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Tantrum Throwing


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I realised this morning that I hate walking all the dogs together and the only reason I do it is because if I leave without Chopper he'll throw a massive tantrum :( I was doing ok walking three, but now it's four I'm really not enjoying it, the pavements just aren't wide enough.

Ideally I'd like to walk Ivan and Trixie for 30 mins and then drop them home and bring Chopper and Angel over to the park for 20-30 mins of fetch. I've tried this but Chopper goes balistic in his crate when I leave with the others. I even came home once to find some blood on the floor.

I could bring him and Angel out first, but it's still pretty dark at that point and even after 30 mins of running around he'd still go spastic if I walked out the door with Ivan and Trixie and not him.

I know he's a spoilt bastard and it's my fault for pandering to him, but knowing he's hurting himself by thrashing around in his crate upsets me. Leaving him out of his crate isn't an option as he'll be destructive. My husband is generally still home for the first half hour and I could ask him to help, but I suspect he won't want his sleep disturbed!

Any suggestions?!!!

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I know he's a spoilt bastard

He might be spoilt but look at that face!!!! He is so cute!!!

I have no suggestions, I have the same thing with my old collie although not to that extent. She just chucks a hissy fight!!!!

sorry I can't help, just got me laughing when you said he was a spoilt bastard.


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I would talk to your OH, if he's not a morning person maybe you can take Chopper in the mornings and leave him with OH in the evenings while you walk the other dogs. A good way to have those conversations is "I have a problem with x, got any ideas on how we could solve it?" rather than starting with a solution. Maybe he'll offer to have the bad baby in a crate in your room.

Another option would be to start playing crate games with Chopper at other times so that he's less freaky about his crate (google "crate games" to find them).

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Well I suppose I'm pandering to all my dogs as I insist on walking them all in the morning for fear of repercussions :( It's their routine, it's kinda non-negotiable. They get left all day while we're at work so it's only fair IMO that they get exercised before I leave. Also, if it was up to OH we'd only have one dog, maybe two, definitely not four. I made it a problem so I need to deal with it. He also has no issues walking the four of them together so isn't particularly understanding about this situation!

Chopper actually loves his crate. He quite happily gets in there every night. Sometimes he'll even put himself to bed early if it's open! The tantrums happen if I go out with another dog and not him. I can leave them all and he's fine, but take one of the others and he's feeling incredibly indignant and hard-done-by! Bad baby's crate got moved out of the bedroom long ago due to farting and snoring :)

So, I can either walk everyone except Angel and then come back and take her and the spoilt one to the park for fetch, or I can let Chopper get over his tantrums and accept the new routine ...

Edited by ruthless
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OH Amstaffs are like that. At the moment he is still working with the young boy to get him to walk nicely on the lead, so he takes him alone. Our bitch goes ape, cries and whines and whinges and sooks, and I am home with her! But he walks them of an afternoon, so I try to ignore her carry on for fear of reinforcing it! But I can sympathise with you totally!

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I've tried, when he's like that he doesn't want to eat.

This morning I took everyone bar Angel and then came home and brought her and Chops to the park. Worst walk ever! I gave them massive marrow bones yesterday, so Ivan did a pooh, Chopper did a pooh and Trixie did four poohs and a vomit :eek: Tomorrow'll be better, it sure as hell can't be worse!!!

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Can you walk him first, so he's tired out from the walk and less likely to chuck a hissy fit?

Maybe walk him first, then give him his breakfast when you leave with the other dogs, so he's got something else to think about. :eek:

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I've tried walking him first, but 30 mins doesn't tire him. It only barely takes the edge off. He's so full of energy. When he's throwing a tantrum he isn't interested in food.

The more I type, the more I realise he thinks he's the boss and he needs to be ignored to learn his tantrums will get him nowhere. If only I could reason with him :eek:

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I've tried walking him first, but 30 mins doesn't tire him. It only barely takes the edge off. He's so full of energy. When he's throwing a tantrum he isn't interested in food.

The more I type, the more I realise he thinks he's the boss and he needs to be ignored to learn his tantrums will get him nowhere. If only I could reason with him :(

No, a 30 min walk wouldn't have tired my guy out either when he was younger. Have you thought about investing in a pulling harness - tie a tire behind for him to lug. Or you on a skateboard! That should take the edge off him.

Yeah, your second option might work too. :eek:

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I cycle with him and he loves it. I throw the squeaky ball for him and he loves it. I'd happily jog with him. I've even ordered him a backpack to intensify his walk. However, I can only do these things with him if he settles down and lets me walk the others separately too. I've got over an hour to devote to their exercise, so the only hurdle really is getting him to chill out for the portion of time when he can't come. If I cycle with him for 30 mins and then try and take the others out for a walk/cycle he still has the energy to complain about being left behind. Also, I don't want to put him in his crate when he needs water and a cool down. He's a frickin nightmare, but he'll just have to learn that the routine is changing! No more pandering to baby Chopper :eek:

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Lock him up, shut the door and leave. Day after day. No attention on arrival nor on departure.

Heartbreaking but do-able.

And I think you need to excercise his mind more rather than his body.

Perhaps try tracking? or teach him many new tricks.

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I do want to do tracking with him, but I don't know where to start!

Just ask me where to start :eek:

You need to tire his mind up all the time. you are building his muslcles up and he is getting fitter and fitter hence required more and more excercise.

Ill quote your fav trainer Cesar

Excercise, discipline and affection in that order.

He gets 1 and 3 and maybe a bit of 2 at the end.

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Hey ... where do I start?!! Apparently my mongrel isn't allowed to join your elitist club for super dooper protection dogs :eek:

Once my clicker stick arrives there'll be no stopping me. Watch out. He'll be winning titles left, right and centre!

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