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Dandruff - It's Been Done To Death But Has It Cleared?


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I have a today 12wo Golden who has had dandruff from I am guessing as soon as I got him. I noticed it when brushing, mostly around the belly/back legs. He is cream and pigment is very dark so it is noticeable at brushing time. After brushing he is surrounded by skin flakes.

He is eating EP Holistic Large & Giant Breed, chicken pet mince, sards (once or twice per week), youghurt or low fat cottage cheese for breakfast and dinner and 2 chicken necks for lunch. Added to breakfast and dinner is 1/2tsp glucosamine and 1 x 1200mg fish oil.

He has had one bath - Aloveen shampoo on Monday, shampoo thouroughly washed out.

His tummy looks like that of a wrinkly old man (or what I imagine a wrinkly old man to look like :( )


I have read all the threads and it looks like he is eating the correct things and taking what he should be and has been since he arrived here.

My question is to all those who have had the same type of problem - has it gone away in time? And is there anything I am not doing that I should?

I appreciate any further guidance. Thanks...

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Hi GoldD and congrats on your new pup.

When I picked up my fella, he too had a pretty big case of dandruff. In his case I believe it was nutrition that was the cause and although I had a couple of people offer advice on it (and recommended bathing) I followed the advice of another, which was to leave it be and just focus on diet and good nutrition. I preferred to not bath .... the pup's coat/skin needing the oils that are likely to be stripped by the use of the shampoo. The dandruff cleared up of its own accord (but, I'd suggest, with the good diet helping) within a couple of weeks, if my memory serves me correctly. One person did suggest the possibility of mange and it seems in my case that was not correct, but something you might want to check out for your pup, just incase.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks Erny & Rysup. Sounds like I'll keep going as I am and it should be ok. His diet is great, no signs of mange nor itchiness and no fleas. He is starting to lose his puppy fluff so perhaps he's shedding his skin like a snake too. :hug:

Thank you both for your replies. I won't worry about it anymore, just keep an eye on it. Thank you for putting me at ease. Appreciate it!

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The dandruff will most likely sort itself out... (an guessing pup has only been on the diet for a week or so ?) but you could try using a leave in conditioner such as aloveen once a week (or whenever skin feels especially dry) in the meantime ? It is great as it is moisturising and can be used on a dry coat (and smells very nice )

Best of Luck :3monkeys: - I love golden retriever pups - we delivered a litter of 14 at work the other night - such little roly poly little chaps .

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I think that dandruff can have numerous different causes, and you need to get the cause right before you can treat the symptom. Food is certainly a big one, and it can take some time and experimentation to see what works for your pup. External environmental irritants can also afftect (plants, grass, seeds etc)

My old girl Cleo has recently had a problem with dandruff on her back (not pretty as she is black so currently looks like a lamington! :laugh: ) ; something that had never been an issue before with her. No diet changes, no changes in environment. The weird thing was, it only started happening after she had some major surgery last year. I took her to the accupuncturist yesterday, and she mentioned that dandruff can also be caused by lack of circulation - I wasn't aware of that. She has recommended some daily massage in the affected area (which also has some muscle soreness) and extra fish oil capsules (up to 6 per day). Interesting stuff.

Edited by New Age Outlaw
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