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How To Get Dog To Use Treadmill?


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Becboo, treadmills are a great cardio work out for a dog when the owner does not have the time etc to walk to give the dogs the amount of required excersise, and helps build muscle etc. There are even treadmills specifically built for dogs :)

isiss, I would just put my dog on it, tied to the handle and have it at a very slow pace. The dog will not hang itself but to encourage it a bit more you could coax them forward with a piece of food or a toy etc.

You could also try the method of getting on it yourself with the dog walking next to you then when the dog is more comfortable just step off the side and let the dog continue.

That is something I will invest in one day :)

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I use the treadmill

DO NOT tie your dog to it and keep your finger on the emergancy stop.

I started with clicker training. Go to YOU TUBE and put in treadmill clicker there is a really good one that teaches you in steps.

I very rarely use but it is handy when you dogs are fine with it incase of icky pooey whether or just cant get out...even then I prefer just to toss toys up and down the hall! lol

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My red heeler loves going on the treadmill. I would never tie the dog to the machine cause if they stop running they will fall off the back and potentially really hurt themselves.

I sit at the end of the machine and talk to her giving her encouragement and as missymoo said, i have my hand close to the emergency stop button.

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Yeah we have a thingy to pull out which instantly stops it, I will hold on to that.

I tried walking on it with my boy, but I think that sitting at the front will be more helpful for him. Baby steps.

Thanks for the advise :)

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Im sure he will love it when he gets used to it. My girl just puts her head down and really concentrates and she can walk for a good half hour. She is so used to the walker that she jumps up on it when it's walk time.

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