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New Dominant Dog Troubles.......


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Sadly my black lab was put down last week


Run Free Sarg.....

But the problem is that my nearly 3yo border collie, Diesel, has decided to take over as the dominant dog now that Sarg is gone.

Problem is, unlike Sarg who put up with a lot of crap before telling a dog off, Diesel is being nasty in showing his dominance. I knew there would be a period of adjustment but this just looks and seems too nasty.

He will walk up to the pups (7mo's kelpie & Aussie) and just snarl and snap at them for no reason. Its not over anything they have done or any 'prize'. He has even walked through three rooms to do it....the pups don't seem concerned and do not cower when he snarls at them but I don't want it to esculate his snarling because they are not showing any reaction.

Its not like him as he has always been quite a submissive dog to human and other dogs (although a bit of a fear snap biter if a strange dog is too bold in greeting) and so I can only guess its all over Sarg no longer leading the way.

I am always very firm with him when he does it and I tell him off and seperate him away from the other dogs and ignore him, as I have a no 'fighting' rule and I am the leader and decide the rules, not him.

Am I doing the right thing? What should I do to stop his nasty behaviour?

I treat my dogs all the same. Who ever gets affection/food/treats first is who over sits and shows mannes first. Should I change this to make him higher/lower in order? (he is usually last to get anything)

and will he settle down once he realises that no one is contending him as the 'top dog' as the pups are too interested in playing with each other to care what he is doing? or could this get worse?

Thanks in advance with all your 'guru' like help guys!!!

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:laugh: Poor Sarge. I'm sorry I cannot help at all but am just interested in any replies because I feel once my 14 year old cd goes that my nervy viz may behave this way too. Hope it all turns out OK for you. It's so distressing this pack order stuff. xxxxx :thumbsup: My viz aldready has a problem but the CD holds her in check.
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:laugh: Poor Sarge. I'm sorry I cannot help at all but am just interested in any replies because I feel once my 14 year old cd goes that my nervy viz may behave this way too. Hope it all turns out OK for you. It's so distressing this pack order stuff. xxxxx :thumbsup: My viz aldready has a problem but the CD holds her in check.

Thanks Monah, its a bit of a worry and I hope any posts I get can help you out when the time comes too...... Its interesting the different doggy personalities...

Sarg was a good strong pack leader, just a slight crinkle of his forehead was enough to get instant obedience from the other dogs. He rarely ever had to even give them 'the look' let alone snarl at them.......and yet Diesel reminds of a little rooster, just pick pick picking to make himself look the biggest and strongest.

If Sarg had of made it another 6 months or so I am sure it would have been a different story as Anzac the kelpie pup has a much stronger and more determined nature (I am having leadership issues with him myself) and I am sure Diesel wouldn't have been able to stand up to him.

maybe he knows his time as top dog is limited to when Anzac is older/bigger and so is making the most of it?......trying to get him bluffed before then.

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