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Growing Pup


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We have to get Bakari heartworm/worming/flea treatments and we've decided on Sentinal Spectrum (& Advantix for fleas & ticks)

They are in packets of 6 (monthly tabs) and there is one up to 22kg (yellow box) and then 22-45kg (white)

Bakari is currently 15 weeks old and is about 18kg. Our breeder has said that he will put on about 1kg/week until 6 months.

If this is right then he'll only get one maybe 2 doses out of the first pack but would the second one be too much while he's still a few kilos under the weight guideline or isn't it that much difference?


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I would get the white ones and split the tablet in half with a pill splitter until the dog hits the 22kg weight = 1/2 a tablet per month. You're well within the weight margin for the white Sentinel that way. Saves you some money too.

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With our pups - mixed breed rescues (Golden Retriever/German Shep/Labrador), our boy was 22 kgs and our girl 17kgs at 16 weeks. Our vet suggested Interceptor Spectrum 22 - 45 kgs and said it would be fine for Beanie at 17 kgs as it had a safety margin. It's amazing how fast they grow before the next dose. When we got them at 8 weeks we were expecting 1 - 1 and a half kgs a week, which it was for a while, but then they seem to have rapid growth spurts, so I wouldn't worry too much about the 6 month supply. He'll grow into it before you can blink.

Edited by benny123
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I would get the white ones and split the tablet in half with a pill splitter until the dog hits the 22kg weight = 1/2 a tablet per month. You're well within the weight margin for the white Sentinel that way. Saves you some money too.

That is the advice I was given by my vet :thumbsup: I also weigh my pup monthly.

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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