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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Guest Pandii
Hey, Jess, was just thinking about you yesterday, was up your way, Bet Darcy has grown.

Nah no more growing thankfully otherwise she'd be jumping 600 :champagne: She's 3.5 now - all grown up and has now got herself a little sister to play with :cheer:

We've been to Melbourne today, we're doing some agility demos with some others at Melbourne Show so had to work all of that out - I'm stuffed, but they've had the luxury of a good sleep on the way home and are now roughhousing with a squeaky toy!! :champagne:

Hope all is well with you! :thumbsup: Will probably see you in November, not that long to go - can't believe how fast this year has gone already.

OMG 3.5 She has all grown up :champagne:

I have to met this little sister, is she cute like Darcey??

Will see you in november, I have the dates written down so I dont forget.

JJ what a huge effort for the girls, start chipping away at that 100pts, it wont take long to go :thumbsup:

We took the dogs to the river, had a great game of ball, swimming and chase. Poor dante doesnt want to get off her bed now

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Just wondering if anyone is considering the Delta program??

TLC - I would absolutely 100% like to be involved once a branch was operating here in town, but I can not commit to traveling to Geelong regularly at this stage.

This is something Chantel has wanted to do with Belle for ages. I know you need us to show support NOW by getting started at Geelong, but we just can't.

I hope our offer of support is *some* help in getting things going here....

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Hi JJ, the thing is the Geelong branch wants us to find our own facility and then we have to have enough dogs to frequent the facility. the biggest thing is the facility have to pay, It is around $400 for the year. So you can have the dog assesed in readiness for the facility here which is what I going to do with my girls, and hopefully we can find some place that is interested in becoming partenrs with the Delta program. I have to go to work but will let you know more tonight as I spoke to Vanda yesterday she is the head of the Geelong branch.

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OMG 3.5 She has all grown up :thumbsup:

I have to met this little sister, is she cute like Darcey??

Will see you in november, I have the dates written down so I dont forget.

Definitely cute like Darcy but more feral, but I wouldn't have it any other way! :confused:

Thankfully with Darcy being so well behaved she's not learning any bad habits, but we've already started on the self-control work otherwise she'd end up a complete nutter. :thumbsup:

Will see you in November if we don't cross paths in the meantime! :thumbsup:

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Guest Pandii

Will look forward to Dacy and new bubba cuddles when I see you

I am sure if she ends up as well behaved as Dacy she will be a sweety

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JJ, just to add on what I was saying this morning, Delta are happy to have our dogs assesed in rediness to go to a facility but I have been thinking about it and I think finding a facility around here is going to be tough, mainly because of it being a country area, a lot of the nursing homes etc already allow dogs to come and visit thier patients and they dont have to pay a think, With Delta like I said they have to pay as this covers them if anything happens like in the event of say maybe a dog biting a patient etc. I am not keen to drive to Geelong either it is just a little too far for me and hard to be consistant and fit in regular visits with work and life in general.

So it is a catch 22 situation as they want to have the amount of dogs here in town to be able to make regular visits as if the facility pays then has no visiting dogs then they are paying for nothing, You see my point. So I guess the bottom line if we put the feelers out around town and maybe Maws and I can do a drop off at a few places with the info they need to see if they would be interested and take it from there.

The assesment doesnt take long for the doggy side of things but usually about a week after the assesment they like you to come and do a day session where they teach you the ins and outs of Delta and how the whole program works. In this case the dogs assesment is on the 12th Sept and the handlers assesment is on the 20th Sept, you cant go to one if you cant go to the other. The next assesment will be next year around March there is no set date as the just do it when they have enough interest.

Thats about it, If you want the info pm me your email addy and Ill send it on, it is whats involved and what is in the dogs assesment, what they need to be able to do and not to do to pass.

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Hi Mawson :laugh: Long time no see!

Hey can I get some more info on Delta? I would be interested in getting Darcy assessed, particularly if you manage to get something at Warrnambool.

Will I see you at all at the November trial? I'm only doing the Saturday this year, but would love to catch up. :D

Hi Jess,

As you can see from my lack of response, I am hopeless at keeping up with DOL!!! I reckon everyone on this thread can vouch for that!!!! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner re. the Delta info, I reckon tlc has pretty much summed it up. The assessment day is the 12th September and if Darcy (or your new baby :) ) passes, then you have to attend the people training part the following weekend (20th Sept) which is also in Geelong. As tlc pointed out, you can't do one and not the other. It really is an awesome program but really difficult for us given that we are so far away. It is not that far if you are already heading that way, but I find it hard to travel 200km each way for a one hour visit only. It would be so completely awesome to get a facility up here, maybe tlc and I can suss it out and see if we can get a facility interested before next March (I was always told that Delta had to arrange the facility, not us, but tlc was told otherwise) so that you can ALL (AND I MEAN ALL :bolt: ) have your dogs assessed and we can all go visiting together!!! At the moment I do the Geelong hospital with Mawson, maybe we can try for the hospital up here instead of an aged care facility???

If you still wanna try for this round of asessment on the 12th September, I can email you the forms to fill in asap and speak with Vanda (the Geelong brach coordinator).

I have PM'ed this to you too in case you don't read it on here.

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Hi Jess,

As you can see from my lack of response, I am hopeless at keeping up with DOL!!! I reckon everyone on this thread can vouch for that!!!! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner re. the Delta info, I reckon tlc has pretty much summed it up. The assessment day is the 12th September and if Darcy (or your new baby :rofl: ) passes, then you have to attend the people training part the following weekend (20th Sept) which is also in Geelong. As tlc pointed out, you can't do one and not the other. It really is an awesome program but really difficult for us given that we are so far away. It is not that far if you are already heading that way, but I find it hard to travel 200km each way for a one hour visit only. It would be so completely awesome to get a facility up here, maybe tlc and I can suss it out and see if we can get a facility interested before next March (I was always told that Delta had to arrange the facility, not us, but tlc was told otherwise) so that you can ALL (AND I MEAN ALL :rofl: ) have your dogs assessed and we can all go visiting together!!! At the moment I do the Geelong hospital with Mawson, maybe we can try for the hospital up here instead of an aged care facility???

If you still wanna try for this round of asessment on the 12th September, I can email you the forms to fill in asap and speak with Vanda (the Geelong brach coordinator).

I have PM'ed this to you too in case you don't read it on here.

Thanks Mawson :laugh:

Unfortunately already entered trials for both those weekends :rofl: but maybe it might be worth waiting until early next year - Sept to Dec is crazy trial wise! Then maybe Zee will be well behaved enough to try getting her assessed as well :thumbsup: I won't hold my breath. :mad I know Darcy won't be a worry, it's just a matter of getting it done.

Thanks again :rofl:


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And now for a brief 'plug', if I may!

My brother is opening an Aquarium here in Warrnambool,

and is expecting to be open in about four weeks. :rofl:

Located next to the ANZ in the Coles/Target car-park "Aqua Life" Warrnambool Aquarium will be suppliers

of cold water & tropical fish, as well as being the regions only dealer of Tropical Marine Species.

Also supplying off-the-shelf aquarium kits & custom made creations

that are a beautiful piece of furniture in their own right.

Stockists of tanks, filtration systems, UV lighting, pumps, aquatic plants & decorations,

specialised foods including live & freeze-dried foods, water treatments & medications & profesional advice.

Having secured both National & International suppliers of quality Aquarist equipment - if he hasn't got it, he'll get it!

This will be the regions only store dedicated to fish keeping, so if any of you care for your fish

as well as you do your doggies, give him a go! :rofl:

Tristan has spent two years preparing for this and I want him to succeed!!!

Keep an eye out for the stores' opening and pop in for a browse....

I popped in there today and the painters & plumbers have finished and the carpet

will be done this week so things are finally happening. :rofl:

Edited by jerojath
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:rofl: Sounds awesome, I seen you brother in Bunnings the other day and I was gonna introduce myslef but thought he might have thought I was wierd just bowling up to him to say hi, although I did ask him if he needed help :rofl:

I will definatley head in to check out his new shop!!

Are you still heading to the show this weekend, Good luck, Im sure the Goldies will do great!!

Just a reminder to the ones here that train at Brierly, there is no training on Sunday!!

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Well good luck from us, like I said Im sure you will do well!

Did you get the photo yet that got taken last sunday?? Hope you get a chance to post it once you do I'd love to see it!!

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Well good luck from us, like I said Im sure you will do well!

Did you get the photo yet that got taken last sunday?? Hope you get a chance to post it once you do I'd love to see it!!

I received a 'concept' shot, but I'm not happy with it.

Haven't reveived the rectified pic yet, but here it is anyway...


Also got some recent shots of Hudson - my boy in Western Australia.....



I think this dog is just awesome. Wish I'd kept him!!!

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good luck this weekend J.J. Hope its not another 4.30am start again for you all. Hudsons a full on cutie...those ears are amazing!

BTW...How did you go with the job interview from a few weeks ago?

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Hi South West Victorians,

I'm in Koroit, 20 mins from Warrnambool. Sorry for the delayed reply i don't venture outside the cav thread very offen.

Good luck in Hamilton, I hope to spectate on the Sunday.

Hi Cavalblaze! :) Welcome to our little thread!

Hope to see you at Hamilton - I'm the one with the two baby vizslas.

Drop by here from time to time - we often get together for a walk on the beach etc. ;)

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JJ, Hudson is definatly a looker!! Love the name to it was on my short list when I got Bronson.

is the other pic of Amy?

Thanks tlc. Yes I like his name too - he was named after the Hudson River, Canada, where his owners recently moved here from. His registered name is Jerojath Tangambalanga.

Yep - the other pic is Amy.

We've got Hamilton KC Championship Show tomorrow, and one of Hudson/Tarni's brothers is entered; Jerojath Tarrington (Ollie). This is Ollies first show and will be interesting as he hasn't had a lead on him since he left us, as he lives on 7000 acres and has free-run of the lot!

His owners are wheat farmers and he spends his days riding in the tractors or on the back of a motorbike!

I haven't seen him since he was 8 weeks so I'm looking forward to seeing how he turned out....

Hope to see some of you there, I think RJ and Pandii were going to try to get there for a look.

Would gladly have offered anyone a ride but we have family staying with us from WA and they want to come along so we have a full car!

Will let you know how we fared here when I get home.... :)

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