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Do Dogs Get Colds?


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My girl has been sneezing and sniffling and has a runny nose - and the boy has been sneezing a lot.

They're both a bit quieter but apart from that they're pretty much themselves.

Do dogs get colds and is it something the needs to be seen by a vet?


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Could be nose irritant or yes, could be the onset of Canine Cough.

Give them both doses of Active Manuka Honey. Purchase it from your Health Food Store and aim for a label that marks its 'active' ingredient as being of a level of anywhere between +20 - +35 (the higher the better). Some labels show the level in "MG's". MG400 is the equivalent of +30. It is expensive, but the upside of it is that it is helps the immune system so it is good for your dogs. The other upside is that your dogs will love it. You can give it from the teaspoon and/or you can add some water (don't use hot water). By adding it to water it helps for your dogs to remain hydrated. Don't put too much water with it though, as the dogs might guzzle too much and too much water can be detrimental as can not enough. The other upside is that it won't matter if your dogs don't have Canine Cough. And last but not least, the other upside is that you can use it for yourself as well.

AMH is a great holistic health assistant to have in the pantry at all times. It lasts forever :thumbsup:.

In the meantime, just keep things quiet for the next day or two to see how your dogs' symptoms pan out. This way, you won't be unnecessarily taxing their systems nor spreading Canine Cough around, if indeed that is what it is.

I don't think it is necessary to rush to the Vets right now. If they develop any signs of laboured breathing then yes, go see a Vet who will then prescribe anti-biotics. If it is Canine Cough there is no treatment for it other than rest and avoidance of drafts (as you would for any cold/flu). It is only secondary infection that you need to watch for. Don't panic/be alarmed if your dogs develop a raspy cough that ends with a sound that is akin to a bit of a gag. That is normal. The AMH will help sooth the throat as well.

Edited by Erny
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Most likely to be kennel cough. There are quite a few strains of it so your dog might not end up getting a cough but can still have snotty runny noses.

Keep them away from other dogs for the next week or so.

A vet can do nothing for them unless they get a secondary infection which can be treated with antibiotics. If they are generally happy then a vet trip is not needed.

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