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Tracking And Mantrialing

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Also, when a dog is man trailling, doesn't it gather scent from every available source - air (wind), surrounding vegetation like bushes, any objects going, water molecules in the area, ground scent/crushed vegetation and bugs under the footprints and also, personal scent molecules left along the trail? Not just crushed ground. :rolleyes: (this is a great topic!)

That is correct.

That is the difference between mantrailing and tracking.

Sardog would be able to give a better reply.

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I dont believe its just the cues, yes in ankc T1 to 5 start infront of the flag, but T6 is between 2 flags. Aside from that though personal experience with my weim on his track 5, the tracklayer forgot to leave a start article, and just to add to the woes they also took the start flag with them :cheer: , however the dog still picked up the trail and tracked it. Admittedly i dont believe my other dog could have done this as she is a much less natural tracker, wandering and casting a fair bit, whereas the weim moreor less footstep stracks with very little casting for a gundog. What i did wonder about is whether the dog should then have indicated personal articles, after all he was never given an actual personal scent to work from, in practice i have to say his article indications werent the best but then they never are, as he likes to keep tracking.

I do believe undoubtedly they follow more than personal scent, and have noticed training and working diffrent breeds the herding breeds tend to work much faster and more accurately through bush than paddocks, which i attribute to them liking to work with their head higher where bush's like ti- tree waft a lot of scent as the tracklayer has brushed past.

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It might be worth posting something in the Training / Obedience / Dog Sports section as more people view the topics in there. I know I forget to check out the threads in here sometimes.

Have you tried contacting Craig Murray?

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It might be worth posting something in the Training / Obedience / Dog Sports section as more people view the topics in there. I know I forget to check out the threads in here sometimes.

Have you tried contacting Craig Murray?

Yes, that is the person mentioned before.

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