But when we get our new bulldog she will need alot of cooling in summer and I did want to shut the door to keep the cool in of a day and sometimes we might not be home to closely watch her.Unfortunately the more expensive the dog and an uncommon breed around here,there are idiots who might hurt my other dogs to get to the bulldog,which I dont want any of my babies hurt.

Anyway I am going to have a look at the petshop for the doggy toilet that"zoo" mentioned.

Thanks again

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It's certainly do-able! As I live in a city apartment, taking her out to a patch of grass every hour was not really an option. So I did the next best thing and bought a couple of understorage bed boxes without lids (as normal kitty litter trays are too small) and filled these up with crystal kitty litter. Use it as you would use a pee pad. It helped that Morgan learned the "Toilet" command; remember to praise and praise and praise when she does the right thing.

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I bought a pet loo for new pup when he arrives. Mainly because he is a mastiff and should be carried down stairs. I have just had my hand operated on and will not be able to carry him.

I must admit I am very impressed with it. It is apprx 1 metre x 1 metre Australian made and very easy to keep clean.

I get my pup on the 8th so guess will find out then.

Have had a ramp built for the back stairs, will see how he goes on that as well, but think it will take awhile to get his and my confidence up.

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