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Toilet Training A Whippet?


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Hi everyone i have a puppy whippet he is 8 weeks old n i want to know the best way to toilet train him? :eek:

and also is it ok to feed a puppy chicken necks because he loves them? :hitself:

Hi there Zippa is pure white with a little blue patch on his ribs and a patch on his ear and he has blue eyes.

Very beautiful pup ;)

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Crate train him. There are many threads with lots of good advice on crate training on DOL. We did with our boy and it was the easiest, cleanest house training I have ever had. We had maybe a total of 5 accidents in the house, three of those were in the first two days while I learnt to interpret his signals and no poo's at all. He is now 6 months old and will let us know when he wants to go and will even start going down the stairs to get to the back door. We have not had an accident in over 2 months.

The main object is to always have your pup toilet outside, every single time, no exceptions. If you can't be watching the dog he is in his crate where he won't toilet or outside where if he does he is in the right spot anyway. And lots and lots of praise, I mean over the top praise, and treats every time he goes to the toilet in the right spot. And remember if he does toilet inside, it is your fault, cause for what ever reason you didn't get him outside when he needed to be. Everytime he goes to the toilet it is an opportunity for you to get it right for him so he can learn as quickly and easily as possible what is required of him.

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Take him outside every time you think of it, after he has eaten, woken up from sleeping, had a big play, and tell him to 'go to the toilet'. He will learn very quickly that outside is the place to go to the toilet.

When you are not able to supervise him keep him in a puppy pen with newspaper on the ground.

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