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Intergrating A Puppy


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I have an old dog, and an 18 month old pap, and have just introduced a new puppy( 8 weeks) to the house hold, also a pap. I am finding it hard to get the puppy to socialize with the humans of the household. He leaves the old dog alone mostly, but plays constantly with the pap.

He is very happy to see me when he first gets up in the morning, or if I have to get him up to toilet him in the night ( he is crated) but that is about it. I am even finding it hard to get him to recognise his name; he seems to be totally disinterested :/ in learning to come, or even wanting to come. He also is happy to see my daughter when she comes home from work.

My other pap was nothing like this at all, and was very human orientated from point dot; maybe because there was no other dog to play with( the old dog just growled at him mostly when he was an annoying pup) Even if he is playing etc now, I can still call him and he comes immeadiately and is happy for some attention etc. and will then go back to what he was doing.

I really don't want to lock the other pap away from the pup, tho I do this a few times a day when trying to get the pup to interact with me and learn his name and the start of the 'come' command etc, but I am wondering if this is an option for a week just to get the puppy to interact with humans constantly, without the distraction of something a hell of a lot more interesting...

He is a very friendly pup, not scared or timid, and plays quite boisterously. Where he came from has numerous dogs and also his litter mates, that he played with constantly, probably more so that with the human breeder as such.

Any ideas to what is happening? I am at a loss

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You should be very grateful the other pap has accepted this pup.I dont see why you want it to intergrate more with you when the most important factor with other dogs is for harmony sooner than latter.Your pup has left its other dog mates & is now in the same situation having other dogs to play with & i resume when you brought this pup it was so it could be part of the dog pack not just human only??

If you think forcing the pup to interact with the humans will make it happen your very wrong.This pup sounds like it has a great nature,respect for other dogs & you cant compare it to your other pap otherwise you will become very disappointed.

It sounds like this pup doesnt need to grave for humans as its able to cope on its own which is super.

When it understands the home routine it will then seek out the humans & you can easily do stuff in the backyard with the oldies shut in.

When you cuddle pup,feed pup,toilet train pup you use its name so it will now who it is.

I wouldnt force any changes because if the other 2 dogs decide they dont like this little person you will have a big problem .You have it lucky at present so praise that behaviour & everything else will come with time & training & remember no dog is the same within the breed

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Showdog, thank you for a totally different perspective that what I was thinking!!

I have really thought about your reply, and you are right; the most important thing is that he fits in with the dogs here. I think I was just a bit miffed as not being as 'important' to him as the other dogs. He is a confident little fellow; probably more confident that my other pap at the same age. I am sure as he gets older, things will pan out, as you said.

Again, thank you for the reassurance :confused:

Edited by kymbo
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