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Does Anyone Know A Good Dog Trainer/behaviourlist In Adelaide?


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Hi All

Since introducing a new dog a couple of months ago, walking my Beagle has become a nightmare! He is very obedient when he goes for a walk on his own but if I introduce his mate, Levi, he squeals and howls whenever he sees another dog or human walk past. He makes an awful sound and thrashes his head around ... once they have past us he still takes several minutes to calm down again

When he walks on his own he doesnt give anyone who walks past a second glance, we only have this prob when Levi joins us for a walk. I was thinking it was a pack leader issue as he is quite protective of Levi since his original buddy, Georgie, passed away earlier this year. Baxter has always views me as his leader though so Im not sure if adding Levi to the mix has got him confused. The problem has gotten worse and worse now and I cant walk both dogs together anymore and it is a real struggle to walk them both separately every day.

I contacted a dog trainer here in SA but he wasnt sure he could help me. If I did hire him, he said he would charge a fee of over $500 and I wasnt prepared to spend that money if he wasnt sure he can help me.

Can anyone else recommend anything I can try or another person I can contact?

Thanks for reading


Edited by katiek
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Hi KatieK

I have heard of a trainer called Chris Farrell (could have the surname wrong). He is with barkbusters - they have a website. I have actually booked him for my dog - will see him in a couple of weeks. I have know a couple of people who have used him and say he is amazing. He is supposed to be a bit of a 'dog whisperer'. He charges a one off fee of $395, and the first session is around 3 hours. This cost gives you a guarantee for the life of your dog. If you need more help he will come back at no extra charge. My friend that used him had a Rottie that was giving him heaps of trouble, but after 3 hours with Chris, he said his dog was perfectly behaved. He hasn't had to call him back again either. I am hoping he will work for me!

Good luck :)


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This thread should be renamed "The Kate/Katie/Katey thread" :thumbsup:

The Vets4Pets vet clinics at Ridgehaven, Golden Grove, Angle Vale etc have a behavioural vet who is also really good, IIRC her name is Nicola Patterson. Also, this guy Mark Singer is in Golden Grove, and he does private dog behavioural lessons as well. I have no idea what he's like, however, just that he's local.

EDIT: spelt me own name wrong! ;)

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Thanks for your help

One of the trainer's mentioned was the one who told me he didnt think he could help. I thought about contacting BarkBusters but my problem isnt really one to do with barking - it is definitely more psychological I think

We take our dogs to Vet4Pets so I think I will ask up about Nicola Paterson - didnt even know they had a service like that so thanks for letting me know!


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I can vouch for Mark Singer :laugh: He is amazing, an absolute miracle worker. I have seen him turn many unruly dogs into absolute angels. Give him a go!!!

(He wasn't the one who said he wasn't sure if he could help, was he?)

ETA: I'm in Redwood Park too! Might see you walking at some stage :rofl:

Edited by cassie the bernese lover
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Well, I called Trish and she seems really nice. I think we're going to book Scrimp for some sessions with her. I'm working on convincing the OH that it's money well spent (he wants a happy dog, but with little or no effort on his part :mad ).

(ETA: Needs more eye rolling. :( )

Edited by kateykateykatey
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