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New Little Newfie!


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Hi there,

Just want to say hi and introduce me and my dog!

Turtle is a 12 week newfoundland and I am an absolute virgin to the world of puppydom. He is mouthing/biting a lot and the vet told me to hold his mouth shut, growl at him and put him in another room for time out. He certainly seems calmer, but I was wondering if this is too rough? Or am I just being too gentle with the idea?

Another thing is the barking...we try to ignore it, but he's still doing it...persevere?

One last thing: For the last two weeks he has been weeing and pooing on the newspaper in his room (yay!!), but in the last few days, he's decided to switch corners where there isn't any paper, any ideas on that one?

Anyway, I have been reading everyone's posts and they're soooo helpful! We are having a lot of fun with the little man! (sorry can't show pictures, it won't let me as they are too big :rolleyes: )


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Hi there :rolleyes: Welcome !

Awww a baby Newfi, kooool :laugh:

Wot coluring is he ? Luv his name.

I think ur doing the right thing with time out, puppies make u want to be soft but the need to learn to.

Would luv to see pics, there is info on resizing and posting pics in the photo section i think. Goodluck.

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Aww he is gorgeous!! I have a black Newf who will be 8 next month :laugh:

With the mouthing- you WANT him to bite you at this age. I know it hurts, but you want him to learn bite inhibition (how to bite gently, so that if he ever does bite someone, he wont bite very hard). Google 'bite inhibition' and you should fin some helpful info but basically what you do is when the pup mouths you, you yelp "ouch!!". This should startle the pup. Keep yelping whenever the pup bites at you, even if it's not hard, make him think that you are the most fragile thing in the world. If the yelping doesn't work, ignore him- stand up, cross your arms and look at the sky/ceiling. If THAT doesn't work, leave the room (a baby gate is great here as you can just step over it and leave the pup behind).

Barking- why is he barking? If it's when he has been left alone, have you tried giving him a Kong or other treat type toy, like a treat ball? You need to teach the dog how these work, but many dogs once they know how will be entertained for a while. Otherwise, persevere. He is still a baby and some babies take a little longer to understand lol.

With the toileting- introduce going to the toilet outside. Take him out after every nap, every meal, during playtime. Take him out every hour if you need to, and praise praise praise when he goes outside! Praise him like he's just pooped gold lol.

I have found this website to be very helpful with my newest pup (15 week Border Terrier) http://www.diamondsintheruff.com/behavior.html

And I think his name is great hehe. So cute!!! Welcome to the Wonderful World of the Newfoundland :rofl:

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Wow a newfie puppy is so cute. My puppy is 12 weeks old today. She has lost her puppy fat. Her face has gotten longer and more defined and her colouring is getting lighter.

I am wondering how big is 12 weeks old newfie puppy cause my puppy which is a husky x german shepherd is quite big. She has a german shepherd head and a husky body. So she is looks quite weird, but i love her.

again.. congrats for your new gorgeous puppy.

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Thanks Williamson and Tiger Bluez! You never get tired of hearing how cute your little man is!

Tiger Bluez - I took him to the vet last week at 12 weeks old and he weighed a massive 17kgs. I know that's huge, isn't it. But he's definately not carrying any weight, so I was quite astounded. He was 12.5kgs at 9 weeks...that's some rapid growing!!!

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I know how you feel. I love getting compliment about my puppy. But I am start feeling that she likes my BF more than me. But my BF told me because I am the mum, the bad cop, the one who dicipline(spelling?) and the one who is not fun. My puppy was an angel when first time i brought her home. Not anymore though. I think she is testing my authority.

How we estimate the puppy size when it turns 6 month considering 6 months is when it reachs final growing stage. I am thinking maybe double size of what her size when she is 3 months old.

because my puppy is a cross german shepherd and husky, i can't really tell how much she will grow to be when she is adult.

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Newfoundlands don't reahc their full height until around 12 months, then they keep growing outwards until 18-24 months, sometimes longer :cry:

My boy is 8 and weighs 67 kilos. When he was younger and had better muscle tone he was 76kg at his heaviest! He is 29 inches at the wither/shoulder.

If he is barking to get your attention- don't give it to him! Remember he will weigh as much as you when he grows up- a spoilt Newfie is not a happy Newfie. When he barks because he wasn't your attention- walk away. Ignore him until he is quiet and then play with him.

Are there any puppy pre schools in your area? I would recommend attending a one run by a qualified trainer if at all possible. Otherwise enrol him in locla obedience as soon as you can. He may be a cute fuzzball now but he will keep on growing. Theya re also an INCREDIBLY smart breed who will take a mile if you give them an inch. You never have to be mean with them, just firm and fair. As you get to know him, you will understand the incredible sense of humour these dogs have and you will learn how to work with him to keep you both happy :mad

They are a wonderful breed, my heart (favorite) breed in fact, and they need special owners who accept them for what they are. You now own a Newfoundland- not a dog. Welcome.

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Thanks tigerbluez,

I know exactly how you feel. I feel like he likes my BF better than me! The vet did tell me, however, that dogs do respond to the authority in a male's voice, and because I am female I need to make sure I am training him just as much, if not more than my partner as he needs to know I'm the boss too. I hope that helps! It's frustrating I know, believe me!

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