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Puppy Wont Stop Hiccuping


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my pup gets the hiccups at least twice, normally three times a day. she has done it every day since we got her, a week ago. should i be worried and asking my vet? :laugh:

lately its when she wakes up and about lunch, then around dinner, but it doenst seem related to her food.

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Can't remember exactly how long it lasts, I think it definitely becomes less frequent by 3 months. My pup is 6 months and still occasionally gets hiccups. As long as she's not distressed by them she should be fine.

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Hi GSDhandler,

Kynan my GSD had hiccups too several times a day when he first came home at 8 weeks. Can't remember when they stopped but probably had them on and off for about a month or two.

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