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I agree with everything people said so far. :rolleyes:

Here I would like to explain why not to give a command. I think we agree that the dog is still learning and therefore his behavior is not the end behavior you want. Let's say you do call it 'tomato' and I am your dog :laugh: . If you say 'tomato' now I would think: "hmmm yes I know, it's something to do with the plank and stopping when you stop".

You will have hard time reshaping it if you start putting it on cue now and the dog has a wrong idea of what you are trying to teach him.

In obedience it works coz the dog is already in heel doing the right thing so you are not shaping it.

As for stopping on the end few things helped me:

1) the target plate (I did with it with one of my dogs)

2) releasing the dog from the plank (so the dog has to wait in 2o2o until released): I think it's the most important step as it lets your dog know that stepping on the 2o2o is not the end of the exercise. The end is to stay there until released.

Ok so I won't sound like I'm singing Laffi's trumpet - she does make a good point and I do agree.... except with one thing :laugh:

I still wouldn't put a cue on any behaviour (including heel, drop, sit etc) until they are reliably doing it. If we stuck the cue on the behaviour while the dog is also being lured into position in an obedience sense, what's to say they won't pair the command with - food in hand, follow food and they aren't even paying attention to what their body does.

Therefore, until the dog is offering the behaviour reliably and in one clean sweep (eg: a nice down following your hand signal/ food) then I would not add the command yet. I wouldn't be commanding 'down' while the dog is mugging your hand for the food..... for a variety of reasons :thumbsup:

Same with heeling - I won't be saying 'Heeeeeeel" while the dog is mugging my hand for the food. In fact the command is one of the LAST things to be added in :cheer:

Oh and definitely releasing from the plank will help.

to introduce movement - be with him while he hits the 2o2o, take a step away - click - come back, reward and release... just as though you were teaching a stay. do that before you try and run past the dog :laugh:

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Ok, here is what I did last night:

This morning I did some training again and he got 4 out of 5 times right

Finally got to watch it :laugh:

totally agree with what Laffi said - make sure you are facing in the direction your dog is facing - as this is our 'end behaviour' when running an agility course :thumbsup:

Put some non-slip stuff on the board - you should be able to find some stuff from bunnings or Kmart pretty cheap - this will make him go even faster :cheer:

Rev him up before letting him loose.... "readddyyyyy settt...... GO" and release him to get his 2o2o :laugh:

He's doing really well - you should be so proud :rolleyes:

I have been doing as both you and Laffi said but I still dont think he really knows what he is doing. Last night i walked with him along side it and kept walking...and so did he. It seems he only stops in 2o2o just cos thats just where i stop. I am finding it very difficult working without giving him a command and my partner thinks its just stupid! He thinks I should give a command and then shape it without a command later on because he just doesnt think Jordi will understand it...Just like with obedience. When at the heel position, after a while the dog eventually sits next to you by himself...

Huff...i dunno, its too hard!

Would another video help?! I could try and do one this weekend with a friend of mine and her dog knows nothing except a nose touch???

That would be Great!!!!!

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heidii I subscribed to you.. Your contact work is looking good!! much better than jocks when I finally decided to do something about it.

You guys are doing REALLY well..

lol I'm known as sammiimichellii (other nickname) on youtube, lol working on other vids as well as agility lol, there's footage of my other agility dogs. (lol in training)

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heidii I subscribed to you.. Your contact work is looking good!! much better than jocks when I finally decided to do something about it.

You guys are doing REALLY well..

lol I'm known as sammiimichellii (other nickname) on youtube, lol working on other vids as well as agility lol, there's footage of my other agility dogs. (lol in training)

Thanks smisch! I will def have a look at your beautiful doggies!

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Ok...Day 6 and here are the results:

A little better than Day 3 I think, however he really didnt want to play with his toy today conpared to training on day 3.

I think he looks awesome :rolleyes: ! just a little tired/sleepy

I only train my dogs when they are really eager because otherwise they will always think agility is :laugh: time.

I want to condition agility with the most exciting thing ever, so I only train when they are most excited, like when I come back from work.

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heidii - you are both doing awesome :)

I hope you don't mind me making a few comments?

*Don't face him front on - face side on - so he is either on your LHS or RHS

*when he went to the contact without being told, don't tell him to get off - REWARD it - it's awesome as it shows he knows what you want and later refine that.... you want him bursting his guts to get there

*You are doing great to get his interest in his toy :cheer: A couple of things would be once he wins it - don't run to him, run away from him and perhaps have a 2nd toy on you. If you let him win and then run into him, it can also de-motivate the dogs :rofl:

*Rather than swishing it around in his face, how about dragging it on the ground a little?!?!?! hitting his paws with it etc?!

*Don't pester with the toy - if he doesn't want it - hide it behind your back saying to him 'ooh where is it!? where did it go?!" and then whip it out again to wiggle it around the game. The dogs love this as if they don't chase it - it disappears!!!!

*I also like to start training with a bit of a tug - it tends to switch the dogs into training mode and also increases motivation for the tug.... sometimes I won't pull the tug out again at all and other times I will use it again in training :laugh:

Just some pointers, but well done to you - it's coming along really nice :wave:

Edited by leopuppy04
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heidii - you are both doing awesome :laugh:

I hope you don't mind me making a few comments?

*Don't face him front on - face side on - so he is either on your LHS or RHS

*when he went to the contact without being told, don't tell him to get off - REWARD it - it's awesome as it shows he knows what you want and later refine that.... you want him bursting his guts to get there

*You are doing great to get his interest in his toy :rolleyes: A couple of things would be once he wins it - don't run to him, run away from him and perhaps have a 2nd toy on you. If you let him win and then run into him, it can also de-motivate the dogs :laugh:

*Rather than swishing it around in his face, how about dragging it on the ground a little?!?!?! hitting his paws with it etc?!

*Don't pester with the toy - if he doesn't want it - hide it behind your back saying to him 'ooh where is it!? where did it go?!" and then whip it out again to wiggle it around the game. The dogs love this as if they don't chase it - it disappears!!!!

*I also like to start training with a bit of a tug - it tends to switch the dogs into training mode and also increases motivation for the tug.... sometimes I won't pull the tug out again at all and other times I will use it again in training :rofl:

Just some pointers, but well done to you - it's coming along really nice :rofl:

Some great suggestions leopuppy! Thank you, I will def keep them in mind!! Hopefully I will be going up a class tonight *fingers crossed*

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Last night Jordi went AWESOME at agility training. I showed my instructor and she was so impressed so we went up a class!! Yay!! Next class includes teaching to jump like 5 jumps in a row which he ACE'd!!!! He even went on the DW and then EVEN DID THE CONTACT AT THE END!!! I was soo impressed with him!! We have also started the 2x2 weaves, just getting him to drive through the middle of two poles! All up A FANTASTIC NIGHT! Thanks for EVERYONEs help, its been great!

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Last night Jordi went AWESOME at agility training. I showed my instructor and she was so impressed so we went up a class!! Yay!! Next class includes teaching to jump like 5 jumps in a row which he ACE'd!!!! He even went on the DW and then EVEN DID THE CONTACT AT THE END!!! I was soo impressed with him!! We have also started the 2x2 weaves, just getting him to drive through the middle of two poles! All up A FANTASTIC NIGHT! Thanks for EVERYONEs help, its been great!


:):rofl: :rofl: ;) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::)

Your great work is paying off :rofl:

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