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Labrador Drooling...


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It is not a huge worry of mine... but with Fraser when ever there is food around he has MASSIVE shoe string type drool hanging out of his mouth almost every time we eat or he is about to receive his "tucker" (meal).

Is there any way that this can be controlled? I do not want to put him in another room when we are eating as we are currently teaching him to stay on his matt in the living room while we eat in the dining room (he can still see us, but he is told to stay on his matt, so far... so good!)

When it comes time for his own meal at breakfast and dinner, he goes crazy! He will run to the back room where we keep his kibble and jump around on the spot (almost like doing a full circle). We will both head into the room... he will sit... I will open the food bin and as soon as it is in his bowl he runs back down to the kitchen...

Again he is doing 'circles' again on the kitchen floor and he waits for his meal, he will sit and stare at it until we give him the release of "tucker" which is his cue to eat - although before this it is like a Froth Factory, near his gums and outside of the mouth is all frothy and drool is like a running tap!

As I said, it does not really worry me all that much, but would just love to know why he does it and whether this will not occur as much as he gets older. He is currently at 7 months of age and is such a delight to have around the home.

Regards, Shaun (sticks1977)

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Sounds like my two with their spinning with excitement :cool:

I don't know how to stop the drool but do know how to stop the spinning which both my dogs have tried on me.

At meal times I ask them to sit, I then expect them to sit calmly while I open the food container, fill their bowl, place it on the ground and then wait for the OK eat command. If they don't follow these rules I immediately take their food bowl away - out of reach and walk away. I come back 15 minutes or so later and start again. You may sometimes have to do this for quite a while.

This works a treat and the next meal time they behave perfectly :laugh:

Labs are very food oriented so should respond to the removal of food very quickly.

Good luck.


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I don't think the drool is something which is able to be 'stopped' ..it is a reflex type thing.

To manage the spinning..that's easy!Remove the stimuli!

prepare the food while dog is out walking, or in another room..out of sight/sound. hours before feed time!!!

have it in fridge/cupboard.. while dog is outside..get bowl out ..call dog in..get him to sit, etc.

Edited by persephone
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I can't help with the drool but I do the same as Bellasperson and remove the foodbowl if he's not sitting nicely. Also, I don't prepare dog food with dogs in the room because it just encourages them to get overexcited.

So keep dog out of room, then once his dinner is ready, place on floor and make him sit still and quiet before he eats.

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I think you're stuck with the drool. Natural doggy reflex when food is around.

I would either remove him from the room or train him to be calm as others have suggested while waiting for food. I'd be just worried that a crazy lab on a slippery kitchen floor may rupture a cruciate or similar. I've seen it often at work.

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:laugh: I reckon my standard poodle could rival your lab sometimes- he loves his food.

Try doing the Triangle of Temptation (TOT) with him: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=64101.

Is a great program :noidea: .

Print it out and do it exactly as described- there's a whole thread on it to answer any questions.

Dog will probably drool more (while he waits for food) but it will greatly improve his manners around food, as well as manners in general.

There should be none of this dance of joy b4 food because he'll be tied out (per TOT). I'm sure he has lots of other joys in his life :rock:.

I think he should go outside while you eat, but that's only personal preference.

He clearly loves food, but why make a hungry dog drool while he's inside with you?

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Just crate him or put him outside when you are eating and the drool problem is fixed, and then prepare his food while he is still crated or outside. Last thing you need is a leg injury from slipping over.

Mine rarely drool so I dont mind Vinnie and Cooper sitting next to me while I eat, but as soon as I see drool they go in their crates so I can finish without getting slimy feet or carpet.

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There has been some fantastic replies so far!

I would also change around his food time so you are not conditioning him to anticipate food at 'x' time every day.

P.S. I own a Beagle, I understand drool!!!! However, I only feed if the dogs are quiet and clam, otherwise you are reinforcing a crazy, aroused frame of mind!

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Do you ever feed him while you are eating? Just after you're finished? If so, he's drooling in anticipation. If you never feed him when you're eating, he may stop anticipating.... but, he is a Labrador, they always anticipate food don't they? :rofl:

The drooling at his meal times, good luck in stopping that at all!

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