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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Tez, you just remined me of a line in the movie marley and me, evil with a dog face, I laughed at that line for so long. Dont get me wrong I dont think Jane is evil she is just exhuberant!!

It is so hard when they have energy to burn especially dogs like jane that have a lot to burn. I must say the last 2 weeks with CJ on complete rest I think has been harder on me tthan it has on him. He is happy to just lay around the house but when I took the others out he would just cry and cry. I always left one of the other behind but it didnt matter. He just wanted to come too. He just loves his outings and the last two days have been good to take him for a walk but he has taken a few minutes to figure out im not going to let him off the leash and then he has been fine, it was a good idea to get the long lead for him.I did think tonight he was going to end up hurting himself again as he decided after he had been clipped today and had a bath that he must have been feeling great as he did zoomies through the house for about 5 solid minutes, I had tto stop him in the end before he hurt himself.

Edited by tlc
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LOL JJ I know I should be nin bed, but after being stuck at home for the last 2 weeks with the sick child AND hubby I just need some time out hehehehe.

And this seems to be the best way I can acheive that with out leaving the house hahahahaha.

Oh I so cant wait till the boy can go back to school, although he still has an appointment with a specialist in Geelong next Friday, so thats a day out :crossfingers::)

Any one want a day out to Geelong with us ????????

I am going a little stir crazy being stuck here and with all that is going on with my friend in hospital in Melb I just want to go visit (not that she is allowed to have visitors)

Cheers Janet

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I am going very shortly!! As son as you guys do :)

Hey JJ which vet you go to, I would so love it if you worked at the vets I go to!!

TLC I go to Wollaston Vets on Mortlake Rd. They have been seeing my vizslas for years as I used to hand-over my 'oldies' to Mum & Dad to live out their retirements in comfort :) and they used to take the dogs there also.

And you wouldn't read about it.... took Amy in this morning for Hip & Elbow X-Rays to be sent to Dr Wyburn in WA for scoring and while I'm there I find Amy has come into season over-night! AAAAaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!! She's come in two months early and I wont breed her without having the scores back and that can take weeks! I am about to ring Wyburn and see if he can rush them through for me :crossfingers: . Otherwise I will have to wait til her next season which means another winter litter which I hate AND we will have a new baby!!! Dogs!!!! So I'm freaking out today! :laugh:

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Guest Pandii

Gee this has moved fast,

I will come for a walk, sunday, I need to get out.

JJ, give OH a yell they are most definately looking for workers, and its day time work, no weekend either. Come over on teh weekend, if you are up to it, I dont mind cold germs just no gastro germs allowed, Ricka nd Sam are nearly over their cough, have been giving them flexitide morning and night and its work wonders. Dyl had a good few hours last night was up and eating, then crashed and slept from 9pm and is still asleep now, hopfully his nody is mending, and his temp has finally broken.

Sorry I cant respond to everyone my brain is mush from no sleep and boredom

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Fun with Pickles!!

Today we had a little visitor, The gang showed him around the back yard and made him feel at home.



Lacy giving Laura kisses


Coop showing Pickles the back yard



Tully and Pickles



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Thanks for the offerTLC, but as usual for me I am working on Sunday, 7-12ish. And as out of town I probably wouldnt make it unitl after 1.00 but will get there one day.

Have sent you another PM Jerojath.

So want to meet the rest of you guys, Tanya tells me all about the walks, sounds like so much fun!!

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Hi Guys, I wont be doing thunder point tomorow, will aim for next week, we might have to do two walks next week as Im not sure Tez would be able to hang around till 1.30 with living out of town and already being in town for training?

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I have to head out to koroit just after lunch, and Im not sure what time Ill be back so will have to give TP a miss. I will have the dogs with me so will probly take them somewhere out there, except CJ who had a little off lead run today and is a little lame again tongiht so he will stay home with his Dada :laugh:

JJ,s been quiet, he may still be up for a walk tomorow!!

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Yeah I'd be up for a walk with anyone, anywhere, anytime!

Will check in here later TONIGHT, otherwise I will go to Killarney at 10:30am. The dogs need a REALLY good run this week - they haven't been out all week as I have been busy tying up loose ends at work. :laugh:

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Hopefully we may be able to do a big gathering next weekend. Tez's Jane may be better, Tanya may be back from Tassie, Janet may have her reno finished, I may get my act together!! Maybe Maws might be available next Sunday too?? It would be so good to have a lot of us all together, Imagine the great shots I could get of all of them having fun!! Well aim for next Sunday for a big group walk!!

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Hopefully we may be able to do a big gathering next weekend. Tez's Jane may be better, Tanya may be back from Tassie, Janet may have her reno finished, I may get my act together!! Maybe Maws might be available next Sunday too?? It would be so good to have a lot of us all together, Imagine the great shots I could get of all of them having fun!! Well aim for next Sunday for a big group walk!!

That would be great to have everyone together - still haven't met Tez or Munchin and only met Maws & Tenties & Tanya the once! Let's do our best to all get out next sunday :laugh:

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Guest Pandii

So no one is doing TP at 11.30????

JJ I will come Killarny, Will Dante be right with Tarnie and vacss????? Met you there at 10.30

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So no one is doing TP at 11.30????

JJ I will come Killarny, Will Dante be right with Tarnie and vacss????? Met you there at 10.30

Sounds like no-one is doing Thunder Point today....

Yeah I'm going to Killarney. Tarni is fully Vacc.

Is Seb desexed? Amy is in season...

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