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Puppy Chest Sounds Rattly


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Hi there,

I have a 10 week old puppy, he had is C5 vaccinations on saturday. Last night at 3h30 in the morning I woke up to him sounding like he had what we humans would describe as bronchitis ( his chest sounded wet, dont know how else to describe it)and he made choking noises after about 20 mins of being up and about he sounded normal again, just snored a lot. We are quite worried about it and this morning he seems fine, is eating etc but i phoned the vet and they want to see him later today. The vet nurse asked me to not bring him into the waiting room and when we get there we must go straight through to the consulting room as he could have something contagious, he has only been out my yard to go and get the vaccination! In the back of my mind i still think its the kennel cough vaccine that went up his nose.


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My boy had a similar reaction to his first kennel cough nasal spray. That night he got all snuffly and was so miserable for about 24 hours. I rang the vet the next morning and they said it was a normal common reaction. If your pup is not better after 24 hours i would be seeing a vet.

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