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Pharaoh Hound Doing Obedience/agility


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Silly me put this question in the wrong forum.

Take 2 - Does anyone know if there have been any Pharaoh Hounds Titled in Obed/Agility in Victoria?

My girl has started her training and is very receptive to training, (occasionally has moments of feralness)

She is on her way to Ch Title for Conformation but I want to achieve more with her. Im already trialling Borders & a GSD.



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We have a Pharoah Hound (Cleo of course) in our Flyball group. You can see pictures of her on the Pinnicle website. Look under Southerly Muster, which is the name of our comp.

Don't be put off by people telling you what your dog can and can't do. Give it a go and if you both enjoy it, go for it! Of course not everything is for every dog, but you would be surprised how many things you CAN do.

Don't forget to give Canine Freestyle(doggy dancing) a try.


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Does anyone know if there have been any Pharaoh Hounds Titled in Obed/Agility in Victoria?

Not Pharaohs, but there are Ibizans doing Agility successfully around Canberra, and faxonandbear does obedience with an Afghan. I say go for it! Just work on that recall ;-)

Also, you may find you need to try different techniques to get her working than you currently use with the GSD and Borders. That's the beauty of doing it with an independent breed, you learn a lot! You can always ask the DOLers who train sighthounds if you get stuck :rofl:

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Gidday Hyland Mist.

I train a sight hound.

Check out K9 Force's Triangle of Temptation pinned at the top of the training forum.

Also checkout this thread:

Prey Drive, Control and Focus

Prior to learning the above stuff our pass strike rate at trial was 20%. Since its gone up to 100% so far. We're even getting placings :rofl: even though I'm still learning and refining my skills.

There is a lot of reading, but its worth your time.

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Looking forward to hearing how you go.

I trained an Afghan quite a few years ago. I entered her in one obedience trial and she passed some of the exercises :rofl: but not all :thumbsup: . It was hard work keeping her motivated and focussed. She also had about a 90% recall which i was thrilled with.

She taught me soooooooo much.

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Thanks for the replys and encouragements.

We have no probs with the recalls at this stage. I live on 50 acres so recalling was number one lesson.

She is my shadow and is very good most of the time, but she is only 12 months so I dont mind if she plays up occassionally, I am looking at doing lure coursing later.

I have wanted a pharaoh hound for a long time, ( I love challenges).lol There is something regal about them!!

She has learnt a new skill of herding with the Borders (yes its true)


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Thanks Anita for your answer about Ibizian Hounds doing agility.

When I was researching what dogs to get they were my 1st choice for a dog specially when I found there was a breeder nearby in Dubbo. However the breed characteristics included a jumping ability. Something like can jump metres from a standstill. I was thinking in terms of rented houses and fences so I decided maybe not at the moment.

As I have started doing agility I have been watching the different types of dogs. I was wondering how a sighthound like the Ibizian would do. Interesting how each dog is individual and different techniques work with different types.

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I posted in the thread in General but its not there anymore....

Anyway IMO any breed can do obedience/agility, just with some breeds dont expect to beat Borders (especially in agility)

Overseas there are a few Pharaohs that do agility and obedience, so there is hope!

Good luck i think they are gorgeous dog and when i get my one i will be doing sports with it.

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I cant wait to start doing the serious stuff. At the moment we have done foundtion work with targeting and she picked that up with ease. I dont think I will have a prob, was just wondering if there were any out there. I ve been around the circuit for a while and the only sight hounds i have seen lately are Greyhounds, whippets, Italians..

i see a few doing conformation, they definielty have high energy and I believe thats what puts people off in having them

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