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Labrador Puppy


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Our puppy is arriving on or after 9th June. We want to be prepared and would like to have lots of tips as to how to handle a new puppy. I believe Labrador puppies are quite energetic.

Any advice welcome.


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Our puppy is arriving on or after 9th June. We want to be prepared and would like to have lots of tips as to how to handle a new puppy. I believe Labrador puppies are quite energetic.

Any advice welcome.


Hi & welcome

Just a few things and others will add more, anything you like to keep put it up because they are great chewers and it doesnt seem to matter what it is :laugh:

Buy some good chew toys that will keep it entertained

Ours is now 9 weeks and is settling in well. It will take a few days for it to settle in but you will adore it anyway :thumbsup:

Keep your eye on it inside because as mine does dissapear for 5 seconds and it poops on the floor :D but is getting better at going outside.

And plenty of puppy photos on the labrador pages.

Edited by BlackLab
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Come and join us in the Labrador thread :thumbsup: I can't help much with advice (I adopted a docile adult Lab, LOL) but others in the thread are breeders and also some members are awaiting the arrival of their new babies (I believe one of our members is picking up her baby about the same time as you??), so there are plenty of people there to share your tales of woe to and to get good advice :laugh:

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I agree especially with keeping anything you do not want chewed up out of reach. Also things like computer leads, any power leads, because mine seem to be able to find them and they feel very nice for them to chew.

Also get as much info from your breeder on the diet they have been on and change gradually if you are going to change the diet.

Other than that lab puppies are so much fun. They seem to have crazy spurts of energy, but then just collapse where they are and sleep. Also keep your puppy a healthy weight, not too roly poly, but not too lean either to avoid any joint problems as they grow. Keep forced exercise to a minimum, no long walks until they are past the growing period.

Avoid the puppy climbing lots of stairs or jumping as well, so no damage is done to his joints.

There a lots of different things to think about, but your breeder hopefully will give you all the info you need, and you can always ask here, which is great.

Main thing is have fun with your puppy and remember that it will probably chew, poo, and do naughty stuff for a while and you need to be consistent and patient with training.

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have fun [/b]with your puppy and remember that it will probably chew, poo, and do naughty stuff for a while and you need to be consistent and patient with training.

Whatever you give a lab is returned two fold in my book, they are amazingly smart and loyal companions....we all say that you are about to be owned by a labrador.....this is very true, but I would not want to be owned by anything else....join us on "Those Crazy Labradors" in the Breed sub forums, you will hear lots of funny stories. See lots of lovely photos and there is always someone there to give advice if it is needed....it is just fun to be part of the wonderful world of labradors....just remember the first lot of advice....if you don't want to lose it put it up.....have fun with your new baby we would love to see photos...

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To be owned by a Labrador is very special and you will be one of the luckiest people in the world. :p

THings to remember are easy, bored labradors (especially pups) are destructive labradors. Keep things around him that will keep him busy. Toys, treat balls, plastic drink bottles make great toys because they can have a small hole cut in one section and if the pup rolls it around not only will it make great noise but he can get biscuits out of the hole. :eek:

Puppy preschool and eventually obedience trianing are essential for any breed but Labradors thrive on it. They need boundaries, they need to know who is the 'Alpha' in the new pack they live in. After all a Labrador lives and loves to please.

Lots of loves and cuddles, lots of games (age appropriate of course) lots of swims and walks etc and you will have no trouble.

See you in the Labrador thread and one more thing to remember...



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Our puppy is arriving on or after 9th June. We want to be prepared and would like to have lots of tips as to how to handle a new puppy. I believe Labrador puppies are quite energetic.

Any advice welcome.


Hi there,

I am picking my puppy up on the 6 June I am very excited. Is yours a male or female and what colour?

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:eek: Pioneer.

We just got our new lab pup Archie on Saturday. He's very energetic but with lots of toys, interaction and short training sessions, he keeps very occupied. He sleeps alot ! We are crating him to help with toilet training and it works for the most part. Others have already mentioned but pick up anything lying on the floor, or expect it to be chewed, eaten, dragged across the room etc.

Like any pup they are eager to please but our little boy has so much love and happiness to give it constantly amazes me.

We have kept him on the food the breeder was giving him - royal canin - but will branch out to some fresh stuff and variety etc. when he's settled a few more days.

Be consistent in teaching him right and wrong, set boundaries within your house and family and make sure the human members of the family stick to those agreed 'rules'. They are very quick learners, and puppy school is highly recommended for socialisation etc.

good luck, look forward to seeing your pup !!!!

ps. there are some good sites around, google and you shall find !

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We too have a new puppy, Maddie...we've had her for 9 days now & for the most part she's doing very well & is learning fast. She's such a beautiful little thing with lots of love & funny antics. :eek:

The main issue we have at the moment is her sleeping thru the night. We have her in the kitchen which is baracaded off with her crate, bed, water, toys & newspaper on the floor.

We are being woken up every 3 hours or so with her whining & clawing at the wire of the play pen we put across the kitchen entrance. This morning we found that she had gotten out somehow & had free reign of the house. We think she may have climbed the wire & jumped over (clever puppy, LOL). She has gotten out before but we managed to fix it, (so we thought), but she seems to be happy & quiet when she does get out.

I know that we're meant to ignore her when she whines etc but it echoes through the house & there is no way we can sleep with her carrying on like a pork chop! :laugh:

I am thinking of making up another fence out of a wooden play pen we have but the bars of the pen seem to be just a little too wide so we're scared she might get her head stuck.

We're just not sure what else we can do as both the bathroom & laundry are quite small so having her XL crate in there would not give her much room for anything else (newspaper etc).

Is there anything else you guys would suggest we try as all this broken sleep is really taking its toll on our relationship, work etc as our patience is wafer thin.



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We too have a new puppy, Maddie...we've had her for 9 days now & for the most part she's doing very well & is learning fast. She's such a beautiful little thing with lots of love & funny antics. :eek:

The main issue we have at the moment is her sleeping thru the night. We have her in the kitchen which is baracaded off with her crate, bed, water, toys & newspaper on the floor.

We are being woken up every 3 hours or so with her whining & clawing at the wire of the play pen we put across the kitchen entrance. This morning we found that she had gotten out somehow & had free reign of the house.

Hi Adz

Have you considered putting (locking) her in the crate at night rather than in the pen with the crate inside ? You will need to get up for her to toilet but this is a good method not just to toilet train, and to contain her, but it's also a place for her to feel safe and cosy.

Does she toilet on the newspaper ?

She will take a while to settle down - you're doing the right thing by leaving her (unless she needs to toilet) so just give her a bit more time.

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Hi Adz

Have you considered putting (locking) her in the crate at night rather than in the pen with the crate inside ? You will need to get up for her to toilet but this is a good method not just to toilet train, and to contain her, but it's also a place for her to feel safe and cosy.

Does she toilet on the newspaper ?

She will take a while to settle down - you're doing the right thing by leaving her (unless she needs to toilet) so just give her a bit more time.

We have been closing the door every now & then when she goes in there & saying 'Good girl Maddie' and she is normally quiet & is happy to be in there. Maybe putting her in the crate at night is the way to go.

Yes she does toilet on the newspaper so she's really good in that aspect...except for the little mishaps here & there when we're home. We do put her outside every 2 hours or so so she can toilet out there, but she seems to like to chew tanbark & sniff around, rather than do her business! :D

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Our puppy is arriving on or after 9th June. We want to be prepared and would like to have lots of tips as to how to handle a new puppy. I believe Labrador puppies are quite energetic.

Any advice welcome.


Hi there,

I am picking my puppy up on the 6 June I am very excited. Is yours a male or female and what colour?

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Our puppy is arriving on or after 9th June. We want to be prepared and would like to have lots of tips as to how to handle a new puppy. I believe Labrador puppies are quite energetic.

Any advice welcome.


Hi there,

I am picking my puppy up on the 6 June I am very excited. Is yours a male or female and what colour?

I have asked for a yellow female. So we shall see if we will get our choice. Who are you picking yours up from? Ours is going to be from Doribank.

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Our puppy is arriving on or after 9th June. We want to be prepared and would like to have lots of tips as to how to handle a new puppy. I believe Labrador puppies are quite energetic.

Any advice welcome.


Hi there,

I am picking my puppy up on the 6 June I am very excited. Is yours a male or female and what colour?

I have asked for a yellow female. So we shall see if we will get our choice. Who are you picking yours up from? Ours is going to be from Doribank.

Mine is from Courtsum Labradors here in WA.

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