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Anyone's Dog Had A Tooth Absess?


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My girl Poppy has a tooth absess and the vet says they will have to pull her tooth out to fix it. She had the absess about a month ago and then with antibiotics it went away (her face got majorly puffy on one side) and then for two weeks after she finished the antibiotics she was fine, but it just returned on friday and in one day her face puffed up again.

Is there any alternative to having the tooth removed? The vets say the antibiotics won't fix it and it will just keep coming back otherwise.

Has anyone else's dog had this?

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Sorry, no tooth abscesses here, but the MIL tried giving antibiotics instead of biting the bullet and getting full dental work on her dogs --> waste of money and only delayed the inevitable, while the dog's had ongoing pain :rainbowbridge:.

If not a showdog, I'd just get it removed if vet suggests this- will allow the abscess to drain properly.

If the infection gets out of control or into the bloodstream, your dog could get seriously ill.

Hope she's fine.

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Yes, many years ago my first Rottweiler had a bad tooth that was beginning to abscess. Fortunately I saw it fairly early and we did try a course of antibiotics but they don't fix the problem, they just delay the final outcome. I had her tooth extracted and she had no further problems.

Tooth abscesses are one of the most painful things to suffer. The pain is unbelievable. I've had a couple of them myself so if I were you I would have this tooth extracted urgently.

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I just wanted to update this post to say that I took Poppy to my usual vet, rather than the vet that said they wanted to take the tooth out, and my normal vet gave her a stronger course of antibiotics directed at getting rid of any puss there, and it worked :thumbsup: Her abscess went down within a week or two and she's been clear of it for a few weeks now which is great :laugh:

Just wanted to update....

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