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How Often To Feed A 6 Month Old Pup.


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Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 6 months old now. How many times a day should she be fed now? I have been giving her a chicken neck for breaky and then at 5pm she has her main meal. I also put a little dry food in a bowl which she nibbles at during the day. Is this enough for her? She is very healthy but is probably a little chubby too. Would this be puppy fat?


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I feed my dogs either once or twice a day. At six months you can decide what suits you and your dog.

I would be taking out the dry food in the bowl for free pick.

Puppies should not be fat at any age and you would do better to get her to a good weight and keep that weight. Much healthier. Removing the free pick dry food might be enough.

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2 meals a day is fine for a 6 month old puppy. Some people only feed their dogs once a day beginning around that age. You probably don't need to leave the dry food during the day, especially if she's only nibbling at it because that means she's not really hungry.

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AT puppy pre-school, we were told to use her usual food as a training aid, so i feed my puppy throughout the day, rather than at set times.. I measure out her daily ration in the morning, then give her a little while Im training her... She's 4 1/2 months old, and sits on command, drops, is learning to crawl, is pretty much toilet trained (she's been difficult!).. and she comes when called, which has been VERY useful.. Im hoping to get her into a tricks class in the next couple of months..

SO i guess that's another option, if you have the time?

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I have been giving her a chicken neck for breaky


Sorry but this line just cracked me up !! I have a 6 month old Boxer and I give him about 12 chicken necks for breaky !! Such a big difference ! I wish he had the feeding requirments of a Chi !! :rofl:

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