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Any Idea's


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A Friend of mine has a problem. He allowed a so called friend to show his puppy for a while (He had him for about 6 months) and when he got the puppy back he was favouring the off show side rear leg. He got the puppy checked out and it seems the puppy has broken ribs :eek::wave::)

The bloke that had him had pointed out that the puppy had started limping.

How does the Friend of mine now approach this person to find out how the hell the puppy has come to have broken ribs?

The vet says in their opinion the puppy has been kicked!!!!!

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He wont be the first puppy or the last puppy that has had a so called accident.

Friend had a pup returned to her at 9 months old with a fractured skull and temperament issues!! Was told he was aggressive to kids.

He is now a 7 year old gentle giant who I took on and resocialised at 5 1/2 with men in particular. He now seeks out guys for attention. He was also able to be shown again and gained his PT title as well.

I also had a pup returned with severe issues. PM Mystiqview about her boy. Terrified of men and raised hands and voices at 5 1/2 months. 14 months later so much better but still displays timidity around men. He was returned so skinny you could poke your fingers through his ribs and spine.

Personally I wouldnt bother asking how as the real reason will never come out.

With the old boy we were told all sorts of reasons as to how he had a fractured skull. And the owner took no responsibility for it at all.

Tell your friend to leave it alone and get on with the healing process with her puppy and resocialise it when she feels the time is right.

The more love he gets now the better as it is only time that will really heal him.

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Broken ribs can happen from rough play,banging into something whilst playing .

I guess if you are going to query anything is why the person didnt contact the owner regarding the limp or simply go to the vet.

A friend had a dog with broken ribs after playing to hard & she showed it for a few months,our chiro picked up the ribs because they didnt ,It certainly wasnt obvious but it was a table dog & every time the person picked it up it wasnt happy for obvious reasons.

All i can say is if the vet is 100% positive it is a kicked injury & there happy to put it in wriiting then maybe you could do something but i dont the vet will as there can be so many real reasons why it happened

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I don't see how the vet could know for sure that the dog had been kicked. I've seen a dog run full pelt into a medium-size concrete pot plant and another at training had vet care after wrapping himself around the Hills Hoist.

Very sad that he's had an injury :rolleyes:. I'd be very distressed, too (and suspicious).

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