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Keep her off all beef CB it robs the body of Calcium to digest it, if you want to keep her on beef ( if she is on that ) then double or even triple her Calcium dose, if she were mine i would just feed her chicken if she would eat it, dont worry too much about her not eating dry , she will start taking a little by hand when the room stops spinning, it must be terrible for them to go through...hope she comes good for you really quickly.

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Well Hullo there Tenties!

Where you been hiding?

I went past your place yesterday... gave you a toot.

I actually planned to stop on the way home for a quick visit and to meet BJ and the others,

but I had three snakes in the car who were getting very cold and cranky due to a long delay getting home.

I just had to get them under some heat again.

I will be up and down from Melbourne a lot over the next few weeks so I'll pop in next time I am going past at a sensible hour.

How have you been anyway? What's the latest with your eyes?

Edited to add... some good advice there Tenties... I find Chicken Necks fantastic for this.

Edited by jerojath
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Well Hulloooooo there JJ,

I've been around just busy is all, im off to Adelaide at the end of this month for our 2nd Breed National, i only have BJ & Buzz entered but will be taking 5 along for the ride

You could have popped in to warm those Snakes by the fire or even in the fire if that took your fancy mmmmmmm BBQ Snake, sounds tasty :laugh::scared::bolt:

I dont have milk here if you will be wanting a coffee ??? but real men dont drink milk ....so im told :p

What happened to those Lizard babies .. anything ???

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No milk??? :eek: Can't stop for a coffee then. Got any beers in the fridge?

We missed out on lots of babies this year... all mated too late in the season, it's happened to a lot of people this year. The weather has been so strange that lizards were mating but not ovulating is my guess.

The bluetongue we had pregnant here went into hibernation outside. I have never had that happen before so I don't quite know what to expect... she may have had them and eaten them or maybe she slows down and will birth in the warmer weather :confused: .

I was at blokes house yesterday who also has Bluetongues and he said the same thing... lots of fat bellies around and then no babies... they all just went into hibernation! Dunno about this 'global warming' bizzo... seems to me it's getting colder!

I must say I love all the lizards hibernating... my feeding bill has reduced significantly of late!

So many animals to feed here at the moment... takes me nearly two hours on feeding days.

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Am planning on popping into the big green shed to buy a garden sprayer at some stage tlc was gunna sneak up on you at the counter and if you were serving i was going to stand behind them and pull faces at you :laugh: ......well might see you then ? if your still not crook that is ??

Can you tell i'm bored.... and bloody freezing as well :laugh:

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Sounds like it action stations for all and sundry.

I too am on watch but for us its house watch hopefully this week we will be the proud new owners of a new house after far too many stresses and b*llsh*t but anyways as long as we get to move in and resume our lives that have been on hold for the last 12 months all will be worth it. I will have so much more free time Yipppeeeeeeeeee Hello world.

Not to mention all the stuff that has been in storage for the last 12 months will be like all new stuff :laugh:

Cavelblaze was out your way today too, not sure that I would have been much help tho have never bottle fed a pup before plenty of calves and lambs but never a pup.

JJ how exciting (well it will be when it happens) for you guys bet you have some excited kids at your place, let me know if you need a hand at feeding time I am happy to help out with the ones I know how to help out with that is :eek:

Well I will be after I have been to dentist tomorrow anyway and get rid of this rotten tooth ache I have had that has given me a head ache.

But I think I'm fairing (not sure if thats how its spelt ?)better than poor TLC :cry::cry::cry:

I'm Happy to bring you some noodle box for lunch if you think it will make you feel better TLC or even Logans special ;)

Tenties I saw you the other day heading to your Mums and I waved but you didn't see me :cry::cry:

Hope Mawson didn't get caught out in this rotten rough weather I know I would get a tad sea sick out on the water in this kind of sea :eek:

Ok time to put the boy to bed.

Cheers Janet

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Glad to hear you are finally moving in RJ! :thumbsup:

Your 'babies' here are doing really well... eating me out of house and home, competing with the TV with their croaking etc. It is really amazing how their condition has improved in the short time they have been here, they've put on a lot of weight, they have gone from grey to green again and croak a lot! Good news.

Will call for help too, should we need it with puppies but I am sure we will be fine. I'm not expecting any dramas and have tube-fed entire litters in the past alone and pulled through ok.

I am pretty sure Mawson and boat are tucked-up in a sheltered bay for the duration of this awful weather... not sure where, exactly... tlc do you know?

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JJ so glad that the "babies" are doing great I just felt and still do feel sick over what happened.

Cant wait to come and see which of the greens you have (havent told the child what happened as he was in tears over them going to a new home and told me off for it :o:o asked me if I would do that to him and he saw one of them as his oops)But if all goes well when we get settled I will get more and lets hope you can get some babies and I will get them off you :D :D especially the red eye's Will be keeping my license up to date just in case :laugh::laugh::laugh: you just never know what you may find.

Dont think I would be any help with puppy feeding was thinking more like umm frog or lizard feeding but happy to puppy watch any time :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Have the red eyes croaked yet they have the funniest sound with their little trill at the end. I really must come and see them (I have to admit to puting it off due to I will then know who didnt make it :cry::cry: See I am a wimp)

Ok must be gone Cheers Janet

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Just quickly, I have heard the RETF's croaking the last two nights because I am sleeping in the lounge-room near to them. They may have croaked every night but can't hear them from the bedroom.

They also croak when I mist them. :)

Tarni loves them too... just sits and watches/points them all day while they climb around. :laugh:

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I haven't caught up with Maws for the last two days but I know they were expecting 9 meter swells. On the 5th they were heading for shelter and the bad weather was going to hold them up by 5 days or so.

RJ, what time is your dentist app? Might take you up on that lunch offer, if I can stay upright for longer than 5 mins, not sure how I'm going to go getting to the doctors!

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Survived the night, not much sleep in this household but at least i managed to keep them alive along with my daughter who has a 40 degree temp.

2 of the larger pups are refusing the bottle, only try my best and figure if they get hungry enough they will eventually take it. Lele is ok, i had to introduce 2 smaller pups back to her at 4am as i could feel the heat starting to develop in her utters and they were massive! She had milk pouring out everywhere the poor dear.

She has handled 2 pups really well, i do 20 minute feeds every 4 hours. I'm now rotating the pups so they are all getting a feed off mum. Vet saids providing she is still recieving the injections prior to feeds and we start getting the suppliments into her too, we can increase that to 3 pups every 4 hours and monitor how she goes. That would make things alot easier.

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:wave: Hi RJ,

Didnt see you , when im driving i have tunnel vision...went out past your house the other day, it looks like someone is living there , doesnt look vacant, i was trying to point it out to Mum and was saying ...its the one in there being built lol...alas its built now so was a bit hard to spot ......

CB, glad to hear all is going well with the pups and Lele... fingers are still crossed for them just in case of a relapse...

JJ, have you seen the video on MSN news of the Python Swallowing the Alligator then popping and the Alligator getting out ?? the Python is HUGE , i must say i felt sorry for it though, i take it, it would die after that ???? ( would the Python be an Anaconda ?? )

Edited to correct spelling.....

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No, and I can't find it anywhere!

Can you post a linky please?

Edited to say...

Someone else just emailed me this story.

Apparently it occurred in rural Florida USA and the Alligator (native to the area) was swallowed by a Burmese Python.

Burmese Pythons grow to 12 foot + but have been known to reach 20 feet in length.

These snakes aren't native to Florida (or indeed anywhere in the USA!) but are released illegal pets.

There is reasonable steady traffic of these being smuggled into the US and when they reach an unmanageable size, keepers have been irresponsibly releasing them into the Everglades, as they can't publicly advertise them for sale etc.

They have become such a problem that Florida State Govt actually license hunters to kill them. They are competing heavily for food as they (and their numbers) grow and I'm not surprised to hear one has tried it on with an Alligator!

Obviously the snake didn't survive, and while I've not heard details I wouldn't imagine the Alligator would have survived either as the Burmese are constrictors, squeezing their prey before swallowing.

Edited again to add...

A private keeper in the US recently died after being consricted by his pet Reticulated Python, a close relative of the Burmese.

He has kept the snake for over 20 years, and while accessing its enclosure to replace the snakes water he obviously paid no attention to tha snake or was day-dreaming at the time and was grabbed by the 16 foot snake.

The snake constricted the man and was about to begin devouring him when the mans friend walked in on the goings-on and promptly killed the snake with an axe, but it was too late.

Another incident recently (again in the USA) where a small pet Python escaped it's enclosure in the home and promptly headed for heat... namely an infants cot.

The snake constricted and killed the baby.

THIS is why we have such strict regulations in Australia.... it seems the US is just a free-for-all.

I have a snake less than 5 feet long and he is so nasty, fast and strong that he scares the s@#t out of me and there is no way I would let Agro near the kids... even at that size he could kill Jasmine or Jemma... imagine if he was 16 feet long! :eek:

Geez, can you tell I'm bored much? ;)

Edited AGAIN to add...

On Saturday I had the exciting privilege of handling a large African Royal Python.

These are illegal in Australia (although there are a few around!) and the owner finally trusted me enough to let me see him. And of course I just had to have a hold... what an amazing experience... I had 'tingles' all over! :laugh:

Edited by jerojath
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