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E-collar Training


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first off, i have no problem with e-callars. i learnt about how they are used at a training seminar with K9-Force, and if i could afford $600, i would have one. the amount times i have been face with a problem and sat there thinking 'if only...'

but just thinking, when there is all this discussion and ppl so passionately against them, is it possible, to the achive the same results in training if the taboo 'ectricity' was replaced with a vibrating device similar to that in a mobile phone?

as i type this i am sure this isn't a 'new' thing, but would it still achieve the same results in the same time and the like.

oh, and i will mention that i am aware that it would only work (if it did) on the training method i learnt with Steve, using the lowest setting that gets a reaction.


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The problem with the "vibration" setting is that you can't adjust the amount of vibration to suit the dog's working level, whereas with the stim levels, you can.

IMO the "vibration" is not necessarily a lesser correction .... it is a "different" correction. As to how the dog might respond, depends on the dog. But either way, it's the vibration or nothing .... no adjustment is possible and a dog might perceive the vibration as more aversive than the stim level that suits the dog's working level.

Edited by Erny
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Hi CL.

I have a dogtra collar with a pager type vibration system. Fly has made a big turn around in the obedience stakes since I simply started to train her recall again. Using K9's methods of proofing etc. She has become such a good little girl, I am actually using the vibration setting to let her know 'boundaries' if I dont want to keep calling her back, to let her enjoy her park experience, i use the pager with a 'not too far' command.

Ruger doesnt give a dam about the pager, but fly seems to mind it perfectly.

Now it sounds like I have no use for this expensive collar for her, but you wait till there is a cat or possum at the park :love:

No seriously, its a different story for her when she have gone 'bush' shes a different little person then :laugh:

When and what reasons do you think you would need a pager? Then I guess the experts will tell you if your on track.

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first off, i have no problem with e-callars. i learnt about how they are used at a training seminar with K9-Force, and if i could afford $600, i would have one. the amount times i have been face with a problem and sat there thinking 'if only...'

but just thinking, when there is all this discussion and ppl so passionately against them, is it possible, to the achive the same results in training if the taboo 'ectricity' was replaced with a vibrating device similar to that in a mobile phone?

as i type this i am sure this isn't a 'new' thing, but would it still achieve the same results in the same time and the like.

oh, and i will mention that i am aware that it would only work (if it did) on the training method i learnt with Steve, using the lowest setting that gets a reaction.


The problem that I had with the vaibrate function on my collars was the reaction that it got versus a low level stim. A stim would be very small indications but if I paged either dog they freaked out and could not focus on me or any command that was being issued as they were trying to get away from or at least find out what that thing was that was vibrating on their neck. That is why I get so fired up when people claim e-collars are evil as in truth a stim gets a much more pleasent reaction from my dogs than if they were paged but, if you asked most people thay would assume the opposite.

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